closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42049] duerst:r54123 (trunk): * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adding tests for actual Unicode -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42050] duerst:r54124 (trunk): * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Adding tests for Cherokee. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42051] duerst:r54125 (trunk): * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Fixed a logical error. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42052] svn:r54126 (trunk): * 2016-03-16 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42053] duerst:r54127 (trunk): * test/ruby/enc/test_case_mapping.rb: Fixed and activated a test for Cherokee. -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42054] nobu:r54128 (trunk): proc.c: fail symbol proc binding -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42055] svn:r54130 (trunk): * remove trailing spaces. -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42056] naruse:r54129 (trunk): * enc/trans/JIS: update Unicode's notice. [Bug #11844] -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42057] nobu:r54131 (trunk): parse.y: symbol literals for alias/undef -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42058] nobu:r54132 (trunk): transcode-tblgen.rb: binary mode -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42059] nobu:r54133 (trunk): transcode-tblgen.rb: chomp invalid line -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42060] svn:r54134 (trunk): * 2016-03-17 -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42061] mrkn:r54135 (trunk): * test/ruby/test_bignum.rb: Make sure to use Bignum values in the tests. -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42062] drbrain:r54136 (trunk): * marshal.c (r_object0): raise ArgumentError when linking to undefined -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42063] odaira:r54137 (trunk): * test/-ext-/time/test_new.rb (test_timespec_new): Time#gmtoff values -
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