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<andrewvos> zenspider: I don't know. I'm trying something new, and so far it feels good.
<zenspider> tho honestly... I'd rather have Feature
<zenspider> with a class method, parse
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<andrewvos> Maybe I'm too stuck up on SRP.
<steveklabnik> hahahah
<andrewvos> But I feel like the model Feature (which is a mongo_mapper module) is not the correct place for that.
<steveklabnik> 'maybe i work too hard sometimes
<steveklabnik> 'maybe i care too much about my job'
<steveklabnik> 'maybe i follow srp too strictly'
<steveklabnik> ;)
<andrewvos> :)
<zenspider> I like having the behavior on the responsible party. Features should be able to parse themselves.
<zenspider> this is something that comes from smalltalk, where everything can output itself as code, and read itself back in
<zenspider> it's something that ruby seriously lacks
<zenspider> our inspect output is chump
<steveklabnik> homoiconic-ish
<andrewvos> awesome_print is nice
<zenspider> it's a cultural thing that ingrains itself deeply.
<zenspider> _everything_ in smalltalk can output itself as code... including code.
<zenspider> so when you export your code to a file, you just ask it to and out comes calls to import methods with their source
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<rue> FeatureParser -> ParsesFeatures -> ParseFeatures
<andrewvos> zenspider: In large systems, don't you find the noun naming convention to break down a lot?
<rue> features = ParseFeatures.from this_text_file_here
<steveklabnik> andrewvos: there are _lots_ of nouns.
<steveklabnik> :)
<rue> steveklabnik: 4?
<steveklabnik> rue: at least!
<andrewvos> rue: False. 5.
<rue> No, lots is 4
<rue> One, two, many, lots
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<rue> I find that super-literate programming style is 73% more efficient in separating concerns
<injekt> is banister still banned here?
<rue> Yes
<injekt> kk
<injekt> also fu airports
<erikh> when did he get banned?
<injekt> yesterday perhaps?
<injekt> or maybe the previous day
<andrewvos> recently
<rue> He hasn't learned his lesson yet
<injekt> my plane isn't even here and people are lining up
<injekt> i hate people
<oddmunds> you could try herding them
<injekt> like a sheep dog?
<oddmunds> like lassie would
<injekt> sounds like something that has a high success rate
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<RomyEatsDrupal> hi… anyone here also have some experience in scala?
<zenspider> #scala
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<crankharder> anyone know a good way of removing all items from an array whos mode == 1?
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<zenspider> reject, reject!, or delete_if should do you
<zenspider> ri Array and ri Enumerable
<zenspider> ri is your friend(tm)
<ReinH> unsure why Array needs both reject! and delete_if
<zenspider> ReinH: don't you start
<steveklabnik> havent you read that ruby-{talk,core} thread?
<steveklabnik> Y SO MANY ALIASES????1
<ReinH> haven't
<ReinH> but I will say
<ReinH> having aliases for other things but not include? -> includes? is ridiculous
<steveklabnik> folwer's rule, satisfied:
<steveklabnik> rue: agreed.
<steveklabnik> errr, ReinH
<ReinH> heh
<zenspider> I tried to get them to correct the English of some of the names way back when and I got "ruby is not english" as the response... I tried to argue that ruby uses english, so it should use proper english, but nothin'
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<ReinH> Ruby should do a better job of respecting my grammar CDO
<steveklabnik> :)
<steveklabnik> ReinH: ActiveGrammar?
<ReinH> heh
<steveklabnik> wow, that'd be a great gem, actually.
<steveklabnik> lol
<ReinH> zenspider: at least you tried...
<zenspider> yeah
<ReinH> would that be some horrendous approach to writing a lexer?
<Rakko> yeah, if the word 'include' isn't inflected for 3rd-person singular, 'is_a' shouldn't be either
<steveklabnik> ActiveGrammar could use i18n to only alias if you're in certain locales.
<steveklabnik> heh
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<zcdny> Hi, there, who know the iRC channel of THOR ?
<andrewvos> zcdny: There probably isn't one. RAAARRR
<drbrain> #asgard ?
