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<havenwood> _rukh: Ruby appeals to a variety of programmers.
<_rukh> so I've seen
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<_rukh> I'll find this offtopic room now
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<havenwood> _rukh: yeah, for non-Ruby stuff or general discussions about other languages (or hangman) the #ruby-offtopic channel is a good place.
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<_rukh> okay, I'll be there from now on
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<Ox0dea> shevy: Your wonky results are probably to do with the sleep being too fine; changing the coefficient to something greater than 0.01 would probably help.
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<Ox0dea> BraddPitt: The original implementation is so clean: http://i.imgur.com/akGoWS5.png
<Nawn> Hey guys, I'm trying to keep my code 'DRY'. It works, but I don't know if I can make it even smaller. anyone willing to take a look?
<al2o3-cr> or using a mutex
<Ox0dea> ?guys
<ruboto> Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
<Ox0dea> ?anyone
<ruboto> Just ask your question, if anyone has or can, they will respond.
<havenwood> Nawn: Yeah, do you have a link to a Gist of your code?
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<havenwood> Nawn: gist.github.com
* al2o3-cr smells a rat
<Nawn> Just a learning project :)
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<BraddPitt> doesn the bash sleep use secons as a default unit?
<havenwood> Nawn: The Ruby convention is to use snake_case rather than headlessCamelCase for local variables and methods.
<Ox0dea> BraddPitt: Yes, but Sleepsort isn't intended to be used in earnest.
<havenwood> Nawn: Actually there're no headlessSnakes in Ruby at all.
<Ox0dea> Nawn: Erm, haven't we already helped you with this one?
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<Nawn> Yeah :) It was shevy.
<Nawn> but it wasn't this code :) it was another project.
<Nawn> The previous project was to continually ask for numbers and then do an operation on it.
<Ox0dea> Nawn: Ah, that's right.
<Ox0dea> Did you manage to wrap your head around my proposed solution, then? :P
<Nawn> Yeah :) and I made sure to not repeat myself on this project, but I am just hoping you guys can catch any mistakes? :)
<havenwood> Nawn: Use two-space soft tabs instead of hard tabs. You can usually set that in your text editor.
<Nawn> I don't know, what I don't know, right?
<EllisTAA> when i run this program the ouput ocasionally puts out a number greater than 10…. like 45. any ideas on why it does that? https://gist.github.com/ellismarte/cc7c0a8896387c385fbe#file-threads-rb-L5
<Ox0dea> EllisTAA: You're seeing a 4 and a 5 squished together.
<EllisTAA> Ox0dea: lol
<EllisTAA> Ox0dea: thanks
<Ox0dea> Sure thing.
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<havenwood> EllisTAA: Try: "#{rand(10)}\n"
<EllisTAA> havenwood: will do
<Ox0dea> Alternatively, explicitly flush after printing.
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<havenwood> EllisTAA: The implicit newline can get separated from the rest of the String but an explicit one wont.
<Ox0dea> Is that a certainty?
<EllisTAA> yeah that worked
<Nawn> havenwood: is there anyway to not repeat myself with byeCount = 0?
<havenwood> Nawn: bye_count
<nofxx> havenwood, that's nice to know
<havenwood> Ox0dea: Aye, one call.
<Nawn> :P Sorry. but is there?
<nofxx> EllisTAA, you got the 'why' right? a tip: array.times do
<nofxx> don't use while, loop, until ...avoid
<EllisTAA> nofxx: why not
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<havenwood> Nawn: An idiomatic way to do something twice is: 2.times do
<nofxx> EllisTAA, you don't need the counter, just to start
<havenwood> Guess I should actually look at what it's doing.
<nofxx> and of course it's beautiful, instead of that ugly thing
<EllisTAA> nofxx: oh yeah i was just messing around, thanks though haha
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<Nawn> I'm improving the Deaf Grandma project all the way at the bottom
<havenwood> Nawn: nice
<Nawn> The code works, but I notice that i used byeCount(yes, I know it's bye_count, lol) = 0, on 2 different lines
<_rukh> hey Nawn have you looked at Chris Pine's newer version of that tutorial
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<Nawn> _rukh: no :O i'm just following http://theodinproject.com/
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<havenwood> Newer version is a really good idea!
<_rukh> oh I was also planning on starting that, I actually finished Chris Pine's book a few weeks ago
<_rukh> as much as I could of it at least
<nofxx> EllisTAA, your code in one line: thrs = Array.new(20).map { Thread.new {1234567.times {puts rand(10)}} }
<EllisTAA> nofxx: thanks i appreciate it
<Nawn> :P Yeah, So I'm making sure to do all of the "Extra Resources" and projects. Make sure i have all my bases covered :)
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<Ox0dea> nofxx: 20.times > Array.new(20)
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<nofxx> Ox0dea, hum?
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<EllisTAA> im going to try to write to a file using threads, do you think this could cause problems, or is ruby set up for this?
