i added a preliminary readme for ducktrap
well, i actually added an example for an EV + EC mapping :)
hello all
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mbj: within the next few days, i hope to come up with a rom compatible mapper that uses ducktrap under the hood (i.e. it automatically creates proper ducktraps based on a mapping DSL for simple attributes, EVs and ECs)
hey cored
snusnu: hello
hi mbj
snusnu: thx man
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[travis-ci] mbj/ducktrap#120 (master - 2f1bcef : snusnu): The build was broken.
snusnu: can you help me out with the extraction that I'm doing for devtools
cored_: what questions do you have?
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hey skade, just a little headsup re ducktrap (we were talking about it, right?), i've added a simple readme: https://github.com/mbj/ducktrap
snusnu \o/ thank you!
skade: as you can see, the api currently is rather verbose, but that can be optimized
skade: the "interesting" parts are in Person::TRAP .. it shows how to do EV and EC
jep, that seems interesting indeed
skade: i will try to come up with a rom compatible mapper that uses ducktrap under the hood for load/dump .. the goal is to create appropriate ducktraps automatically, based on information collected with a DSL
snusnu: I have a small lib that turns virtus 0.5.5 into representables
skade: axiom recently got support for #group and #ungroup (support for EC) and #wrap and #unwrap (support for EV)
didn't have the chance to upgrade, though
skade: interesting, i never used virtus or representable tho
representable is similar to ducktrap but works… well.. oddly. well, the interesting part is that virtus holds all the type info
yeah that's true, while virtus knows about the type info, anima doesn't, so a ducktrap/anima/mapper would need to provide typing info in the mapping dsl, in order to be able to construct proper ducktraps
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please, check out the changes I've been making to devtools tasks extraction