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<mongrelion> can I start using rom in my project already or should I wait a little bit more? If I can start to use it already, where is a good starting point to check out a how to put it all together? thanks.
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<postmodern> mongrelion, i would wait
<postmodern> mongrelion, pieces of it are done, but not the main components
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<splattael> mbj: hi there :)
<mbj> hi
<mbj> splattael: sorry
<mbj> splattael: got a phone call
<mbj> splattael: And forgot about the meeting...
<mbj> splattael: still there?
<splattael> mbj: yes :)
<splattael> mbj: np, I'm still reading mutant's source
<mbj> splattael: hah
<mbj> splattael: You found Mutant::Killer::Rspec ?
<splattael> yes
<mbj> splattael: BTW mutant is the last "dirty" projects of mine
<mbj> splattael: Mostly because it is not mutation covered
<mbj> I plan to fix this with the 0.3 release
<mbj> But probably this will go into 0.4
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<mbj> splattael: So writing a killer is basically: Identify tests to run, and run them.
<mbj> There are many identification strategies, what is the most common style with minitest?
<splattael> you mean file pattern?
<splattael> glob
<splattael> test/**/*_test.rb
<mbj> Where files for Foo::Bar would be?
<mbj> test/unit/foo/bar_test.rb ?
<splattael> ah, ok. it depends ;)
<splattael> yes
<splattael> I think same "rules" apply as for rspec
<mbj> so somehow a 1:1 mapping between subject (class) and killing test file
<mbj> The rom project has a file per public method
<splattael> ah ok
<splattael> file per class is mostly fine
<splattael> for minitest
<splattael> but it depends.
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<splattael> mbj: but I get the picture
<saturnflyer> hey mbj! sorry. I got distracted
<mbj> does the minitest api have a nice way to run a specific test file?
<mbj> saturnflyer: np, I was late also ;)
<splattael> saturnflyer: np we were late too ;)
<mbj> splattael, saturnflyer: Let me do a short intro about mutants design and the terminology
<mbj> Mutant has the concept of a "subject" that gets mutated.
<mbj> currently subjects are, scopes (::Foo, ::Bar), namespaces (::Foo::Bar**), instance_methods (::Foo#bar) and singleton_methods (
<mbj> The distinction between scopes and namespaces is new in 0.3, and not present in 0.2
<mbj> 0.2 is the current "stable" release"
<saturnflyer> ok
<splattael> ack
<mbj> Currently only the method subjects can emit mutations
<mbj> The other subjects delegate to method subjects per reflection
<mbj> So a scope subject (::Foo) will reflect about instance and singleton methods defined here
<mbj> instantiate method subjects and emits mutations
<mbj> These mutations can be injected into the ruby vm via the subjects api again
<mbj> This is done inside the runner
<mbj> The runner was greatly improved in 0.3
<mbj> The problem: There is no "per subject" configuration about how to kill a specific mutation
<mbj> Currently this information is global
<mbj> So you have to decide about a "subject => how to kill mutation" strategy, and use this over the whole project.
<mbj> So we can add a minitest killer, and add the options to set it globally
<mbj> Also note, each mutation is killed inside a fork() so side effects of the mutated code running do not leak into next tests and causimg them to fail
<mbj> Ideally we add both, the flexibility with subject <=> killer mappings and a minitest killer
<mbj> Often there is code in subclasses that is private and the mutations should be killed via an inherited parent class interface
<mbj> We should have some kind of a "kill expresion" that can go into a .mutant.yml file
<mbj> splattael, saturnflyer: Does someone of you know the internas of the minitest api?
<mbj> We cannot spawn a new interpreter and should bypass the cli if possible.
<saturnflyer> not well
<splattael> in minitest 5 you just do
<cored> hello all
<cored> mbj: I did not check mutant killer as I said because I spend all the time checking out Virtus::ValueObject bug
<mbj> cored: np
<mbj> splattael, splattael: That args think is the entrypoint we need.
<cored> apart from randomize execution of specs/tests what other things does mutant do ?
