closer changed the topic of #ruby-core to: check the latest release candidate for 1.9.1 release
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42157] hsbt:r54231 (trunk): * variable.c: Added documentation about order of `Module#constants` -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42158] svn:r54232 (trunk): * 2016-03-23 -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42159] nobu:r54233 (trunk): fix MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42160] nobu:r54234 (trunk): remove SIGN_EXTEND_CHAR macro -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42161] naruse:r54235 (trunk): * lib/rdoc/ri/driver.rb (interactive): rescue NotFoundError raised in -
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hsbt_away is now known as hsbt
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42162] nobu:r54236 (trunk): strftime.c: format in String -
<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42163] mrkn:r54237 (trunk): * enum.c (ary_inject_op): Use Kahan's compensated summation algorithm -
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<znz_jp> biff: [ruby-changes:42164] mrkn:r54238 (trunk): * enum.c (ary_inject_op): put subtract operation out of if-clause. -
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