chenglou changed the topic of #reasonml to: Public channel logs at Discord:
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TheMoonMaster has joined #reasonml
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<TheMoonMaster> I'm doing some interop and getting a JavaScript object back, is there documentation on how to loop over that object key/value style? I'm looking to wrap those values in a new type.
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<reynir> TheMoonMaster: js_of_ocaml?
<TheMoonMaster> reason?
<reynir> Uh
<reynir> So, there are two javascript backends: js_of_ocaml and bucklescript
<TheMoonMaster> Oh! yeah, bucklescript
<TheMoonMaster> sorry, still really new to reasonml and trying to stand on solid ground
<reynir> ok, no idea then :)
<reynir> No worries! Check out also #ocaml or the reason discord channel. Both have more activity
<TheMoonMaster> will do, thanks!
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