* baweaver grabs popcorn
<nofxx> > 20.times.map { nil }.size
<baweaver> I wouldn't if I were you
<nofxx> what's the run again?
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<baweaver> >> 'this'
<ruboto> baweaver # => "this" (https://eval.in/425604)
<nofxx> >> 20.times.map { nil }.size
<ruboto> nofxx # => 20 (https://eval.in/425605)
<nofxx> anyways, same for Array.new(20).size
<nofxx> baweaver, ty
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<baweaver> well, if you want a good lesson on why Mutex is a thing and threads can be more fun than they appear go for it.
<EllisTAA> lol
<Ox0dea> >> require 'objspace'; [ObjectSpace.memsize_of(20.times), ObjectSpace.memsize_of(Array.new 20)] # nofxx
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [60, 100] (https://eval.in/425606)
<baweaver> Got us a REPL throwdown
<Nawn> havenwood: Any suggestions? Or is that as 'DRY' as I can make it? :)
<nofxx> EllisTAA, depict the problem, not how you're solving it
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<nofxx> Ox0dea, hey that's nice
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<Ox0dea> nofxx: It avoids the explicit creation of a throwaway Array, if nothing else.
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<Ox0dea> Nawn: This is a pretty imperative task, so there's not a lot of room for cleanup. You could use weird tricks to make it shorter, but they wouldn't be improvements.
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<Nawn> :P Okay, but overall it's okay, right? :) I had it repeating the :(puts "HUH!? SPEAK UP, SONNY!") code like on 3 different lines, but i cleaned that up. :) Just making sure I didn't miss anything
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<Nawn> Practice does not make perfect! D: Perfect practice, makes perfect ;)
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<havenwood> Nawn: As you proceed you might also enjoy feedback from Exercism exercises: http://exercism.io
<havenwood> Nawn: And do ask here! :D
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<Nawn> havenwood & Ox0ea thanks :)
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<Ox0dea> Nawn: Happy to help.
<Ox0dea> You would do well to ignore pretty much every change I made: https://gist.github.com/0x0dea/362a64f9c22c701759a2
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<Ox0dea> Well, no, rand with a Range is good.
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<Nawn> What other convention errors did I make? I'm used to C#. >_<
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<Nawn> Laptop dying. Thanks, you guys are great. Cya around!
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<zenspider> deaf grandma... the meme that'll never die
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<quazimodo> guys, why does BigDecimal(0.76, 7).to_f => 0.076 but BigDecimal(0.76, 8).to_f => 0.075999999
<quazimodo> i thought BigDecial preserves
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<quazimodo> i expected 0.7600000 ...
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<Ox0dea> quazimodo: Try passing in "0.76" as a String.
<havenwood> >> require 'bigdecimal'; BigDecimal('0.76', 7).to_f
<ruboto> havenwood # => 0.76 (https://eval.in/425637)
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<havenwood> Ox0dea: Success!
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<Ox0dea> Huzzah!
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<Ox0dea> >> require 'bigdecimal'; [(BigDecimal(1.0, 200) rescue $!), BigDecimal.new('1.0', 200)]
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [#<ArgumentError: precision too large.>, #<BigDecimal:418ca2d0,'0.1E1',9(207)>] (https://eval.in/425645)
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<Ox0dea> Also that.
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<havenwood> quazimodo: Floats are funky.
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<Nawn> :D
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<havenwood> quazimodo: Or compare with a Rational: BigDecimal(0.76r, 7)
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<Moonlightning> How does `gem` ensure the authenticity of downloaded gems?
<cscheib> by default it doesn't
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<havenwood> Moonlightning: Gems can be signed but in practice they aren't.
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<Moonlightning> Mmmm.
<Ox0dea> Moonlightning: For clarity, did you mean authenticity or consistency?
<havenwood> Moonlightning: There has been some work on implementing TUF for RubyGems but last I checked it's incomplete and hasn't been merged.
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<havenwood> That would be a good thing to pay someone to complete. ;)
<Moonlightning> Ox0dea: authenticity—i.e. /these data are the ones published by the author; they have not been modified or tampered with/
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<Ox0dea> Moonlightning: In that case, you did mean consistency, in which case a simple checksum should suffice.
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<Moonlightning> Ox0dea: probably not. It would have to be a cryptographic hash, not a simple checksum, and the hash would have to have been signed by the author (or at least served by the gem servers, over TLS).