<ReinH> heh
<andrewvos> So much for going to sleep early tonight :(
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<amh345> im having a synchronization issue. i have a method that writes a file and than right after i have another method that encrypts it. I'm finding that if there is a lot of data being written/appended to the file it doesn't complete being written to HDD before the encryption starts. resulting in only partial data encryption. what is the best way to handle this?
<steveklabnik> mutex.
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* steveklabnik shrugs
<andrewvos> amh345: Encrypt the file *while* writing it.
<mksm> amh345, close the file before encrypting
<zenspider> amh345: a system call to sync will flush disk caches... but that should be transparent to userland processes
<zenspider> haha. that too
<mksm> now he's confused :D
<mksm> but helped
<drbrain> I would encrypt the file while writing it
<andrewvos> Right sleepy time.
<amh345> i like the idea of encrypting while writing. can that be done with GPG?
<amh345> how would one even encrypt while writing?
<andrewvos> amh345: By encrypting small chunks of data and writing them when a certain buffer size is reached.
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<ReinH> amh345: incremental cryptography
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<amh345> the content that is being written is in an .each. data_to_write.each ……. at the end of the each i append that content to a file.
<amh345> hey ReinH
<ReinH> hey
<ReinH> the real question is: why are you encrypting *after* writing?
<amh345> the idea of encrypting while writing is pretty cool. and awesome for security. is there any ruby specific googlefu terms i could look for? we're getting into territory that is totally unknown for me
<ReinH> no matter what you do you'll still be susceptible to timing attacks
<amh345> ReinH: exactly
<ReinH> read the file, modify in memory, encrypt, write
<yfeldblum> what's the attack?
<amh345> no attack. only potential
<ReinH> read the file before after it's written and before it's encrypted
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<ReinH> s/before after/after
<amh345> ReinH: so you're saying right to memory?
<amh345> store*
<ReinH> encrypt in process
<drbrain> amh345: a) use OpenSSL to do whatever your encrypting program does
<yfeldblum> hmm ... a good implementation of a good cipher should typically not be susceptible to timing attacks
<ReinH> if you care enough to encrypting in the first place, you should never be writing the data unencrypted to the filesystem
<drbrain> amh345: b) if your encrypting program accepts data from stein, pipe to it
<yfeldblum> that being part of the criteria for judging goodness
<ReinH> yfeldblum: if you're encrypting the file after it's written it will always be susceptible
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<ReinH> drbrain: ofc that presents MITM vectors
<yfeldblum> yes, so encrypt blocks before writing them
<ReinH> yfeldblum: right
<amh345> ReinH: i know. right now i've been relying on a very quick write and ecrypt. but it's not solid. obviously. im trying to automate now do i can make it run smoother and more secure.
<drbrain> yfeldblum: filesystem timing attacks to grab the unencrypted data, not timing attacks to expose secret bits
<ReinH> drbrain: Not sure about piping. I wouldn't trust sending unencrypted data to one fd any more than another
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<drbrain> ReinH: yeah, you'd also have to be careful about exec() and so on
<drbrain> to make sure that exec() is running the right program
<ReinH> would be easy to link hijack
<ReinH> well not easy
<ReinH> but another vector you have to consider
<amh345> ReinH: are you avail yet for freelance? like writing what your saying i need to do here?
<ReinH> amh345: heh no, just got hired :p
<amh345> damnit!
<ReinH> :(
<amh345> i missed the window :)
<ReinH> totes
<amh345> is what you're saying i need to do for this encrypt a big deal?
<ReinH> amh345: depends on how big a deal the encryption is
<ReinH> and what vectors you need to consider
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<amh345> i need to find some ruby specific info on this on the googles
<ReinH> in general I would avoid writing unencrypted bits anywhere in userspace
<ReinH> it's considerably harder to scrub active memory
<ReinH> so keeping them in process is basically fine
<amh345> in honesty, im having a a rough time understanding the process here.
<ReinH> if you're encrypting something, do it in the Ruby process
<ReinH> not by writing somewhere or piping somewhere
<amh345> ok, so i write to a process (need to google that) and than gpg that data stored in the process?
<drbrain> amh345: what are you using for the encryption part?