<cored> mbj: oh nvm, I have a log of one of our conversation
<splattael> mbj: I guess so yes
<splattael> for both, minitest unit and mintest spec
<mbj> Than we need a test unit strategy that is capable of generating the cli args per subject
<mbj> And call with this args.
<splattael> got it
<mbj> An interface such as Mutant::Strategy::TestUnit#command_line_arguments(subject) would work.
<mbj> If some of you would add this for the 0.2 branch with specs I'll port it to 0.3 before the next release.
<mbj> I'd not suggest to develop against 0.3 because the mutator was not ported fully to whitequarks parser.
<splattael> so "master" on github is 0.2?
<mbj> it is 0.2 with only the version bump for 0.3
<mbj> the "parser-unparser" branch has all the features for 0.3
<splattael> so we should start at tag 0.2.20?
<mbj> splattael: yeah
<mbj> splattael: This way you can easily test your changes as this tag is the last stable point.
<mbj> I think the master branch also has some runner changes already.
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<splattael> mbj: ok.
<mbj> As I said, I'll happily port your additions to 0.3
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<mbj> splattael: welcome back
<mbj> saturnflyer: ahm sorry, here welcome ;)
<mbj> saturnflyer: here are the logs to help you catching up with discussion
<saturnflyer> sorry. flakey internet
<saturnflyer> thanks!
<splattael> mbj: I would call the strategy MiniTest not TestUnit
<mbj> splattael: sure
<splattael> Minitest (for 5)
<mbj> splattael: I mix test/unit and minitest all the time.
<splattael> I think supporting MT 5 for now is ok.
<mbj> I'd love to deduplicate between the rspec strategy and the test unit strategy as far as possible
<mbj> Basically the rspec strategy only appends _spec.rb where the minitest/testunit one appends _test.rb for the test selection.
<splattael> true, so wie have spec-y things (rspec and minispec) and unit-y things (minitest and well "old" test/unit)
<splattael> wie -> we
<mbj> Ahh okay
<mbj> I forogt minitest also ships rspec style syntax
<splattael> aka minispec (or minitest spec) yes
<splattael> they use the same runner
<mbj> nice
<saturnflyer> we can configure our test suites to load any file. is my understanding correct that mutant currently just looks at the end of a file name for which way to handle it?
<mbj> no
<mbj> saturnflyer: Given a specific subject ::Foo::Bar#baz
<saturnflyer> ok
<mbj> mutant will decide based on current strategy how to kill mutations
<mbj> in the best supported "--rspec-dm2" strategy it will run tests in spec/unit/foo/bar/baz_spec.rb
<saturnflyer> i don't understand what you meant above then.
<mbj> It reflects on the classes namespaces and method name
<mbj> saturnflyer: Mutant identifies "subjects" these subjects are currently methods.
<mbj> So if you have a method ::Foo::Bar#baz
<mbj> mutant will execute a strategy defined action
<mbj> for rspec that action would be the execution of the specs spec/unit/foo/bar/baz_spec.rb to kill the mutations on ::Foo::Bar#baz
<saturnflyer> ok.
<saturnflyer> thanks
<splattael> mbj: `bundle exec rake ci` should pass on v0.2.20, right?
<splattael> with 1.9.3
<mbj> splattael: jo
<mbj> splattael: But the setup of devtools might be outdated
<mbj> splattael: I can create a branch that passes if you like!
<splattael> np I'm installing flog and flay :)
<mbj> saturnflyer: So for supporting another test framework we just need to add a new strategy
<saturnflyer> ok. got it
<mbj> saturnflyer: And deduplicate it with existing ones.
<splattael> mbj: it keeps saying "Flog is not available. In order to run flog, you must: gem install flog"
<splattael> although I've installed it
<mbj> splattael: bundle install; bundle exec ... ?
<splattael> true
<mbj> interesting ;)
<splattael> git co v0.2.20
<splattael> git checkout v0.2.20 # damn shortcuts ;)
<splattael> I've got branch "strategy-minitest" on
<splattael> I start hacking later from home :)
<mbj> watching
<mbj> saturnflyer: Feel free to ask your questions ;)
<saturnflyer> :-D currently bundling
<splattael> :D
<splattael> mbj: do you get the "flog" errors on this branch too?
