But I'm talking about an aggregated commit/pulse whatever.
So people see "this week 30 commits to rom gems".
Where 30 is the sum of all related repos.
there's almost always some activity daily on some part of the ecosystem
yeah, once you have the data aggregating it is easy
dkubb: So we need to setup axiom with fixed-base-relation adapters reading the web APIs of github ;)
+some caching.
dkubb: BTW will adamnatium backed by memoizable allow def foo; end; idempotent :foo syntax ?
memoize is probably the wrong name IMHO.
mbj: not yet, but I would consider adding an alias
mbj: you think adamantium should add the "idempotent" method?
dkubb: IMHO yes.
I'd do that
I'd love to have a language allowing this:
idempotent foo # alternative to def
command bar(baz) # alternative to def
@baz = baz
in ruby 2.1 you'll be able to do: idempotent def foo
yeah, but the compiler does not know :(
The compiler does not know about what is a command method and what not.
it would be nice to classify each method as command or query methods
yeah, thats my point
We talked about this already.
a query method could disallow mutation
even if the object was otherwise mutable
If the compiler would now a value expression was generated by an idempotent method call
If the compiler would know a value is the result of an idempotent method call:
Cool optimizations could happen!
my definition of a command method is a tiny bit looser though.. it must return self *or* a new instance of the same class that represents a state change
if the compiler would *know* foo.idempotent_method_call_without_args IS idempotent, he could introduce an lvar, executing the idempotent call once and use lvar as rhs of addition.
dkubb: In ruby the compiler would not know in advance
dkubb: But after the first item gets processed it could be known the rhs of addtion is idempotent.
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hi all
sferik: hi
just reading over the discussion about idem def foo
also: "I can aways replace it with a rom style web app framework later ;)"
are you guys planning to do a web framework once ROM is done?
some of the guys are working on one for their own side projects
I don't know too much about it
is it OSS yet?
I really liked Merb, back in the day
something half-way between Sinatra and Rails
Rails is too heavy, Sinatra too weak
Merb felt just right to me
I still feel like there's some improvement to be made in the way we do things
I know there’s Padrino or whatever, but I am slightly discouraged by that project
mostly because it didn’t seem to learn from any of Merb's mistakes
I saw them making the same mistakes
it's basically rebuilding rails on top of a sinatra core, isn't it?
* sferik
as an outsider observer that's been my understanding, whether it's correct or not
Yeah, I’m also outside
never built a Padrino app
I still have a couple old merb apps that I maintain
they start up in a fraction of a second
and the code is really nice
Not perfect but nicer than most Rails apps I’ve worked on
it was really ahead of it’s time for building API servers
that was really the sweet spot for Merb
i recently took a look at padrino... quite nice, in contrast to rails
florian_k, yeah? say more
sferik: What we started is FAR from padrino / merb.
sferik: You are a native german speaker? Just catch me an snusnu explaining it.
sferik: Its "differend".
sferik: Also its obviousely far from rails.
as far as i could tell, it's basically sinatra with some sugar on the outside
mbj: Definitely not a German speaker yet
mbj: I am learning, slowly
sferik: Heh, so lets do it in english, once snusnu is back.
sferik: The idea is to plug lots of small unit tested parts into a chain. Resulting in a request processing pipeline.
sferik: Rather than inheriting controllers you instantiate them..
Seems good.
sferik: It is.
sferik: It enforces layering.
I'm willing to try something new as an experiment
sferik: In the core you get https free domain.
sferik: s/https/http/
Is it built on Rack?
sferik: it abstracts away rack as fast as possible.
mbj: some parts of the http protocol are quite nice. I wonder if it'll be ideal to completely insulate people from it
sferik: Rack is IMHO not a good representation for an http request / response cycle.
Its okay for the outer boundary.
Yeah, I agree
its surprising to me how many app developers don't understand http caching or validation (like conditional GET, etc)
dkubb: Yeah. But for most crud + notifications stuff you dont actually need http to leak deep.
sferik: Yeah
sferik: I wrote two thiny libs abstracting away rack.
I often leverage caching, but I suppose if I could define some caching rules I might be able to abstract it
sferik: *tiny
I like "thiny"
that's an awesome word
sferik: But unlike Rack::{Request,Response} I dont modify the rack_env hash.
And I dont give access to it again.
The rack request env hash is misused as a request global.
Each layer just tries to communicate with another layer using the request env hash as payload storage.
*in a traditional rack env
I dislike this.
sferik: if you are interested look into mbj/request and mbj/response
sferik: Also snusnu/cookie
sferik: And finally snusnu/substation (this one is the chain assembler, and executor).
sferik: But as always, we did this stuff for internal consumption.
sferik: So we are laking good documentations and howtos. But its build ROM-style.
Lots of small units, and full mutation coverage.
what I would like is to work with resources and representations. something that understands caching, validation, and content negotiation. something optimized for building apis.
dkubb: Yeah, but you probably wanna do this on top of an real OO api, and NOT rack primitive hash ;)
something that doesn't buffer requests and responses, but insteads allows me to process and emit them as streams.
well yeah, I don't like the rack api too much
Just realize I need to write reades.
dkubb: Its IMHO okay for an outer boundary, but you should NOT leak its primitive details into your app.
sferik: just forge the stuff under mbj/request and mbj/response
sferik: Its lacking a readme. sorry.
sferik: Open an issue pls, I'll create one.
gotta go to sleep, cu
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could it be that the currently released version for rom rb is a little bit broken? i started playing aroud with it this evening and the example did not relly run :/
addendum: the errors i got came from an older version of axiom, to be exact
ahh ok, I'll check it out
one thing I wish travis had is a way to specify project dependencies
so when I commit a change to one project, anything dependent on it could run it's own tests with the change
mmmh, that'd be nice indeed
I know we can do this with jenkins, but I don't really want to maintain a CI system right now