hmm, i'm not concerned with the name MethodObject itself i guess, i wonder how to integrate the Public module on demand?
snusnu: IMHO Freestanding is better
include Concord.new(:foo, :bar), MethodObject
how would that work without the presence of concord, it wouldn't, right?
then it should be prefixed with the Concord namespace too
class Foo
def initialize(bar, baz)
@bar, @bar = bar, baz
include MethodObject
def call
@bar + @baz
Foo.call(1, 2) => # 3
use without concord ;)
oh, so you'd want to get at the arity without concord's help?
or did you think of a generic .call(*args) anyway (i wouldn't like that)
in any case, concord knows it already
but i do agree, that it might be useful to use with anima too for example
so yeah, maybe freestanding is indeed better
meh, what i don't like tho, is that for proper arity checks, the module needs to be included after #initialize was defined .. kinda disrupting the regular flow of declarations
snusnu: the module cann be included at any time
altho it might be ok for those (rare?) situations where neither concord or anima are used
snusnu: Because the def self.call(*args); new(*args).call; end will check arity
snusnu: You'll get a clear failure because the initializer will raise anyway.
No need to duplicate arity checks here.
mbj: you're probably right, it's enough to let #initialize do the arity check, and passing through from .call
although, the name is "taken" by something more beautiful already, that little gem wouldn't do it justice, heh
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mbj: otoh, maybe the reference to momo is ok, if you know what i mean ;)
mbj: altho it goes the opposite direction
mbj: actually, i don't like momo as a name for anything that *saves* time
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hey cored, sorry, didn't have any time for commenting on your PR last night
is there anything specific you need to know?
snusnu: is ok, no worries
snusnu: well, I was wondering parting from the code that's already there if there's another thing to be done
but there's no such thing as functionality at the moment, I have to make it work extracting the current task implementation for flay
and start using mine
kinda scare without proper tests, probaly I should ask mutant to just go and fuck my code up
heh yeah, refactoring devtools is a bit scary as it has no tests at all .. what i'd do, is write tests for the stuff you refactor, and "ensure" everything's still working by simply running it
no need to write tests that don't belong to the refactoring done in your PR
once more and more code gets well factored, we might take the time to do a more dedicated testing cycle
that's what I'm doing
my tests are just integration tests
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regarding the state of the PR, i'd just go forward and look how e.g the Flay#call method can be further destructured
I don't know exactly what should be the correct assertion at this moment, so that's why I'm planning to go ahead and remove the Task and try to use mine without a lot of changes and part from there
that's one of my problem, normally I don't know when is enough, I don't have that type of experience to know that's the code is good already
i guess it's fine to have unit tests for the stuff you write, and leave out integration testing for now, and just do sanity checks by running devtools manually
probably what I need to do is also ask reek/flay/mutant for that
snusnu: ok, I will move that then to be more granular in a more unit tests manner and try to make some tests by hand
that's one way to do it yeah, "but" you can get at it all by yourself with "simply" tackling larger methods with the goal to make them smaller .. cut out chunks that belong together, maybe introduce new objects that seem like nice places to fit the code in, etc
ideally, you'd try to write immutable objects as much as possible
you can ping me if you're at a point where you dunno how to make something work without mutating the objects
immutability is no hard requirememnt, especially not while getting familiar with the code and doing a few initial refactorings
eventually tho, it should mostly fit with the style we use in other related projects
well, at some point I will have to mutate state
otherwise the program will be useless, right?
you probably will have to, but please think hard about it ;)
so what we are aiming for is total inmutability of the core objects?