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<havenwood> Moonlightning: To verify the latest Rails gem for example: ruby -rrubygems/package -e "p Gem::Package.new('rails-4.2.4.gem').verify"
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<havenwood> Moonlightning: ^ if you wanted to manually check the checksum
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<Moonlightning> Thanks, havenwood
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<quazimodo> havenwood: hrm i don't get it still
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<quazimodo> >> require 'bigdecimal'; BigDecimal('0.76', 8).to_f
<ruboto> quazimodo # => 0.76 (https://eval.in/425651)
<quazimodo> >> require 'bigdecimal'; BigDecimal(0.76, 8).to_f
<ruboto> quazimodo # => 0.76 (https://eval.in/425653)
<quazimodo> Wat
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<quazimodo> >> require 'bigdecimal'; BigDecimal(0.076, 8).to_f
<ruboto> quazimodo # => 0.075999999 (https://eval.in/425654)
<quazimodo> there you go
<quazimodo> >> require 'bigdecimal'; BigDecimal('0.076', 8).to_f
<ruboto> quazimodo # => 0.076 (https://eval.in/425656)
<evserykh> Hi!
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<quazimodo> BigDecimal(0.076)
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<quazimodo> surely this is buggy?
<sevenseacat> how so?
<sevenseacat> you're creating a BigDecimal from an imprecise float
<sevenseacat> it cant just magically fix its precision
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<baweaver> read
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<quazimodo> if you 0.076.to_d it's fine, so then i've made a mistake somewhere along the way
<quazimodo> I need to see how to_d works it out
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<Moonlightning> …to be clear. `gem` doesn't insist on using HTTPS, does it?
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<Ox0dea> Moonlightning: You can change the default source from "https://rubygems.org", yes.
<Moonlightning> Ox0dea: by default, does it fall back to insecure HTTP, though?
<Ox0dea> No, you'll get a certificate error.
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<Moonlightning> mmmmm
<Moonlightning> okay, I'll take it. thanks.
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<Moonlightning> hmmm
<Moonlightning> So it seems that Past Moonlightning from several years ago installed a bunch of gems using `sudo gem` >.>
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<Moonlightning> How do I just toss out…/everything/, basically, and start from scratch?
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<Moonlightning> also, /should/ I be using something like rvm?
<Radar> Moonlightning: Depends on how Ruby was installed in the first place.
<Radar> Moonlightning: What OS?
<Moonlightning> I'm not developing or anything
<Moonlightning> Radar: OS X.
<Moonlightning> Yosemite.
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<Radar> Moonlightning: Ok, that's fine then. You can follow this guide and it'll install a new Ruby for you: http://ryanbigg.com/2015/06/mac-os-x-ruby-ruby-install-chruby-and-you/
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<Radar> Moonlightning: I suggest using Ruby 2.2.3 instead of the 2.2.2 which is mentioned in the guide. That's because 2.2.3 is the latest now.
<Moonlightning> Radar: even though I'm not doing development?
<sevenseacat> what are you installing ruby and gems for then?
<Radar> Moonlightning: You're... using Ruby but not doing development?
<Moonlightning> sevenseacat, Radar: because… http://supmua.org is a gem? :?
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<sevenseacat> ah hah
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<sevenseacat> looks nice
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<Moonlightning> Honestly, the only reason I'm even here is because Homebrew doesn't do gems et al like most package managers do >.>
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<sevenseacat> which is a good thing
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<sevenseacat> if you're not actually interested in using ruby, then I would just use the ruby that comes pre-installed on your OSX
<Moonlightning> Yeah. I get to deal with half a dozen different package managers. 9.9
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<sevenseacat> and then gem install sup
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<cscheib> using a package manager that didn't understand and resolve ruby dependencies would be a nightmare
<cscheib> gem + bundler ftw
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<cscheib> (and in my case, puppet)
<Moonlightning> > You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.
<Moonlightning> Hence my asking about redoing the gem system here.
<sevenseacat> then you'll need sudo
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<cscheib> for i in `gem list | cut -f1 -d' '`; do sudo gem uninstall $i; done; <--- rough answer to your first(ish) question... test it first, that's off the top of my head
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<Moonlightning> I thought `sudo gem` was a bad idea?
<cscheib> you're uninstalling the gems you installed with sudo
<cscheib> it's allowerd
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<sevenseacat> it is, for development
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<baweaver> chances are high if you aren't a sysadmin you should not touch sudo on a server
<baweaver> and even then only with great care
<Ox0dea> baweaver: How about `machinectl shell`?
<havenwood> sudo htop
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<baweaver> Unix is not built for safety, it's built to deliver Mr Bullet to Mr Foot in the most efficient way possible
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<baweaver> there are exceptions, but that's why I said chances are high
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<Moonlightning> sevenseacat: why for development but not otherwise?
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<Radar> Moonlightning: Follow this post and you'll be alright: http://ryanbigg.com/2015/06/mac-os-x-ruby-ruby-install-chruby-and-you/
<sevenseacat> because you're not worrying about setting up a configurable and manageable development environment... are you?
<Radar> No need to install Rails, MySQL or PostgreSQL
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<Radar> It'll fix your permissions issue
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* sevenseacat shrugs and goes back to partying over here -->
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<Moonlightning> Bleh. So it turns out that Sup doesn't support Ruby 2.