<drbrain> ah, gpg
<amh345> gpg. i've been sent a key
<drbrain> amh345: use
<drbrain> this one has "easy" in the name, which is why I recommend it :D
<erikh> there's also gpgr
<amh345> oh nice. are you aware if it can do this encrypting for a process thing?
<amh345> fwiw, i've got the key and all that jazz functioning (not that it was difficult :))
<drbrain> amh345: your program is a "process"
<amh345> it looks like about about to learn my next level of ruby.
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<erikh> pro tip: if you jump over the flagpole at the end of it you'll find the secret warp zone
<amh345> haha
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<macmartine_> How do I get this string: "2011-12-05 17:00:00", where this is local time, to a time in utc?
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<amh345> Time.parse("2011-12-05 17:00:00").getutc
<amh345> oh they left!
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<jbwiv_> how can one tell all classes which subclass a particular class through introspection?
<banisterfiend> jbwiv_: can you reword that in english ? :P
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<banisterfiend> jbwiv_: ClassA < ClassB #=> true, then ClassA subclasses ClassB
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<headius> drbrain: did you get a chance to release updated rdoc + rdoc-data for 1.8.7 and 1.9.3?
<drbrain> headius: hrm, no!
<drbrain> I forgot
<headius> ah-ha!
<headius> while you're at it, you could add a note about jruby to that post-install notice
<headius> since on jruby you'll always need to install rdoc-data
<drbrain> sure
<headius> grazie!
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<shevy> hmm what would be better
<shevy> foo.gsub!(/something/,'')
<shevy> vs
<shevy> foo.gsub!(/something/,'') if foo.include? 'something'
<Ruthenium> first
<shevy> hmm but why?
<densebits> seems redundant
<shevy> wouldn't the second way be somewhat faster than the first, as the regex engine would not be invoked?
<havenn> shevy: then just: foo.delete('something') # =P
<shevy> .delete works differently
<shevy> "hello hello".delete "lo" # => "he he"
<shevy> "hello hello".gsub! /lo/,'' # => "hel hel"
<havenn> shevy: kk, hrm, how bout: "hello hello".gsub! 'lo',''
<shevy> indeed
<shevy> though I thought it was about .delete. I am already using gsub, I am just curious whether .include? is worth to be used before calling .gsub
<shevy> I am going to go with what is common
<shevy> the first!
<densebits> I guess it would depend on the use case.
<Ruthenium> anyway
<Ruthenium> >ruby
<Ruthenium> >speed
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<manveru> >> "abcd".delete('bd')
<manveru> => "ac"
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<mytrile> Hey, guys. I want to parse a line of Gemfile and get the name of the gem and the version. I've tried like this but I want to merge that into one regex -
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<manveru> oh my
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<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> I am very proud of myself now
<shevy> I have moved all german umlauts into a standalone yaml file
<shevy> now let's see for ruby 1.9.x ...
<shevy> ansicolour.rb:24: warning: duplicated when clause is ignored
<shevy> now if it would just tell me which one is duplicated precisely...
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<shevy> hmm can someone confirm:
<shevy> - a,b: foobar
<shevy> is valid yaml
<shevy> - ,b: foobar
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<shevy> is invalid
<shevy> correct?
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<hipe_> shevy: a quick check in irb with Psych::VERSION "1.0.0" confirms your findings -- the latter returns a Psych::SyntaxError
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<kleech_> Is there any difference between Devise::friendly_token and Devise.friendly_token, both would call the same class method? (I'm only using Devise as an example)
<hipe_> kleech_: iirc Foo::bar is syntactic sugar for which i'm not particularly fond of ;)
<hipe_> so, no
<kleech_> Thanks, but do you "so, yes" i.e they are the same? (ie. always same the result)
<hipe> constants must have a leading capitalized first letter, but method names need not so it can lead to some confusing magic
<hipe> :D no there is no difference, yes they are the same (according to my extensive 20 seconds of playing with in in irb)
<kleech_> hipe: Thanks - Just sugar :)
<kleech_> Any ideas - Given a hash how do I remove all keys not in an array of keys? Using returns an Array.
