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<solnic> snusnu: hey
<solnic> snusnu: just read your chat with dkubb, something I want to mention is that I'd love if ROM was also as easy to use as AR if you want...something to keep in mind :)
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<mbj> dkubb, snusnu, solnic: Can we find a better name then develery, I always type it wrong.
<mbj> Also this time.
<mbj> devbox?
<mbj> devutil, devframe, dev....
<dkubb> cameron ;) j/k
<mbj> :D
<mbj> dkubb: I'd love to finish a split gem release today.
<dkubb> split gem?
<mbj> dkubb: master gem with code, -deps gem with Gemfile.devtools
<dkubb> ahh ok
<mbj> dkubb: So the devtools code is still semversioned
<mbj> Where the -deps gem can be more simple.
<mbj> But I need a better name.
<dkubb> gem naming is hard for me
<mbj> heh
<mbj> The new name we agreed on is not optimal
<mbj> I mistype it far to often.
<snusnu> :p
<mbj> Sure we can change it later.
<snusnu> hey guys
<mbj> snusnu: hey
<dkubb> hey guys, I totall forgot about MemoServ. I left snusnu and mbj a message there
<dkubb> I may use it more since we don't have a memo bot
<snusnu> i once suggested mddic (pronounced medic, translation: metric driven development in custody) … and mddric (pronounced metric, translation: metric driven development - ruby in custody)
<snusnu> dkubb: just saw that, fine with me!
<snusnu> dkubb: also thx for the axiom commit ;)
<mbj> "MemoServ" ?
<mbj> That bot we had in #datamapper
<dkubb> yeah, type in: /msg MemoServ READ NEW
<dkubb> medic would be an alright name
<dkubb> alright, maybe not optimal
<snusnu> yeah
<mbj> I like medic
<dkubb> or paramedic
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<dkubb> triage
<mbj> dkubb: I saw your rubysl/mutant tweet
<mbj> why not
<mbj> triage is also a nice idea
<mbj> all I heard is better then develry develery....
<dkubb> "pay immediate attention to particular priorities"
<dkubb> also "pick and cull" .. "the action of assorting according to quality"
<mbj> hehe
<mbj> I'm okay with triage.
<mbj> snusnu, solnic: ?
<dkubb> it's short too. I have no super *strong* opinion on it
<dkubb> "the process of deciding which patients should be treated first based on how sick or seriously injured they are"
<dkubb> it seems to fit
<dkubb> I would love to see it evolve into something that, instead of just shelling out to different tools, it runs the tools and parses the output, and then displays a priority list of stuff that needs to be fixed
<dkubb> with failure states for certain things based on some configuration
<snusnu> i'm fine with triage
<dkubb> btw, do you guys know what this is for:
<dkubb> what I mean is, are there tools that check this stuff on install?
<dkubb> I'm surprised it's not signed though
<dkubb> I would actually like to start signing my gems
<mbj> Free!
<mbj> dkubb: memozable and non zero arity methods. AFAIK: Dont do it.
<dkubb> nice. you should register it
<dkubb> hehe
<mbj> I see NO use case.
<dkubb> I really don't like the idea
<dkubb> I think it'll make the code too complex
<mbj> Apart from interesting tech conversation on how to do it.
<mbj> Yeah, there isnt a valid use case.
<dkubb> I mean, *if* it could be done with almost no overhead then I might consider it, but I think there's lots of drawbacks
<mbj> Maybe we should have a "call and memoize method with arguments" - object.
<dkubb> the zero arity case is going to be dead simple, but the nonzero arity case gets complex
<mbj>, argument).call
<mbj> external, not internal.
<dkubb> I would probably end up having two objects to handle both strategies
<mbj> Goona eat with family back in methods.
<dkubb> yeah I will bbl too
<mbj> dkubb: Think about an external memoizer, good enough afaik. It could also be a proxy.
<mbj> *only talking about the "with arguments" case.
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<mbj> procedure, I'll greate a "triage" rename brach and release from there.
<mbj> Once we are happy we move the repo, mergin that rename branch and pushing "pre-rename-master" to a newly created devtools repo.
<mbj> For having backwards compat.
<mbj> Till all projects get conveted to the triage one.
