the memory adapter has write support already, right/
hey lgierth
lgierth: yeah it has.
snusnu: Having some conceptual problems. Will fix them and push.
that's good enough to get started with something
mbj: what about?
snusnu: Wrapping generic trackers around evaluator nodes, works. But you cannot get a full evaluator tree in tracking case easily. Only on errors.
snusnu: Basically the current design can only return an evaluator tree if an error was catched, this is not good.
snusnu: I need to be able to get a full evaluation tree for all "states".
snusnu: Everything else is just an optimization.
mbj: it's kinda hard for me to think about this stuff, without some code reference
snusnu: yeah
snusnu: I'll publish it soon, but for now its under constant flux.
snusnu: I hope its a big step forward, once done.
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snusnu: Seems I cannot easily create tracker that wrap evaluators to produce tracking behavior.
snusnu: I think I'll add some minimal interface to evaluators for that.
snusnu: Need to refactor it away later.
mbj: well, what can i say, i literally have no idea
snusnu: surry
mbj: heh no worries at all, i just think i can't be of any advice/help :)
i realize how you still might benefit from /dev/null ;)
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what is the difference between relations and base_relations in ROM::Schema's context?
lgierth: base_relations have a "physical" repesentation.
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lgierth: In database / remote-apis / whatever.
lgierth: "normal" relations are relations with an operand applied.
lgierth: You *can* think of them as a "view". But pls dont, they are far more powerfull.
so e.g. with couchdb, you could actually generate server-side view code from a certain subset of operations
lgierth: yeah
it looks as if the syntax is relation(:banned_users) { relations[:users].restrict(banned: true) }
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question, but right afterwards i thought, why don't i just try :p
lgierth: question or statement?
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snusnu: you might be interested in improving anima a bit?