<Ruthenium> convert it back to hash
<kleech_> Ruthenium: I tried .to_h and to_hash neither methods exist, is there some other way?
<Ruthenium> Hash#[]
<Ruthenium> though Hash#select returns hash for me
<kleech_> Ruthenium: Perfect thanks - re: select, I'm using 1.8, are you using 1.9?
<Ruthenium> yep
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<shevy> thanks hipe
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<muzone> morning yall
* muzone sprinkles coffee around the place as if it was champagne
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* shevy sprinkles dirt on muzone as if he was needing it
<muzone> hhhhhhh :P
<muzone> we're talking road dirt though right?
<muzone> or maybe mud wrestling with your wife?
<muzone> while you're jerking off in the corner
<muzone> lol nah
<muzone> that one went too far
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<shevy> muzone I just took the dirt around your cold corpse :>
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<imperator> hm, RbConfig::CONFIG['COMMON_HEADERS'] is empty on osx
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<imperator> huh, not set on linux either, wtf
<imperator> they've been screwing with it
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<shevy> ["COMMON_HEADERS", ""],
<shevy> ["COMMON_LIBS", ""],
<shevy> ["COMMON_MACROS", ""],
<shevy> hmm on 1.8.7 is also empty
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<imperator> didn't used to be
<imperator> at least i don't think they were
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<Defusal> Brb is officially one of the worst gems i have used :/
<Defusal> It could really do with some love
<Defusal> I've been working around issues, using my own reconnecting logic, even though it shouldnt randomly disconnect or disconnect repeatedly for no reason, requiring the app to be restarted
<Defusal> but now it made ruby 1.9.2 segfault :|
<Defusal> sure its unlikely that it alone caused the segfault, and its probably related to EM, but EM has never segfaulted with any other code, heh
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<imperator> EM?
<roadkith> eventmachine?
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<dreinull> so droplr runs on 1.9.3 - and it throws an error
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<imperator> apparently redirecting $stdout goofs up system()
<samuelkadolph> I highly doubt that
<imperator> doesn't return true or false if it's redirected
<samuelkadolph> imperator: Yes it does
<samuelkadolph> Why do you think p will work if you redirect $stdout?
<samuelkadolph> And that's not actually a redirect of $stdout
<imperator> oh, right, duh
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<samuelkadolph> ruby -e 'o = $stdout.clone; r,w = IO.pipe; $stdout.reopen(w); o.puts(system("ls").inspect); o.puts(r.rad)' # true
<samuelkadolph> Err, not the o.puts(r.rad) part
<imperator> can't use pipes here, gotta work on winders
<imperator> unless, hm, does IO.pipe work on windows? can't remember now
<samuelkadolph> Yes it does
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<imperator> k, thanks
<samuelkadolph> It returns nil instead of false for system("ls") but it does work
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<imperator> $stdout = fake = isn't a redirect? how not?
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<rue> It doesn't affect the actual stdout
<rue> That's really only a problem with Readline and so on, in some cases
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<imperator> what does it do then?
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<rue> It just reassigns what the global variable $stdout points to?
<rue> So long as your code uses $stdout, directly or indirectly, that's fine
<imperator> oh, you mean i'm not affecting STDOUT, just $stdout
<rue> Even more specifically, not the actual fd, but yes
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<rue> I don't even know what the problem space is, or whether you need to, but that's why it's not really a redirect :)
<envygeeks> I'm a bit confused at how caller(n) is working: it just doesn't seem to be lining up with what the docs say
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<rue> envygeeks: That's not #caller(n)
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<envygeeks> rue: elaborate please because the docs show def a(skip); caller(skip); end
<envygeeks> even ri shows that caller when called in a procedural style is the same as Klass#caller
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<rue> Your pastie has caller.join
<rue> Which is to say, caller().join
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<envygeeks> because caller(10) returns an array still so I join it to add numbers :P
<samuelkadolph> imperator: assigning an IO to $stdout isn't the same as redirecting $stdout, it's just replacing a global variable in ruby.
<envygeeks> and it still has the same problem no matter what, it's start is WAY off
<shevy> long live ruby!