<mbj> If anyone sees a problem with this approach: Tell me within the next 60min.
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<solnic> mbj: triage sounds good
<solnic> although develry was really cool ;)
<solnic> maybe try writing it 100 times ;)
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<mbj> solnic: "develry" is not pronouncable for my mind.
<mbj> So I'll go with "triage" for now.
<dkubb> not sure how you're pronouncing it, but it's sort of like "tree-awge"
<dkubb> develry looked/sounded weird to me
<dkubb> it looked like devil-ry
<mbj> dkubb: in german I'd do: "tri-age"
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<mbj> snusnu: you are available for a min, talking about how to split gem dependencies.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] rom-rb/devtools#187 (triage-rename - fc43b46 : Markus Schirp): The build has errored.
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<solnic> dkubb: yes exactly, that's why it's cool ;) \m/
<mbj> solnic: I'm playing around with mutant and my rename branch
<mbj> solnic: Close to release.
<solnic> sweet
<mbj> solnic: Once that basic infrastructure problem is solved I'll do some sql stuff.
<mbj> solnic: And we have to port mbj/axiom-sexp to mbj/axiom-ast before ;)
<mbj> solnic: So we do a whitequark/ast based translation from axiom relations to the sql ast.
<mbj> solnic: This is not as performant, but saves us some time.
<solnic> mbj: oh didn't know that was the plan
<mbj> solnic: Its faster.
<mbj> solnic: I did so much adpater / AST transformation work I can be very sure it saves me lots of time.
<mbj> solnic: Sure we translate from Axiom::Relation => ast (axiom) => ast (sql) => string (sql)
<solnic> sure, I totally trust you with this stuff and I've got zero opinion / experience so can't even comment on that
<mbj> solnic: :D
<mbj> solnic: And thx.
<solnic> I guess that would be a very initial step towards porting axiom to ast (the gem) eventually
<mbj> solnic: Dkubb plans to refactor axiom a bit to use whitequark/ast internally. What I do is just a first step.
<mbj> solnic: Yeah, exactly.
<solnic> heh
<solnic> right
<solnic> cool, cool, that's really nice to know
<mbj> solnic: I'm totally exited
<solnic> me too
<mbj> solnic: It will be "easy"
<mbj> solnic: Also I plan to support nest/unest natively in axiom-arango-adapter.
<solnic> btw I'm releasing virtus 1.0.0 this week so you won't hear me bitching about anything for at least a month or so after this week ;)
<mbj> solnic: Still have to talk to Triagens (company behind arango, maybe they'll fund me).
<mbj> solnic: Heh, somehow I'll miss you ;)
<mbj> solnic: s/you/that-bitching/
<mbj> solnic: I'll miss your person also (to make this clear)
<solnic> mbj: you can't know that but thanks ;)
<mbj> solnic: Dunno how to say what I mean exactly, english limitation.
<mbj> solnic: Just wana make sure its not only the "bitching" ;)
<solnic> mbj: I think I got it no worries :)
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<dkubb> mbj: it shouldn't be too hard to make Axiom::Relation has-a ast object, or even be an is-a ast. normally I wouldn't like is-a, but an axiom relation *is* basically an ast, so it's not really a conflict
<dkubb> I don't mind inheritance if the subclass instance adhere's to LSP, which would be the case here
<mbj> dkubb: But Axiom::Relation carries behavior, maybe we can use a "pure data" structure internally that is a whitequark/ast
<mbj> dkubb: Not 100% sure, I'll experiment ;)
<dkubb> it's ok for a subclass to *add* behavior, you just can't change it
<dkubb> or rather, function/methods inputs need to be the same or "weaker", and outputs need to be the same or "stronger" .. if that makes sense
<dkubb> I'm speaking in terms of contracts
<dkubb> if you adhere to this, then you can substitute any subclass instance in place of a parent class
<dkubb> most ruby code is generally pretty bad at this, especially stdlib/core.. and really I guess almost all mainstream code
<mbj> Yeah
<dkubb> I kind of would like to figure out a pattern that allows me to reuse specs for a parent class for all descendants
<dkubb> rspec makes it difficult
<dkubb> I wish I could just inherit an existing spec description/context
<dkubb> and not have to specify any special syntax for a shared spec
<dkubb> also, I've asked about this a few places and constructors are generally not required to adhere to lsp
<dkubb> which fits in with what I thought, but I wanted external validation
<dkubb> anyway, I guess I'm saying that the addition of #each doesn't break LSP.. but if it's easier to has-a ast object then I'm cool with it
<dkubb> either way, we should have it so you do #to_ast on the relation to get the ast object
<dkubb> if we decide to make it has-a or is-a then it won't change anything
<dkubb> it'll even work nicely for axiom-ast too, where we generate the ast on-the-fly and then memoize it
<mbj> dkubb: I think I'll come upt with an "mbj-spec" thing
<mbj> dkubb: I did SO much mutant-covered code, also lots of dsl stuff and "algebra like" work in ruby.