but yeah, don't think about it as a hard requirement, if you can improve the code with mutable objects, don't hesitate to just do it
then it leaves us with a situation where we can discuss the introduction of immutability more focused
cored: eventually, i guess it's safe to say that we aim for as much immutability as possible, altho you're right, there will probably always be mutable places left, i guess the goal is simply to minimize them
don't hesitate to start with just what you would do tho .. don't let immutability stop you from improving the code … you/we can always come back later and refactor again
I really also aimining to work like that on my own code
the goal of your PR is to better factor the runner code, with the goal of making it easier to *test*
it might be an interesting experience to do another PR at some point, removing mutabiity as much as possible
this way, you have more narrow areas to focus on
and you see the effects of mutability vs. immutability more explicitly
it really depends on how *you* like to do it tho .. i will definitely not reject improvements just because they use mutable objects ;)
mbj: ok, looking through whitequark/ast .. i'm starting to realize how using it would allow me to nuke otherwise special cased internal structures
mbj: re axiom-schema, that is
mbj: in fact, it's probably really a great generic way to store data collected by DSLs that is then used to build up the target structure using some processor that acts as what we previously mostly did with adhoc builder classes
snusnu: well, I will follow you lead, I'm a learning a bunch just doing this PR so it's a win/win
cored: great! and yeah, just go on refactoring stuff that looks fishy to you, maybe let yourself be guided a bit by tools like reek (i think that it's the most easy to "use" of them)
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snusnu: yeah
snusnu: Pls review backlog from yesterday I talked to dkubb about strategies to avoid finalization!
mbj: i've skimmed through that and i agree
mbj: the thing is tho, once you want to have the *convenience* of avoiding forward declarations or futures, you're stuck with having to define everything in the proper order
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mbj: btw, if that works for you, we could probably do a skype call later today evening
mbj: i probably won't go out tonight, as i already did that yesterday, and will do it again tomorrow :p
snusnu: Took me some cycles to end up with this API.
mbj: i see, and based on the position in the arglist to #children, you generate a method that accesses the children array at the respective index?
snusnu: Yeah
nice idea
snusnu: And some more domain specific shugar ;)
i will look at this in a dedicated refactoring cycle, i need to familiarize myself more with raw ast api before that i guess
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snusnu: hey, did you forget about last night? :-)
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postmodern: Heh, did saw the diff for that MRI issue. Just *expected* it to be more MRI-C-Magic ;)
postmodern: Probably my guess was correct.
postmodern: Parsers should be fuzzed, IMHO.
postmodern: Still thinking hard how to mutation cover a parser ;)
mbj, totally, input fuzzing probably ended up triggering the bug
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mbj, PHP had a similar bug too
postmodern: That PHP one is around 12 years old?
interested in the idea of replacing the complex bits of MRI with Rust/Go
postmodern: *month
postmodern: +1
I switched a smal "play/embbedded" project to rust already.
Lots of FUN. And feeling much better now :D
yeah i like the idea of having a smarter compiler and semantics
while memory mapped languages are fun, you can really shot yourself in the face with them
Personally I'd not write C anymore.
Rust just *looks* as a good successor.
But I dont write that much C anymore these days. So my POV is weak.
postmodern: Lets write a mutant for rust ;)
Best way to learn a language/runtime: Make a mutation tester for it.
mbj, that's what i was wondering, how difficult it would be to implement mutators/fuzzers for rust
mbj, it's LLVM based, so couldn't be too hard?
mbj, also they expose the parser via libsyntax
you could mutate the LLVM IM couldn't you?
postmodern: An AST or bytecode based mutator?
postmodern: AST mutators have the advantage of a nice diff ;)
then anything that LLVM works with could be mutated
postmodern: Bytecode based mutators have better granularity.
postmodern: But a full covering AST mutator is already LOTS of work.
how much flexibility do Rust's semantics give you? how many mutation options might you have for a simple statement?
dkubb: The LLVM IR makes it unable to generate a diff.
whops, I meant IR
mbj: I guess it loses information
dkubb: yeah
dkubb: Also some IRs you can generate do not have a valid code input.
postmodern: Rule of thumb, each node has "semantically adjacent and less powerfull" replacements.
postmodern: Also the obvious ones literals / control flow etc.
mbj: it's the same thing with any mutator, you can create an AST that cannot be created in the normal language
postmodern: I think we can easily get 50+ mutation operators.
dkubb: Its easier to follow the languages rule with AST based mutators.
it's too bad there wasn't some kind of specification defining standard labels for each mutation
dkubb: Also there is no clean bytecode => AST conversion. To show a diff a programmers brain can work with.
dkubb: In mutant?
dkubb: We could easily add it.
dkubb: But coming up with the label values would be hard.