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<envygeeks> yeah I definitely have to be missing something with caller that or this is a bug:
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<rue> envygeeks: Read the doc again
<envygeeks> rue: Returns the current execution stack—an array containing strings in the form “file:line” or “file:line: in `method’”. The optional start parameter determines the number of initial stack entries to omit from the result. is plain english, and that example shows it not working
<rue> caller(start=1) -> array or nil
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<burgestrand> Try invoking it with 0
<burgestrand> … or in fact any parameter except 1 :p
<envygeeks> ah yeah I see now
<envygeeks> it's pry and irb corrupting the stack somehow because doing what you guys said with 0, 1 and 2 showed it working but in pry and irb it fails miserably and the count is off
<envygeeks> without pry and irb caller(2) works but in irb and pry I still get:
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<burgestrand> envygeeks: that’s because the line needs to be processed and finally executed, if you look through the stack you’ll notice that on top of it lies the line where pry runs the command
<burgestrand> same with IRB
<envygeeks> is there no way to avoid that? Not trying to fight just trying to understand it so I can figure out how to work around it when I'm testing in pry
<burgestrand> I’m not sure what kind of stacktrace you are expecting
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<envygeeks> well I was testing my Kernel.raise adjustment that would throw a user into pry when a raise is brought up, and I was in Kernel messing about playing with caller to /try/ and see how my function saw it, but it turns out they see caller 2 different ways
<envygeeks> because I remove my Kernel.raise from the caller and send off the caller from before the point I called parent_raise
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<burgestrand> envygeeks: :)
<burgestrand> appears it’s been addressed already
<envygeeks> hmmm...I'm on the latest HEAD
<envygeeks> So I'll have to tell him about it tonight and see if he can look into it more
<burgestrand> Latest HEAD as in latest pry installed from GitHub after that issue was closed?
<burgestrand> (just saying, since the latest version from rubygems is released at november 5th, long before that issue)
<envygeeks> Yessum :P my pry updates whenever they push a new update because I'm using the new hooks and helping to test and break binding_of_caller and stack-explorer
<envygeeks> (via git)
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<envygeeks> ah nevermind I read the commit which explains it better
<envygeeks> I need to use the backtrace command in pry and not caller, using backtrace will show me how my method sees it
<envygeeks> wait, no
<envygeeks> now I'm confused
<envygeeks> nevermind, I'll just beat up banister later tonight about it
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<shevy> yay
<shevy> some snuggling and cuddling right envygeeks
<envygeeks> I'm gonna light the fury! No not really, I'll probably forget by then since I've had a rough day already because it's been so busy here but meh
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<envygeeks> wait, what does tap(&:shift) do?
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<samuelkadolph> The same thing as shift
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<root_> could someone help me with this ruby script?
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<rue> Help how? Apart from telling you to use literals instead of {Array,Hash}.new?
<rue> And indentation :?
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<ironcamel> what's the best cms written in ruby?
<steveklabnik> i like refinery, but it's rough around the edges in places.
<steveklabnik> and there arent tons of plugins yet.
<steveklabnik> but i feel it's the best anyway.
<ironcamel> don't care about plugins. themes/templates i care about.
<shevy> hmm rails rails rails
<envygeeks> rails is for wimps, do it the hard way and build it from the ground up and then show your muscle
<envygeeks> and don't use new relic either, I expect pure manual debugs
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<shevy> envygeeks working on it!
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* imperator releases mkmf-lite 0.2.2 into the wild
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<Asher> does it have the feature of not sucking like mkmf?
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<drbrain> Asher: how does mkmf suck?
<Asher> how does mkmf not suck?
<Asher> flat file structure is one of the big places
<steveklabnik> heh
<Asher> mkmf is a gigantic mess
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<drbrain> Asher: it doesn't have a flat file structure, I fixed that last week
<Asher> hah well i'm not up to date on last week's then
<drbrain> Asher: … maybe you should submit some feature requests on redmine so I can fix them
<drbrain> :D
<headius> how do you raise the right Errno exception given an int value in hand...from Ruby
<headius> i.e. something I get back from FFI
<drbrain> headius: rb_sys_fail() I think
<headius> from Ruby
<headius> I think you're right from C
<drbrain> oh, from ruby
<Asher> drbrain - didn't know anyone actually paid attention to such things… i've inquired before and no one seemed interested… i'll keep that in mind
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<drbrain> Asher: also, there's documentation:
<Asher> hm? i've seen the docs, at least i thought...