<mbj> So adding a spec framework to my "stack" shoulnt be too hard.
<mbj> Also we can reuse lots of infrastructure, filtering => axiom (as an example).
<mbj> My spec framework will be "rspec-alike" but focus on literal deduplication.
<mbj> s/literal/terminal/
<jfredett> mbj: clarify what you mean by that -- because I think we may have the same idea...
<jfredett> 'terminal deduplication' -- I mean
<mbj> jfredett: I'm talking about terminals in this sense:
<jfredett> right, but what do you mean be 'deduplication of lterminals' in the sense of rspec? Reducing the number of 'it'/'specify' -- etc's?
<mbj> jfredett: yeah, and also that whole rspec boilerplate.
<mbj> jfredett: When testing child classes it should be easy to include invariants from parent classes.
<mbj> jfredett: Invariant reusage should be most easy.
<jfredett> yah, I think we're thinking in the same direction
<jfredett> I've been thinking about ways to build a testing system that was extensible, and better tooled (in the sense of allowing more interactive use from, eg, an interpreter shell)
<jfredett> in particular something which would let you muck around with tests as first-class objects, which know, for instance, what parts of the code they touch, or how resistant they are to mutation
<mbj> jfredett: yeah a mutation to killing invariant mapping
<jfredett> naturally, these ideas poked up about the time I started working on katuv
<jfredett> again
<jfredett> :)
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<dkubb> I would love to see a spec system that would allow the examples to be executed in parallel
<dkubb> also one where the setup is done once and shared between examples. this would work nicely for immutable objects
<mbj> dkubb: +1
<mbj> dkubb: It would parallelize per default.
<dkubb> yeah I think that's a better default
<dkubb> I think it could expose all sorts of interesting bugs when run under something without a GIL
<dkubb> I would also randomize by default too
<dkubb> I would possibly consider using something like celluloid to distribute the testing jobs
<dkubb> that would be fun to work on
<dkubb> there's that joke in the ruby community where new test frameworks pop up every week, but I still think it's a wide open area
<dkubb> just like ORM dev
<dkubb> no one has cracked it yet
<dkubb> I feel like everything, with the exception of minitest, tries to do too much
<mbj> heh
<mbj> Also reporting should be handled like in mutant
<jfredett-w> dkubb: That would be neat, though you'd need to have a system for managing external resources.
<mbj> pluggable and non invasive.
<jfredett-w> like -- there's no reason you *can't* run things in parallel, unless you have a shared external resource (DB, queue, w/e)
<jfredett-w> maybe an 'exclusive' mode or something, 'These tests must run on their own'
<jfredett-w> a la celluloid.
<jfredett-w> actually, it'd be really neat (though probably not used) to have DCell involved -- remote test running machines.
<jfredett-w> good for netbooks or w/e
<mbj> jfredett-w: Distribution adds another problem domain. Lets start with a good implementation of local execution.
<mbj> jfredett-w: If we get primitives *right* adding distribution is not that complex.
<jfredett-w> *nod*
<mbj> dkubb: All these frameworks are "ad-hoc". They dont provide a good domain model for testing.
<jfredett-w> the idea I've been kicking around in my head is just making the runner pluggable, then using Celluloid's pooling facility to create a 'pooled runner'
<jfredett-w> mbj: That, that's the word I wanted -- I want a good domain model that I have access to programmatically.
<mbj> dkubb: I'd love to see instances of Framework::Invariant, Framework::Test, with interfaces like Framework::Test#run(invariant).success?