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mbj: well, I was thinking if there were unambiguous names for things, then other libs could use the same terminology
mbj: once there's a shared vocab, then it's easier to jointly develop new operators
dkubb: We can define one. Need to make an index of all mutation operators in mutant anyways.
dkubb: Just for my personal "dick size war" - moments ;)
mbj: sort of like what whitequark did in his AST doc
dkubb: yeah
mbj: name each operator, and then contact other developers to see if you can work on standardizing things
dkubb: why not.
before we write a mutator for Rust, I'd just be interested if rewriting parts of MRI in Rust would actually prevent bugs
also something like QuickCheck for Rust would be cool
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postmodern: As always I'd love to get my hands dirty. But OSS time is limited ;)
postmodern: You remember that ducktrap thing I use as an "XSD for params-hash/json/yaml", currently rewriting it.
why rust specifically?
aren't there other, more stable languages, with much longer proven track records at stability?
dkubb: Its IMHO a good C successor, and can work like a plugin replacement.
not bashing rust, just wanting to understand what makes it better than others
There are some other stable languages, but IMHO they would not be pluggable as easy.
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Rust supports foreign calling conventions very easily.
ABI wise.
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mbj: in mutant, if I have a spec that covers a specific module's behaviour, will it be picked up under module_spec.rb ?
mbj: I have a module that I want to test the inclusion behaviour for, but I don't want to make a file like module/class_methods/included_spec.rb .. making spec files for private methods is a smell imho
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dkubb: The file name based selection strategy was removed.
dkubb: Mutant finds specs to kill mutations only via the rspec description.
dkubb: So if you have "Lib::SomeModule#foo" you need a test with this rspec description metadata.
describe Lib::SomeModule, '#foo' do
dkubb: I plan to ditch all this stuff and support a "kill expression2.
mbj: if I have describe Lib::SomeModule will it be used to kill mutations inside Lib::SomeModule.included ?
dkubb: no
describe Lib::SomeModule do
describe '.included'
will do
or describe Lib::SomeModule, '.included' do
these both are equivalent.
ahh ok
I don't like to have describe blocks for private methods
would you accept a patch to make it so it fallsback to running describe blocks for the module only?
dkubb: lets solve this stuff finally via kill expressions
dkubb: kill expressions will allow to describe a mutation-subject - killing-test relationshop
how do you see those looking?
Externally via a configuration file
I'm not sure
had serveral ideas already.
the describe stuff works alright though
aside from this specific issue
not totally
what problems do you have with the current strategy?
there are some domains that have lots of code that is exposed via a single public interface.
for example unparser.
I expect all mutations can be covered via Unparser.unparse
Especially for a lib that introduces mutation coverage these kill experessions will be really handy.
I love to spec the public interface of a Class/Instance
what about using TracePoint and automatically associating each example with the code it touches?
also a good idea
that'll allow pinpointing mutations
Its about implicit vs explicit coverage.
and it'll allow any spec organization method people wish
I will probably continue to do things the way I do though for normal classes
I like that a method's unit test fully covers that unit
I don't care about implicit coverage
Same here
but I wanna have something "in between" while I create explicit coverage.
going from full implicit coverage to full explicit coverage is more easy than from nothing to explciit.
That kill expression thing is an algebra systhem (that does not exist currently)
That allows to define how to select tests.
For a given subject.
So your edge case could be perfectly definded.
And people can also go for full implicit coverage via trace points ;)
dkubb: I'm thinking about a longest prefix match algorithm.
mbj: oh interesting
mbj: so most specific match
mbj: I think that would work well for most current purposes
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dkubb: Yeah you define a set of mutation matchers
dkubb: subject matchers, and the action to take.
dkubb: So you could also mix rspec and test unit in the same project ;)
dkubb: it would allow solnic to use his strategy (the implicit one)