<saturnflyer> "No parser configured for Ruby version 2.0.0"
<splattael> 1.9.3
<saturnflyer> bummer
<splattael> .travis.yml on master is lying ;)
<mbj> saturnflyer: The 0.2 version of mutant does need the mutant-melbourne gem
<mbj> And the mutant-melbourne gem only supports up to 1.9.3
<mbj> On the branch parser-unparser I'm porting to whitequarks parser
<saturnflyer> ah
<mbj> This is a pure ruby library supporting 1.8/1.9/2.0/2.1
<splattael> sry I guys, I have to run
<splattael> thanks for the insights, mbj :)
<splattael> cu
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<mbj> saturnflyer: What info you need to help us?
<mbj> I have to run soon, but I can spend some minutes to anser a question in depth.
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<saturnflyer> don't know yet. I'm still getting familiar. I'll push changes to my fork and ping you
<saturnflyer> thanks for all your help
<mbj> saturnflyer: np, thx for your time!
<saturnflyer> wtf!? I'm getting "can't modify frozen String from" a line in yardstick.gemspec
<saturnflyer> that is, during bundle install
<saturnflyer> that's odd. why would you need to dup the version?
<saturnflyer> running bundle update successfully so far. thanks!
<snusnu> saturnflyer: tbh i have no idea why rubygems tries to mutate the version string, but it obviously does
<saturnflyer> yeah. that's a bug
<snusnu> saturnflyer: we like to freeze all our consts, because well, they're supposed to be consts .. all our other libs do the #dup in the gemspec already, dunno why yardstick didn't do it till now
<saturnflyer> yeah. freezing makes sense. but it's strange that rubygems would try to manipulate that
<snusnu> saturnflyer: totally, i was *really* surprised when i saw that for the first time
<snusnu> i mean, what on earth do you need to mutate the version string for?
<snusnu> ...
<saturnflyer> yeah. currently digging into rubygems source to find out
<snusnu> cool
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<snusnu> mbj: around?
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<mbj> saturnflyer: for some reasons rubygems parses the gem version with gsub!
<snusnu> lol
<snusnu> mbj: got some time to talk in memory adapter ?
<mbj> snusnu: tbh, no!
<snusnu> damnit, thought so :)
<saturnflyer> looks like the frozen version problem may be in bundler, FYI
<mbj> saturnflyer: The last time I investigated it was in rubygems ;)
<saturnflyer> the only place I found gsub! related to the gemspec was from a yaml load. yaml doesn't mark frozen strings
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<snusnu> yo mbj
<mbj> snusnu: jo
<snusnu> mbj: up for in memory adapter talk? ;)
<snusnu> mbj: i want this to work
<snusnu> mbj: soon
<snusnu> mbj: now would be great too
<snusnu> lol
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<mbj> snusnu: jo
<mbj> snusnu: shoot your question!
<snusnu> mbj: ok, how does it work?
<snusnu> hehe
<mbj> snusnu: You need a gateway
<snusnu> yeah
<mbj> That gateway delegates all operations to an array of tuples.
<mbj> If you do #delete(tuple) you delete the tuple from the array
<mbj> if you do #each on the gateway you filter the tuples and yield the matching ones
<mbj> so pick an existing gateway and modify it.
<snusnu> so here's the thing, write ops need to propagate to the respective base relations tho, as long as the process is alive, you should be able to reach, say, all :people relation tuples
<snusnu> the sql adapter translates a relation to a sql string, Insertion operations might be *somewhere* in the tree of ops
<snusnu> my feeling is, that we need to "mimic" that, only, i have no real idea how to achieve that
<snusnu> it somehow feels like, ok, let everything do it's thing normally, but whenever a read/write is actually propagated down to a base relation, intercept there, and use the array of tuples stored in that "slot" of the hash that is the in memory database
<mbj> snusnu: At this change you should IMHO only write to base relations wrapped in a gateway
<mbj> Inmemory gateway for this instance
<snusnu> mbj: wdym by "at this change"?