<Moonlightning> So I have to install 1.9 or something and use that
<Radar> ruby-install ruby 1.9
<Radar> gg
<Ox0dea> wp
<Radar> tks
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<Moonlightning> Radar: I don't have a ruby-install
<Radar> [14:53:15] <Radar>Moonlightning: Follow this post and you'll be alright: http://ryanbigg.com/2015/06/mac-os-x-ruby-ruby-install-chruby-and-you/
<Radar> 3rd time lucky?
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<sevenseacat> well ruby 1.9 is past end of life so.... tbh I wouldnt trust ut
<sevenseacat> it
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<cscheib> ruby-install is in homebrew, couldn't be easier to add it to your system
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<havenwood> brew install ruby-install --HEAD
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<cscheib> chruby is also in homebrew
<Moonlightning> …actually, I better go ask #sup about this.
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* Moonlightning actually looked at the date on the post saying Sup didn't support 2.0. It's more than two years old.
<Ox0dea> Moonlightning: What's wrong with mutt?
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<Moonlightning> Ox0dea: the way it handles multiple accounts.
<Moonlightning> Or doesn't, rather.
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<Ox0dea> Moonlightning: You don't like having to explicitly unset impertinent variables, or?
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<Moonlightning> Ox0dea: I never could figure out how to get it to keep different folder hierarchies for different accounts
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<cscheib> send a note in to Linux Journal, Kyle Rankin there is a mutt enthusiast. I'm sure he's got a neat multi-account setup
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<Moonlightning> No thanks. x.x
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<Radar> How do I prevent guard from stopping when it encounters an exception? I keep getting "15:27:19 - INFO - Guard::Nanoc has just been fired" and I have to restart guard before it will continue compiling.
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<baweaver> old question is old
<baweaver> TL;DR - lol, no
<acosonic> shouldn't there be something like node.js but for ruby like node.rb ? :)
<Radar> lol
<Radar> Why do you think so?
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<acosonic> I've been reading that quora thread and I'm afraid of delphi destiny, I was a big fan od delphi...
<shevy> it's not just an old question, it's where you have n different answers that don't really provide a lot of insight into any real answer. "Today's cool kids are pushing on into Functional Programming languages like Haskell, Erlang and Clojure."
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<baweaver> languages don't ever really die
<baweaver> see: COBOL, RPG
<baweaver> Where there's a line of production code, there's a way.
<Radar> acosonic: If anything, now is the time for new people to be getting into Ruby.
<Radar> There is a huge uptick in the amount of people using it and we're crying out for new developers.
<shevy> yeah they don't really die, but they can stagnate or lose out on new people adopting the language
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<Radar> At the meetup in Melbourne, we have 120 people attend. 15 of those people got up to say that their companies were hiring.
<Radar> I _constantly_ get asked if I am looking for more work.
<baweaver> People keep stealing the good ruby people before we can get them :/
<shevy> Radar are you looking for more work? :)
<baweaver> and that's in SF, the tech capital
<baweaver> already tried shevy ;)
<Radar> shevy: hells to the no
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<acosonic> Radar: what kind of projects do you need developers for?
<baweaver> developing
<Radar> acosonic: Marketplace for bikes and bike accessories.
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* Radar realises only now how much that sounds like "propane and propane accessories"
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<acosonic> Radar: well that's just one project, I tought you were reffering to something related to success of Ruby as a platform
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<sevenseacat> ruby is already successful as a platform
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<Radar> acosonic: realestate.com.au is hiring a boatload of developers, as is redbubble and envato.
<baweaver> and Apple and Sony and Amazon and....
<Radar> Ruby is not dying.
<cscheib> even if you don't want to exclusively dev, everyone is either looking for ruby or python (or both) for sysadmin/devops/whatever-you-wanna-call it positions
<acosonic> Nah I run my own company, just want to see what are long-term plans to conquer digital world and take a peace of marketplace from PHP or Node.js
<sevenseacat> lol
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<Radar> troll detected
<sevenseacat> that doesnt even make sense
<shevy> acosonic is github no success to you
* baweaver readies lazerz
<shevy> that dam lazerz
<shevy> well defended beaver home
<baweaver> dam right
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<Radar> wood you guys please stop it with the puns
<Radar> oh no I'm about to get ?guys
<Radar> I am sorry :(
<baweaver> ?guys
<ruboto> Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
* Radar dies
<sevenseacat> GAWD RADAR
<baweaver> first legit in a while
<sevenseacat> you should know better
* sevenseacat is mortally offended
* Radar should, but doesn't.
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<baweaver> though me and shevy are male, so....
<shevy> baweaver time for aussie jokes!
<shevy> Arrrr
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<shevy> ok, I can't come up with anything creative myself :(
<baweaver> They're aussies, that's already enough of a joke :P
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<shevy> haha
<jesterfraud> on a tenuously related note — I've seen a few writers always assuming females in writing... is there some kind of movement I missed there?
