dkubb: just released mutant-0.3.0.rc5 with the fixes from ligert and some cleanups.
oh cool, I saw some of those commits
dkubb: My plan is to release 0.3 on that .rc5
dkubb: Than focus on 0.4 with configurable per subject test selector.
dkubb: Once this is done we can think about paralellising etc.
dkubb: I got lots of email feedback, all wishing parallelization ;) (most of them frensh for some reason).
I wish reek's TooManyMethods warning only applied to public methods
I often break up my private methods down into one-liners and give them good names, and I don't like being penalized for them
dkubb: We need to replace flay and reek and rubocop some day.
dkubb: I see lots of chances for rubocop not to be replaced.
but reek and flay are IMHO unfixable.
rubocop is pretty good
I disagree with a few things
but the overall design is nice
it seems like it could replace reek at some point. I wonder if they are actively working on that
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snusnu: hi
snusnu: You have any "wish" for configuring (most likely omitting) a specific mutation in mutant?
snusnu: I'm about to add global configuration flags, so far I have requests to omit return(expression) => expression (a last exp in a block) and self.foo => foo.
dkubb: mutant will be per default "as hardcore as possible". People can whitelist stuff they like.