<mbj> snusnu: s/change/stage/
<mbj> We dont plann write to joins currently.
<snusnu> oh yes we do
<mbj> snusnu: Start simple!
<snusnu> no, i'm afraid i have to say that's wrong
<mbj> We have to catch dkubb than
<mbj> Dunno how he plans to implement writes to joins
<mbj> I have some ideas
<snusnu> if we cannot write to joins, we can't support relationships, and worse, we cannot even "fake" them by simply having a mapper for a joined relations (say people and profiles), in relationship speak: people.has_many :profiles
<snusnu> mbj: it's already implemented
<snusnu> !
<snusnu> but there's no code that actually tries to "translate" it to either a QL or to access in memory structures
<mbj> snusnu: yeah it is
<mbj> snusnu: So it will work OOTB
<snusnu> yes
<snusnu> if we intercept at the right place
<mbj> snusnu: left and right will be gateways
<mbj> so *works*
<snusnu> yeah, at the leafs
<snusnu> so, we need to hook into the right place, and read from a big in memory hash
<mbj> snusnu: If you do gatewayed_relation.restrict(:foo => :bar) you get a gateewayed relation back!
<mbj> so you dont have to hook anything.
<mbj> It *works*!
<snusnu> no
<snusnu> at some point you need to specify the FROM part .. in which base relation the actual tuples live
<snusnu> and you need to access the hash at that base relation's name slot
<mbj> ?
<mbj> We are talking about in-memory
<mbj> now sql?
<snusnu> i just used it as reference
<snusnu> the thing is, data actually lives in base relations
<mbj> jo
<snusnu> and they are stored in a hash, with keys being the relation names
<snusnu> at every key, there an array of tuples, or rather, a base relation instance
<mbj> maybe
<snusnu> wdym?
<mbj> I'd do it in a differend manner
<snusnu> tell me
<mbj> There is a registry with a hash
<mbj> but you check out a gateway from that registry
<mbj> and that gateway will only know about a specific base relations tuples
<snusnu> ack so far, it's how i imagine it too
<mbj> so where is the problem? The gatewayed relations will always live in the correct leaves
<mbj> They'll bubble "up" while pusing RA ops down.
<snusnu> example: people.join(profiles).insert(tuple_that_contains_all_needed_attributes)
<mbj> people will be a gateway
<mbj> profiles will be a gateway
<mbj> so both gateways will consume #insert and add tuple to the array of in memory tuples!
<snusnu> where is the place to "intercept" that makes sure that eventually people attributes end up in registry[:people] and profile attributes in registry[:profile]
<mbj> the gateway "intercepts"
<mbj> automagically ;)
<mbj> people = in_memory_adapter.gateway(:people)
<mbj> profiles = in_memory_adpater.gateway(:profileS)
<snusnu> dude i don't get it .. somewhere there is a registry object that is backed by a hash keyed by base relation names … if an insertion happened, basically the respective base relation needs to be replaced in the correct "slot" because we're immutable
<snusnu> where does this code go?
<snusnu> there's no such thing as free lunch
<snusnu> unfortunately
<mbj> snusnu: if we have an in-memory adpater the list of tuples must be mutable.
<snusnu> mbj: but the axiom ops are not
<mbj> snusnu: no problem
<mbj> snusnu: my axiom-adapters send commands to mutable datastores also
<snusnu> of course, but imo that's not even the point, if the in memory db is immutable or mutable
<snusnu> at least not the core of what i'm not yet understanding
<mbj> adapter = => [tuple, tuple], :profiles => [tuple, tuple])
<mbj> okay?
<snusnu> right
<mbj> adapter.relation(:people) # an instance of in memory gateway
<mbj> InMemoryAdapter itself is frozen
<mbj> but does not freeze the list of tuples
<mbj> adapter.relation(:people) # an instance of in memory gateway having a ref to tuple list
<mbj> mutable tuple list
<mbj> the gateway itself is also frozen
<mbj> but does not freeze that specific ivar
<snusnu> right, that's all how i think it should work too, but my question is this, how is the gateway implemented? i.e. how does it make sure that in some "complex" joined/whatever'd relation, when write ops are already pushed down to the relevant base relations, it actually reads and writes from those?