<Radar> acosonic: What do you mean to take a piece of marketplace from PHP or Node.js? Do you intend to create your own language?
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<Ox0dea> jesterfraud: They're likely just trying to redress the imbalance of the last few centuries.
<baweaver> mainly towards gender neutral terms than anything, though much into that and we should probably take it to #ruby-offtopic
<baweaver> Oh come now trolls, we gave you a perfectly good shot there.
<shevy> acosonic went silent
<jesterfraud> baweaver, could it be that... the internet is growing up?
<baweaver> jesterfraud: wouldn't that be something?
<shevy> jesterfraud I am educating 4chan!
<jesterfraud> I've clearly got my optimistic hat on
<acosonic> Radar: I loved the coffescript concept, I loved node.js so I clicked on that damn quora thread about ruby dying
<jesterfraud> although every time I go to change it, someone else has beaten me to it.
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<baweaver> quora is a thinly veiled yahoo answers with extra layers of pretension on top
<shevy> hehe
<Radar> acosonic: ... that... that did not answer my question
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<Radar> Are you channeling Kanye from last night? Are you about to announce a run for President also?
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<sevenseacat> imma let you finish, but nodejs is the best language of all time?
<baweaver> haskell
<sevenseacat> baweaver: you misspelt ruby.
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<acosonic> Radar: seems like you are asking about my guidelines on how should ruby proceed, but I can't give you answer to that one. All I'm sure of is that people constantly need something "new and hot" regardless of it's logic, or logic behind it...
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<sevenseacat> thats not what hes asking at all
<Radar> lol
<Radar> acosonic: I don't even know what this conversation is about any more.
<Radar> high / drunk?
<shevy> acosonic is doing that on purpose :(
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<baweaver> Radar: give me about a half hour
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<baweaver> acosonic: so are we going to get to the part where you out yourself as a troll?
<acosonic> shevy: I'm not I just wondered about your ideas for something like node.rb to spark some new & hot project
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<[spoiler]> Hello lovelies!
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<sevenseacat> most of us are in the business of building software that works and is dependable, not 'new and hot'
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<certainty> moin moin
<baweaver> alo
<[spoiler]> sevenseacat: what's wrong with new and hot? :P
<sevenseacat> nothing, as long as it also works and is dependable first
<[spoiler]> Everything that's used in production was "new and hot" at some point
<baweaver> become a sysadmin and install all the new hotness
<baweaver> if you still have hair and aren't in the hospital from heart failure, I'll be impressed.
<[spoiler]> Lmao
<[spoiler]> I do work as a sys admin, I just said there's nothing wrong with new-n-hot
<baweaver> and you wonder how grey beards are made, they're forged in the fires of beta software hotness
<shevy> hmmmm losing hair...
<acosonic> I am a sysadmin department head, my company first had "work and reliable" honeywell systems, then they replaced it with PC, now they replaced PC with cloud... All I asked is shoudn't there be something like node.rb and I got trolling answers :)
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<shevy> no that is not right
<shevy> your first action was a link
* cscheib gets his popcorn
<acosonic> shevy: well ok I admit that was trolling :|
<shevy> a real troll never admits to be trolling
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<Radar> acosonic: What would node.rb do?
<Radar> acosonic: what would node.rb do that node.js or Ruby in its current form doesn't do?
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<shevy> acosonic well it's a difference over whether you have your own opinion or would just quote on opinions from others; for instance, a programming language I myself is really dying is Tcl
<[spoiler]> Radar: it would sound hipper then either node.js or ruby, you peasant
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<sevenseacat> Radar: something new and hot, duh.
<[spoiler]> ^
<acosonic> Radar: that's up to ruby community, since node.js is throwing new servers I guess it needs to do something else or different
<Radar> acosonic: ok, so you clearly have no idea further than a name. It's been fun talking. I've got work (in Ruby) to do.
<[spoiler]> Radar: not node.rb?
<baweaver> >> %w(sevenseacat Radar baweaver).sample + "! It's hammer time!"
<ruboto> baweaver # => "Radar! It's hammer time!" (https://eval.in/425836)
<Radar> hahaha
<sevenseacat> nice.
<baweaver> your up to bat mate
<baweaver> (which is technically correct as your or you're)
<baweaver> (english is fun!)
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<[spoiler]> baweaver, makes me think of this each time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzpBdJaaJTA
<Ox0dea> "Up" can correctly be used in pretty much every English tense.
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<Ox0dea> s/tense/part of speech/
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<baweaver> [spoiler]: what am I watching?
<[spoiler]> baweaver: excerpt from a film called "The Proposal"
<baweaver> well, yeah, still odded out
<[spoiler]> Oh
<[spoiler]> She starts singing "to the window, to the wall" song
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<[spoiler]> isn't that by McHammer?
<[spoiler]> Or M.C. Hammer, however you style it
<cscheib> no
<[spoiler]> Oh
<[spoiler]> I thought it was...