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<headius> huh, can there really be no way?
<drbrain> headius: I'm tracing
<imperator> Asher, it's a module, with methods meant to be mixed in, generally for use in conjunction with ffi
<imperator> i separate out the compiled code using templates and erb
<imperator> instead of the big ball of mud that mkmf uses
<headius> drbrain: oh, I just stumbled does it for you
<imperator> and it doesn't emit crap to stdout or stderr
<Asher> drbrain - oh the big annoyance i had was the use of relative paths as the base path caused gdb to get confused in xcode… having ../../../../ at the beginning of every path
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<headius> >>
<headius> => #<Errno::ESRCH: No such process>
<headius> a little weird, but ok
<drbrain> sweet
<imperator> headius, not cross platform though i don't thin
<imperator> k
<headius> what's not x-platform about it?
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<headius> ignore the fact that I just used '3' there
<steveklabnik> headius: doesn't JRUby's jit emit jvm bytecode?
<imperator> won't get the same errors on windows
<headius> I have a real errno from an FFI call
<steveklabnik> right?
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<imperator> iirc
<headius> steveklabnik: when it JITs or AOTs
<imperator> although....i think they hacked it so you do in MRI
<drbrain> imperator: it should be fine if he uses a platform-local errno
* imperator can't remember now
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<drbrain> if you get a C EAGAIN it'll map through just fine to Errno::EGAGAIN
<drbrain> gah,
<drbrain> autocorrect ☹
<headius> yeah, that's the situation here
<imperator> nice
<headius> I'm not hardcoding any values
<headius> steveklabnik: looks like enebo updated it too
<imperator> drbrain, yeah, i was thinking of errmap in win32.c
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<steveklabnik> yeah, just saw that.
<steveklabnik> gotta defend jruby's honor on the internets <3
<headius> thank you!
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<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> webmin is kinda neat
<shevy> does ruby have something like webmin?
<envygeeks> it intrigues me somebody says: "Ruby has gems, or libraries" which implies PHP does not, when it does...
<imperator> does php have anything like gems?
<steveklabnik> PEAR
<shevy> and APPLES
<imperator> shevy, dunno, wouldn't be surprised, but i don't know of anything offhand
<imperator> what's webmin written in? perl?
<shevy> yeah
<shevy> I like the idea behind it
<shevy> kinda crazy hehe
<shevy> that updated "asymptote" via apt-get
<shevy> :D
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<headius> I heart you FFI
<MistyM> FFI makes my life blissful and full of rainbows and puppies.
<yxhuvud> headius: what is the normal way of doing stuff like that in java?
<headius> it's not possible
<yxhuvud> how unconvenient
<headius> indeed!
<headius> but jruby works miracles
<samuelkadolph> headius: I love FFI because I used it to automate logging into a javascript only website
<headius> ok, you'll have to explain that one :)
<rue> A cyborg?
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<samuelkadolph> I wanted to rewrite my xbox gamertag api but I can't find a sinatra async library for jruby. Aspen doesn't work for me.
<headius> ahhh
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<samuelkadolph> I have it running with node.js right now but it's soooo slow for screen scraping But it would need to be async since the website is also slow to respond.
<samuelkadolph> And it broke with their redesign. lol
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<headius> that figures
<gearaholic> is there a way to determin a files mime type?
<steveklabnik> binary/octet-stream ;)
<steveklabnik> you can use too
<gearaholic> thanks
<manveru> gearaholic: you can try ffi-magic
<headius> FFI!!
<manveru> of course
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<gearaholic> thanks, i'll give ffi a try
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<sodani1> could someone show me an example of a single-value parameter vs multi-value parameter?
<manveru> a who?
<manveru> what kind of value?
<jmontross> maybe … {:key => "value"} vs {:key1 => "value1", :key2 => "value2"}
<manveru> that's an hash, not a parameter
<jmontross> a parameter can be a hash.