<mbj> snusnu: The join node will be in memory and partition the inserts for you, so both gateways will be hit with the "part" of the tuples.
<mbj> snusnu: If you join two nodes from differend adapters you should get the join node back unwrapped.
<mbj> snusnu: Because you cannot push down!
<snusnu> let's not complicate it for now
<snusnu> (for my brain)
<snusnu> i know that code, i know how it "works"
<snusnu> that's why i said before it's already implemented
<snusnu> its already pushed down to the proper base relations
<mbj> And just accept left and right are gateways and append the tuple to the set of tuples tracked within the inmemory adapter.
<snusnu> when i see a hash of tuple arrays tracked inside the in memory adapter, i wonder how the content of that hash will be modified
<mbj> snusnu: the hash will not be modified
<mbj> only the arrays/sets the hash contains
<mbj> *as values
<snusnu> of course
<snusnu> i wasn't precise enough but meant that
<mbj> snusnu: for insert we'll do tuples << the_inserted_tuple
<mbj> @tuples << the_inserted_tuple
<snusnu> *where*
<mbj> for delete we'll do
<snusnu> ????
<mbj> Gateway!
<snusnu> *where* in there?
<mbj> def insert(tuple)
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<mbj> @tuples << tuple
<mbj> self
<mbj> end
<mbj> def delete(tuple)
<mbj> @tuples.remove(tuple) # assuming tuples is a set
<mbj> end
<mbj> # and Set#remove is ruby stdlib api ;)
<snusnu> i was just about to say those ops accept sets
<snusnu> but still, how does it work then?
<mbj> dude
<snusnu> lol
<mbj> [1, 2].to_set << 3
<mbj> works!
<snusnu> hehe
<snusnu> but
<mbj> 1 2 3 are tuples
<mbj> 1 2 are alrady in the adapter
<mbj> 3 was inserted
<mbj> Just DO it.
<mbj> :D
<snusnu> dude, i tried it already and failed
<snusnu> remember when i said i got inmemory working?
<snusnu> there's fuckin' code in dm-mapper that does NOT work
<mbj> snusnu: Because you did #insert on RAW relations
<mbj> WITHOUT a gateway
<snusnu> yeah
<mbj> so do it WITH a gateway
<snusnu> so, i don't understand the effect of the gateway properly it seems … if i completely rewrite #insert to access the in memory db, how on earth do i restrict that to only happen on base relations?
<snusnu> btw, i'm laughing already, because i *know* that i just don't get it, i'm not trying to convince you it's hard .. i just seriously don't get it
<snusnu> :D
<mbj> no problem
<mbj> snusnu: you dont rewrite #insert
<mbj> snusnu: You just intercept #insert
<snusnu> but i only need to intercept it if it's for a base relation, right?
<snusnu> if you say yes, and you then tell me how i can do that, i'm good
<snusnu> hehe
<snusnu> is it as simple as asking the wrapped relation if it is a base relation? and only then intercept
<snusnu> ?
<mbj> snusnu: it is
<snusnu> and if it were that simple, would it be a good way of doing it?
<mbj> snusnu: IMHO yes.
<snusnu> man
<snusnu> that was hard (for me) wasn't it?
<mbj> hah
<mbj> dunno
<mbj> busy ;)
<snusnu> lol
<snusnu> mbj: thx for bearing with me :)
<mbj> np
<snusnu> mbj: and as a sanity check, i would need to intercept #each for base relations and read from the in memory db there
<mbj> snusnu: If your gateway consumed a restriction you need to run that restriction against the tuples inside the base relation
<snusnu> mbj: and what/where is the base relation?
<mbj> snusnu: s/inside the base relation/the gateway/
<mbj> snusnu: It is not sooo super simple
<snusnu> right ...
<mbj> snusnu: But just start with operations on base relations!