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<cscheib> I mean, maybe in one of his songs
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<cscheib> but it's more commonly known from the Lil John song
<[spoiler]> cscheib: Ah, then I screwed up
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<cscheib> Lil Jon even
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<Ox0dea> Whose middle name is Mortimer.
<Ox0dea> Not quite as good as Gamaliel, but it's up there.
<cscheib> not all that great with Ruby, but I can contribute by discussing pop culture.
<Ox0dea> ¿Por que no los dos?
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<[spoiler]> cscheib: You'll get better at it! Everyone was crap at Ruby at some point
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<Nilium> There's a cross spider outside my kitchen window. It's kind of neat, since I've never seen one before.
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<Ox0dea> Nilium: With what did you cross it?
<cscheib> Peter Parker
<Nilium> Nothing, but I'm expecting someone to walk into the thing later.
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<Ox0dea> Huh, some of them even look like they've got something lashing the pieces of the crucifix together.
<Nilium> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/31892/IMG_0718.JPG ← Probably the biggest spider around my house aside from the wolf spider that was hiding behind my fridge.
<Ox0dea> Lashing: check.
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<shevy> Nilium that's a monster
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<Nilium> It's outside the house and keeping the garden a bit cleaner, so it gets to stay.
<[spoiler]> Nilium: burn the continent
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<[spoiler]> It looks so mean
<[spoiler]> All spiders look mean
<cscheib> I had to kill a spider that was in my doorway recently. Was a big bastard. I got really tired of running into the web every morning
<cscheib> gave him 2 months to pack it up, but he persisted.
<Nilium> The moment spiders are in my person space, it comes down to size and where the web is
<Nilium> Also how close to my bed they are
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<cscheib> I generally try not to kill them, especially outdoors
<Nilium> *personal
<shevy> cscheib lol did you run into it with your mouth open?
<Nilium> At the office, I will basically leave all spiders alone and just shuffle them out onto my balcony
<sevenseacat> if a spider is in my vicinity, it gets dead, very fast.
<shevy> who would have known there are spider friends on #ruby
<Nilium> A lot of baby spiders keep lowering themselves onto my desk (and who knows how many directly into my hair), and I just move them to other peoples' cubicles
<cscheib> shevy: no, just had spider web all up in my dome every time I left the house
<Nilium> I figure sharing the love is important.
<Nilium> Obviously, I don't tell them they've got a new spider-baby-buddy but they'll appreciate it later.
<cscheib> I've never had a spider problem at an office
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<Nilium> Spiders have been something of a problem lately here. They're just now showing up all over the place.
<cscheib> close to water?
<Nilium> There's a lake within walking distance.
<Nilium> Within a couple days of the janitors cleaning off the balcony, at least eight reasonably large spiders will have set up webs.
<Nilium> I'm not even in Australia, so it's just weird.
<cscheib> I've observed that they seem to be worse close to large-ish bodies of water
<zenspider> ?ot
<ruboto> this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related topics. Thanks!
<zenspider> says the spider...
<baweaver> irony
<Nilium> I don't see any on-topic discussions, so motion declined.
<cscheib> ^^
<baweaver> >> "#\{}"
<ruboto> baweaver # => "\#{}" (https://eval.in/425858)
<baweaver> why does ruby do that?
<zenspider> why what?
<zenspider> or... which why?
<zenspider> :)
<baweaver> see the slash?
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<zenspider> yeah
<Nilium> He's asking why the escape moves to the #
<baweaver> magic
<zenspider> oh. it's arbitrary which one you're escaping
<zenspider> you have to lex "#{" to start an interpolation, so it doesn't matter which one you interrupt
<Nilium> >> "#{\}"
<ruboto> Nilium # => /tmp/execpad-9566926ecacd/source-9566926ecacd:2: syntax error, unexpected $undefined ...check link for more (https://eval.in/425861)
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<Nilium> Unless it's the closing brace.
<zenspider> unclosed interpolation
<Nilium> i.e., it's not arbitrary which you escape
<zenspider> yes, it is.
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<Ox0dea> Nilium: It's arbitrary between the '#' and the '{'.
<Nilium> Listen, he wanted a stupid Ruby discussion, he's getting one.
<Ox0dea> ...?
<Nilium> We're going full on semantics here.
<shevy> the ruby parser is a thing of wickedness
<Nilium> More or less.
<zenspider> yes. yes it is.
<zenspider> go look at my code for proof. the bullshit I have to do...
<shevy> hehe
<cscheib> you just went full semantics, man. you never go full semantics.
<Nilium> It and Perl have a unique hatred of parsing.
<baweaver> >> ?a
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<ruboto> baweaver # => "a" (https://eval.in/425862)
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<baweaver> yep, that they do.
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<zenspider> Nilium: luckily ruby isn't as bad as perl (yet?)
<Nilium> I'm not sure.