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<samuelkadolph> There are no such things are multi-value parameters in ruby
<sodani1> so a parameter always has to be a single object?
<Asher> but you can get the illusion by using a hash as the last parameter
<Asher> in which case you can pass multiple hash key/value pairs implicitly
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<shevy> illusion!
<shevy> I dispel your illusion!
<shevy> what do you say to that!
<Asher> *poof*?
<jmontross> i did say maybe.
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> I should try to use FFI one day
<jmontross> object with a few params.. it's kinda what he meant though it was semantically 'an illusion'
<shevy> I think he is drunk
<shevy> right sodani1
<shevy> illuuuuuuusions
<shevy> they are all around us
<shevy> multi-value illusions
<shevy> lisp inside ruby illusion
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<manveru> headius: looks like it won't run on jruby right now
<manveru> does travis have some option to run with --1.9 ?
<headius> hmmm, I thought they did
<manveru> hm, might be able to work around that
<headius> yeah, looks like it's simply 1.9
<manveru> ah, they take JRUBY_OPTS
<envygeeks> just remove the -jruby and you'll be good to skip jruby
<manveru> why would i wanna skip jruby?
<envygeeks> sorry I read that wrong I got confused by the JRUBY opts and the first part >.<
<envygeeks> I meant to just give you an example of a version specific travis
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<manveru> headius: how do you mean?
<manveru> something like jruby-19mode would be nice
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<manveru> oh, great, rbx 1.9 misses Open3.spawn
<headius> I thought they were going to add 1.9 jruby to travis
<envygeeks> they did do: `env: JRUBY_OPTS=' ---1.9'
<manveru> that'll run all specs again with that env var though?
<envygeeks> hmmm...I don't quite remember I know there is a good example of it here:
<manveru> wut
<manveru> wtf did they smoke
<envygeeks> yeah it's mad confusing
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<manveru> ah, exclude
<manveru> oh well, no CI on jruby 1.9 for me then
<manveru> can't be bothered to maintain that
<envygeeks> the issue involving that is still open though so you should make your comment:
<manveru> now just gotta hunt down the rbx issue
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<rue> It went that way!
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<manveru> don't be ruediculus
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<shevy> rue is like Clint Eastwood - in Finland
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<Asher> clint eastwood minus being in finland?
<shevy> sure minus
<shevy> it's cold up there
<Asher> eastwood's finnish films just aren't as good
<shevy> lol
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<erikh> he's got a hipster stache
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<jasox> what in File::open( 'idea-' + idea_name + '.txt', 'w' ) do |f| , |f| means ?
<rane_> block variable
<rane_> print it
<rane_> and use
<epitron> jasox: |f| is the open file... when code inside the "do/end" finishes, f will automatically be cleaned up for you
<epitron> you don't have to close the file handle
<jasox> thanks guy, i get it now
<jasox> guys*
<epitron> ruby usually lets you do that when it's something that has to be cleaned up
<epitron> or something you only need temporarily
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<epitron> hahah
<epitron> that is a crazy book
<jasox> :D
<kith> so |f| is the content of the file not a file handler right?
<jasox> this example is even better Dir['idea-*.txt'].each do |file_name|
<epitron> no, |f| is a file object
<kith> a file handler then?
<kith> f.readlines
<epitron> something like that :)
<kith> kinda like?
<epitron> yep
<kith> k
<rue> It's a File
<epitron> tastylines = open("filename") { |f|{|line| line.blank? }
<epitron> }
<epitron> or, for extra fun: module Enumerable; def tastylines;{|line| line.blank? }; end; end
<epitron> now everything will have a tastylines!
<epitron> (if it's got a lines method)
<kith> what the difference between "its a file" and "its a file handler"?
<epitron> file handler is not the right term
<kith> oh okay
<epitron> file HANDLE is what an operating system gives you
<epitron> it's a number that tells you a file you just opened
<epitron> and you have to close it, or the program will eventually run out of file handles
<epitron> (there's a maximum number you can have open at once)
<kith> ah
<epitron> a handler is something that handles files...
