solnic changed the topic of #rom-rb to: Ruby Object Mapper | Mailing List:!forum/rom-rb | Logs:
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<mbj> dkubb: I like the idea of the stream
<mbj> I think the indentation problem is a bit trickier-
<mbj> Mostly because we cannot poke into the last character to detect if we are on a fresh line, anymore.
<mbj> Also I dont see the reason to add a more complex solution than a mutable buffer. We dont have any reasons to emit into streams.
<mbj> Sure it is cool, but I dont think the "emit into stream" feature provides any additional value at this point.
<mbj> dkubb: I'm on an unstable wlan in train, so I'll comment on github to make sure messages and replies pass through
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<dkubb> mbj: good evening
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<mbj> dkubb: hi
<mbj> dkubb: Still sitting in that train, dunno if I get all messages.
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<splattael> hi all
<splattael> I have a meta question ;)
<splattael> can I ask questions about coercible gem?
<splattael> here :D
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<solnic> splattael: no, go home
<solnic> splattael: :)
<solnic> splattael: shoot
<splattael> damn :/
<splattael> ;)
<splattael> solnic: it's basically an old issue regarding rails' datetime coercion
<solnic> splattael: what about it?
<splattael> solnic: how can one poor guy (me ;)) coerce datetime coming from a Rails form.
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<splattael> solnic: maybe "fixing" the Rails form is the solution
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<solnic> splattael: I'm not planning to add any rails-specific stuff to either virtus or coercible
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<solnic> snusnu: ping
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<splattael> solnic: ok, thanks. Sorry for the noise!
<snusnu> solnic: yo, really busy tho, wassup?
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<solnic> snusnu: nothing if you're busy
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<mbj_> hello guys
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<mbj> Sorry I'm in munich, with my new client
<mbj> Will move back to remote work mid week than I can participate fully
<mbj> But now I consume to much beer and meet nice people ;)
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] mbj/unparser#17 (master - 9066f62 : Markus Schirp): The build was broken.
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