<zenspider> I am
<Nilium> It doesn't have barewords, at least.
<zenspider> see ruby_parser for proof
<zenspider> you can't statically parse perl. you can statically parse ruby
<Nilium> It more depends on which Perl
<baweaver> Ox0dea: any other amazing ones off the top of your head?
<zenspider> mmm... I think that's true back to perl 4
<Ox0dea> As amazing as the teleporting backslash? Certainly not.
<zenspider> not sure. def perl 5
<Nilium> Problem is I can't say anything about Perl 6 'cause I don't even know if it works
<zenspider> ruby certainly has some seriously stupid shit in it tho
<Ox0dea> zenspider: What's the stupidest thing?
<Nilium> Your code ಠ_ಠ
<Ox0dea> Nilium: Are you salty about the '#{' lexeme or something?
<Nilium> No, I'm just remembering your code golfing.
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<Ox0dea> It wasn't golf.
<Nilium> I'm calling it code golfing because any other explanation terrifies me.
<shevy> eam collected things of ruby parser madness
<zenspider> def m(a=<<-EOD); a; end
<zenspider> wtf
<zenspider> EOD
<zenspider> that kills me
<acosonic> Ox0dea: VW golf 2 - best car ever
<Nilium> It bothers me that that one makes perfect sense to me due to shell scripting
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<zenspider> the argument is OUTSIDE the method definition. I die a little everytime I see that
<Nilium> It's awful if anyone does it, it's just that syntactically I understand it
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<Ox0dea> It's pretty gnarly, but that semantics for heredocs is occasionally pretty useful.
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<Ox0dea> Ruby's test suite uses it liberally, at any rate.
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<Nilium> e.g., (for i in {1..8} ; do cat <<EOF ; done) | tr -s 'w' 'b'¬woop¬EOF¬
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<zenspider> def m(a=<<-EOD, b=a*2); b; end
<zenspider> wtf
<zenspider> EOD
<zenspider> that's just fucking wrong
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<zenspider> here, I think this is a "better" example
<zenspider> def m(a=42, b=<<"EOD"); b; end
<zenspider> wtf #{a}
<zenspider> EOD
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<zenspider> ok. gloving up and processing 4 trays of dehydrated hatch chiles
<Nilium> At least it doesn't have Python's wonky argument behavior
<zenspider> which?
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<[spoiler]> "the teleporting backslash" I am too scaed to google this
<[spoiler]> scared*
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<shevy> Hmm... In the old days, I used to have a website with on-hover-mouse highlighting upon wanting to select menu entries, through 2 different images in use - the default one, and then a highlighted variant of that image. Only recently did I find out that this can be done via javascript/jquery/css, through opacity... without having to use two different images. This I found to be rather mind boggling
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<zenspider> gah. so much chile dust in my nose
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<Radar> chilli?
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<quazimodo> input
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<jhass> shevy: google "do a barrel roll", all CSS
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<zenspider> all I know is my nose is pissed off
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<zenspider> 60% done... hopefully I live through this
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<zenspider> gah
<adaedra> buh
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<apeiros> moin
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<PaulVern> What am I missing here: http://paste.ofcode.org/dAhfECBXAmDrggxMuvpqZg
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<PaulVern> expected output is 0 1
<PaulVern> I'm getting 2 lines of 0
<zenspider> not understanding scoping of local vars
<zenspider> class, module, and def are all boundaries that local vars can't cross
<PaulVern> ah
<PaulVern> there's no way to manipulate variables outside the def ?
<zenspider> you want to use a global, instance variable, a class instance var, or a class var
<zenspider> I vote instance variable, but your code is too abstract to actually suggest anything
<adaedra> ewww global
<jhass> you don't actually want to use a global. ever.
<sp_> I do wish people used gist, I hate having to navigate to my browser to read their code.
<zenspider> mmmm dogma
<jhass> I'm not saying never use global state
<sevenseacat> I just don't click any links that come through that aren't gists, or other trusted sites.
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<jhass> PaulVern: also consider def update_current(current); current + 1; end; current = 0; current = update_current(current)
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<PaulVern> jhass: Thanks
<PaulVern> what's wrong with globals? lol
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<PaulVern> I'll try gist next time
<zenspider> nothing... just dogma
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<PaulVern> I like privacy aspects of pasteofcode.org
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<apeiros> PaulVern: as always, c2 is a good resource for discussions of such topics: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GlobalVariablesAreBad
<zenspider> afraid we'll steal your ideas?
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<jhass> 90% of the global usage I've seen was actually a constant, the rest could've been hidden/scoped into your library module as a module level instance var with accessors
<apeiros> it's not ruby centric, so not everything may apply to ruby
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<jhass> there's no need to contend on the globals namespace
<apeiros> PaulVern: in general, you want to restrict visibility of data as much as possible
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<PaulVern> Thanks, I'll give that link a read
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<zenspider> ah. the quiet hour where the distractions stop and I can finish things :P
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<apeiros> zenspider: shush! back to work!