<mbj> jfredett-w: Yeah because you coud consume that domain model for intermixing with tools like mutant.
<mbj> *could
<jfredett-w> or write your own frontend to that domain model
<mbj> Yes
<jfredett-w> A la Cucumber/Fitnesse/Rspec/whatever
<jfredett-w> sort of a testing kernel.
<mbj> That domain model, should *just* be freestanding and produce a read only / immutable result tree.
<mbj> jfredett-w: You might be interested how I did this in mutant.
<jfredett-w> mbj: I've been trolling around in mutant's source off and on for the last few weeks
<mbj> jfredett-w: Feel free to raise any comment / question
<jfredett-w> it's an interesting experience, because on the one hand it's very foreign (because I didn't write it), but very familiar (because I tend to write things in a similar style), so mostly I'm just trying to overcome the uncanny valley effect. :)
<mbj> :D
<jfredett-w> mbj: I don't know if that's a compliment, but my sense of pride says it probably is, and my imposter syndrome says it's not. :)
<mbj> jfredett-w: If you wanna get familiar what the mutators do: ruby-parse -e 'some_ruby_here' gives you a lot
<mbj> this is the datastructure mutant mutates.
<mbj> ruby-parse is part of whitequarks parser gem.
<jfredett-w> yah
<mbj> Its very simple, but I heavily deduplicated mutation emitters.
<mbj> So it "looks" unfamiliar ;)
<mbj> AFAIK the mutation emitters are most easy to understand, if you got the AST by whitequark/parser.
<mbj> jfredett-w, dkubb, solnic: Going to bed, cu tomorrow.
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<dkubb> yeah, one of my motivations for mentioning celluloid is the distrubutability
<dkubb> and yeah, I was thinking about an exclusive mode.. where you'd specify the tests need to be run serially
<dkubb> I suspect if you knew the dependencies between the examples you could automatically serialize/parallelize
<dkubb> by default the examples would only be dependent on the setup and teardown, and not each other
<dkubb> in which case they could be run all at the same time
<jfredett-w> dkubb: I hadn't even considered having the ability to express dependency between tests...
<dkubb> when you say "these need to be run serially" that's effectively specifying a dependency
<jfredett-w> One problem I've run into _constantly_ is in integration tests, trying to keep assertions separated (so that I get a 1:1 mapping between assertions and failing tests) but also keep run-time low (ie, don't run the full stack each time, just make the next assertion) and keep the dependency between subsequent tests extant.
<dkubb> ahh yeah. In dm-core's specs I abused before(:all) to do my setup once per context. I just had to be careful I wasn't mutating the object while asserting something, but it worked alright
<jfredett-w> being able to have a block of tests that are essentially linearly dependent -- ie, 'do this, if you fail, don't run the rest, put them in some other state'
<dkubb> ahh yeah
<dkubb> that's a good point
<jfredett-w> so instead of pass/fail/pend, it's pass/fail/pend/dependency-failed
<jfredett-w> so you'd end up with an output like `....F----` ; which gives you some sense of the scope-of-failure, better, perhaps, then what you get now, which is either `....F` or `....FFFFF`
<dkubb> I sometimes like a fast fail too
<dkubb> a nice dependency system would allow you to assign weighting too, so you could have more recent tests run first
<jfredett-w> yah, the dependency-failed state gives you the best of both worlds, I think -- always fail fast, but also show where-abouts you started failing.
<dkubb> push those older, probably stable tests, to the end
<jfredett-w> it also let's you not have to rebuild the state if you let the dependency act as a tree
<dkubb> I typically use tsorting to resolve dependencies, and use a weighting as a "tiebreaker"
<jfredett-w> yah
<dkubb> because when you have a bunch of items with low levels of dependency everything kind of ends up at the same weight
<dkubb> or rather most things
<jfredett-w> yah
<dkubb> weighting could be randomized too, which is probably what I would want for the default
<dkubb> I think what we're describing could be built relatively simply. it sounds complex, but nothing is particularly difficult, it just hasn't been assembled in the right configuration yet
<jfredett-w> yah, I think mbj has the right idea -- build an internal domain model that expresses the ideas w/ perhaps an entirely programmatic API, then layer on a frontend/formatters/whatever