<epitron> i dunno what that would do
<epitron> a file object is a wrapper around a file handle
<kith> i was assuming its a file handler because many ruby programmers seem to like "fh ="
<kith> or fd for file descriptor?
<epitron> *handle
<epitron> not handler :)
<kith> ah
<epitron> yes, fd is file descriptor
<epitron> an fd is the technical unix term
<kith> i see
<epitron> handlers are something else
<jasox> Going back to c++ after ruby is hilarious.
<jasox> :D
<epitron> you got event handlers, interrupt handlers, signal handlers, exception handlers...
<kith> so the file handler is part of the filesystem?
<epitron> generally they're methods that catch events and figure out how to handle them
<rue> Let's forget about file handlers
<epitron> i suppose the OS must have a handler for events that come from the filesystem :)
<epitron> which would dispatch them to the appropriate listeners
<kith> i see
<rue> If you like, we can talk about file descriptors, or objects of the File class
<epitron> eg: that OSX program that indexes all your files
<epitron> interrupt handlers are part of every program, and they listen for operating system instructions
<epitron> like: QUIT NOW
<epitron> or: USER HIT ^C
<epitron> no wait, those are signal handlers
<rue> *facedesk*
<epitron> interrupt handlers are for hardware events
<epitron> every time your hardware clock ticks, it sends the operating system an interrupt
<kith> interesting what difference a single "r" can make :D
<epitron> every time you press a key on the keyboard, you get a keyboard interrupt, and the keyboard handler handles it
<epitron> yep!
<epitron> well, there's a difference between a pot handle and a pot handler
<epitron> big difference!
<epitron> anyhow, if you ever see "fh = open", change it to "open { |f| "
<epitron> fh is a silly name
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<jasox> what is better to use do or {
<epitron> it's up to coding conventions
<steveklabnik> {} for one liners. do/end for multi-line
<epitron> most people use {} for quick oneliners
<jmontross> yeah… greater than one line use do is my rule
<epitron> i find, in EventMachine, i use multiline { } because it lets me differentiate callbacks from loops
<epitron> loops will be do/end
<erikh> filehandles are silly indeed
<erikh> just use descriptors
<erikh> that's how real men do it
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<epitron> jasox: also: {} can't handle hash arguments without parens
<epitron> eg:
<epitron> thing :with=>"args" { }
<epitron> ^- errorn!!!!!!!!!!!
<epitron> so, you gotta either add ()'s, or do/end it
<rue> Any arguments
<epitron> orly?
<epitron> no, do/end works
<erikh> do/end isn't { }, is it?
<jmontross> depends.
<epitron> rue: you see people doing that for oneliners sometimes: method :arg=>:arg do lalala end
<jmontross> a = {}; a is an empty hash. [1,2].each {|i| puts i } it is do/end…
<rue> I'm sure you do
<epitron> it's ugly, imo :)
<rue> But, again, you must use parens with *any* arguments if you have a {}-block.
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<epitron> oh right :)
<rue> It's just because the two have different precedence
<epitron> unless you wanna: method arg, arg, &proc { }
<epitron> i've done things like that before, when you need many callbacks
<epitron> usually as a hash
<epitron> this is all parsers' fault...
* epitron would enjoy a language where you press a hotkey to define a block, and it's serialized to disk in some kind of unambiguous format
<erikh> like source code?
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<epitron> no, more like an object database
<erikh> I think oracle tried that
<epitron> orly
<erikh> yeah i'm trying to remember the name of it
<erikh> baiscally a CGI interface to sql
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<erikh> it's pretty much complete ass
<epitron> hahah
<epitron> web browsers are gross
<erikh> yes.
<epitron> it was thinking more along the lines of a special editor that can interface with the code database
<erikh> I just wrote a mini-rvm for work
<epitron> orly
<epitron> is it better than rvm?
<erikh> haha no.
<erikh> it just doesn't have to work so hard for a pleasing user interface
<epitron> hahah
<epitron> rbenv lite
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<jmontross> so is event-machine a fancy wrapper around Threads?
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<manveru> jmontross: no
<epitron> event-machine is a wrapper around select/kqueue/poll/epoll
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