<mbj> snusnu: Than try a cross gateway join ;)
<mbj> snusnu: bottom up
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<snusnu> mbj: believe me, what i want to have working, is the in memory adapter, and that alone, i don't care about fancy cross adapter joins (for now)
<mbj> snusnu: So start with a simple base relation wrapping gateway
<snusnu> mbj: i'm actually gonna give it a go i guess
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<snusnu> mbj: the whole gateway thing still confuses me tho, should i start by including into the gateway relation, have it wrap an adapter and a relation, or shall i actually return a materialized base relation subclass from in_memory_adapter.gateway(:people) and overwrite #insert #delete #replace and so on?
<snusnu> ugh, i can't stand my brain resisting so much against this ...
<snusnu> i mean, resisting against finally understanding how it's supposed to work ;)
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<snusnu> mbj: i guess the subclassing idea can't work
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<mbj> snusnu: The gateways are the *ugliest* part of the axiom adpaters.
<mbj> snusnu: Check the arango adapter gateway
<mbj> It is my latest and probably cleanest
<snusnu> ok will do
<snusnu> mbj: well, there's almost NO difference to the sql one
<snusnu> but that's because you also generate a QL
<snusnu> in memory is differebnt
<snusnu> what i mean is this, i don
<snusnu> don't get any new insights from looking at the arango gateway vs. the sql gateway
<snusnu> with a QL adapter, you need to visit the relation ast and produce statements
<snusnu> with the in memory one, you need to intercept at the right place
<mbj> snusnu: Just dont create a ql and excute the primitive operation against the tuples...
<snusnu> mbj: and basically copy the gateway, and add #insert #delete #replace methods that do "def insert(tuples) if relation.instance_of?(Axiom::Relation::Base); adapter[] << tuples; end"
<snusnu> mbj: ?
<mbj> snusnu: for example
<mbj> snusnu: but you can also call #insert on a rename
<snusnu> mbj: fuck it i'm just gonna do that now and see what it does
<snusnu> mbj: but eventually, tuples must be inserted into base relations
<mbj> snusnu: yeah play around!
<mbj> snusnu: And write specs ;)
<snusnu> mbj: axiom will propagate that down, won't it?
<snusnu> mbj: i will *start* with a spec
<snusnu> mbj: the way i "understand" it is that an Insertion basically pushes the relevant attributes to either self, left or right "until it's at a leaf", and that leaf is a base relation … ?
<mbj> snusnu: yeah
<snusnu> mbj: ok, then nothing special should be needed for things like #rename
<snusnu> mbj: only base relations need to be intercepted
<snusnu> mbj: if the gateway wraps a base relation, access tuples from the in memory db
<mbj> snusnu: But you have to keep the gateways wrapping nodes that have functional #insert
<snusnu> mbj: of course
<snusnu> mbj: so i need to intercept, and then, hmm .. damn
<mbj> snusnu: IMHO there should not be functional implementations for #insert and #update and #delete
<mbj> We could still have #union and #difference as functionals. The #insert and #update would be pushed down always.
<mbj> This would ease our job ;)
cored has joined #rom-rb
<snusnu> mbj: i guess i don't know what you mean
<snusnu> mbj: insertion is implemented by returning a proxy to a union'ed relation
<snusnu> mbj: do you mean we should just intercept union and difference if they act on base relations?
<mbj> snusnu: no
<mbj> snusnu: I'm going to sleep now
<mbj> snusnu: Can you release a substation with Substation::Chain support?
knowtheory has joined #rom-rb
<snusnu> mbj: hehe, yeah, can do so tomorrow
<mbj> snusnu: I could need this know, on a project where we cannot use git sources :(
<mbj> s/know/now/
<mbj> So feel pressure pls ;)
<snusnu> ok, i actually only haven't done it yet because i didn't get around to updating the README
<mbj> Going to sleep, you can also add me to rubygems I'll do the release.
<cored> solnic not around still
<cored> :-(
<snusnu> mbj: no worries, i'll do it so that when you wake up it'll be on rubygems
<snusnu> cored: he's asleep i'd expect, its 1am where he lives
<snusnu> mbj: or do you want me to do it *now*?
mbj has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
<cored> snusnu: oh, got it
<cored> snusnu: I'll try to make it early in the morning tomorrow then, so I can catch him