chenglou changed the topic of #reasonml to: Public channel logs at Discord:
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<thecontrarian> i installed bs-platform with yarn and everytime add anything else it recompiles all the stuff in bs-platform. is this normal?
<thecontrarian> even when i do yarn global list it still recompiles
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<chenglou> @thecontrarian that's a known issue in yarn unfortunately. `add` runs postinstall
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<Denommus> hey, anyone here? I'm having a problem with merlin
<Denommus> reasonReact.cmi is not a compiled interface for this version of OCaml.
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<ristos> Denommus you'll have better luck in the reasonml discord channel, that's much more active
<ristos> you might have the wrong compiler version loaded, or the wrong merlin version
<ristos> you have to make sure everything is the right version based on what the reason ml tutorial says for merlin
<Denommus> ristos: they helped me already, thanks
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