<apeiros> ;-)
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<adaedra> trying new nicks?
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<yorickpeterse> morning
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<[spoiler]> yorickpeterse: morning <3></3>
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<yorickpeterse> You're going to keep doing that forever now aren't you?
<ljarvis> moin
<ljarvis> 'grats, yorickpeterse
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<yorickpeterse> ty
<yorickpeterse> I'll be joining the work-from-home nerds club soon
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<maloik> congrats!
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<[spoiler]> yorickpeterse: hahaha :D
<[spoiler]> Ooh nice! Do you want to be a work-from-home nerd? I could work from home but I prefer coming to the office
<[spoiler]> It's like the only people I see
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<apeiros> it'd be nice if Hash#fetch would yield the same as Hash#default_proc (hash + key) instead of just the key :(
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<yorickpeterse> [spoiler]: I hate offices
<apeiros> oh, wow, TIL
<apeiros> >> (1+2i).class
<ruboto> apeiros # => Complex (https://eval.in/425930)
<apeiros> didn't know we had a literal for this too now
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<yorickpeterse> Yeah, there's i, r and another one IIRC
<yorickpeterse> oh hm, I think it's only i and r
<apeiros> I knew about r
<apeiros> but I either didn't know about i, or I forgot :D
<yorickpeterse> I see what you did there
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<yorickpeterse> I mean
<yorickpeterse> i see what you did there
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<[spoiler]> Lol
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<Ox0dea> >> 2ri
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<ruboto> Ox0dea # => (0+(2/1)*i) (https://eval.in/425935)
<Ox0dea> yorickpeterse: That might've been the other you had in mind?
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<apeiros> errr, what? Thread#pop == Thread#shift? the fuck?
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<apeiros> anyway, lunch time. rant time is later.
<[spoiler]> it is?
<apeiros> docs say so
<[spoiler]> wat
<adaedra> &ri LunchTime RantTime
<`derpy> No results
<adaedra> Doc says nothing about that!
<Ox0dea> ri Thread#shift
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<Ox0dea> What the heck did apeiros mean?!
<[spoiler]> Lol!
<Ox0dea> Even if he meant ThreadGroup, that class doesn't have #shift and #pop either.
<Ox0dea> I suppose he must've meant Queue.
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<flughafen> shevy: any flughafen jokes today?
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<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: I think he meant another class and had a mental typo
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<Ox0dea> >> Queue # [spoiler]
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => Thread::Queue (https://eval.in/425939)
<Ox0dea> I'm sure that explains it.
<[spoiler]> Ooh good catch
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<Ox0dea> It's unclear why you'd want to use a Queue as a stack, so it makes sense that removing from the back isn't a provided operation.
<Ox0dea> Probably best to use the more conventional #enq and #deq, in any case.
<[spoiler]> Yeah. The order in which you read from an async queue shouldn't matter
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<Ox0dea> "Just gimme one."
* [spoiler] gives Ox0dea a cookie.
<adaedra> ?cookie
<ruboto> here's your cookie:
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<Ox0dea> Das ist nicht eine async event!
<Ox0dea> Definitely tastier, though. Danke!
<adaedra> Bitte
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<yorickpeterse> Ox0dea: *i is a literal?
<yorickpeterse> >> 10*i
<ruboto> yorickpeterse # => undefined local variable or method `i' for main:Object (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/425947)
<yorickpeterse> oh, ri?
<yorickpeterse> wtf
<yorickpeterse> >> 10ri.class
<ruboto> yorickpeterse # => Complex (https://eval.in/425949)
<yorickpeterse> wut
<Ox0dea> Why not?
<yorickpeterse> >> 10ir
<ruboto> yorickpeterse # => /tmp/execpad-9fe5e5bf5032/source-9fe5e5bf5032:2: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting key ...check link for more (https://eval.in/425950)
<yorickpeterse> right
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<Ox0dea> I think Clojure put the 'r' affix to better use.
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<[spoiler]> Ox0dea: too lazy to google, please indulge me
<Ox0dea> [spoiler]: (= 2r100 3r11 4r10)
<Ox0dea> 'r' here indicating "radix", to clarify.
<[spoiler]> is that like 2/100 4/11 4/10?
<[spoiler]> ah
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<Ox0dea> Nah, just nicer alternate base literals.
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* Ox0dea wonders if those can be matched cleanly with a single regular expression.
<Ox0dea> The Clojure syntax highlighting that ships with Vim just loops to generate rules for all 35 possible bases. :(
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: whoops, Thread::*Queue*
<apeiros> I accidentally a word :<
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<adaedra> tssk.
<apeiros> ah, I see you figured :D
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<apeiros> [spoiler]: yes, order matters. I want FIFO.
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<apeiros> otherwise work can get "burried"
<[spoiler]> hmm
<[spoiler]> good point
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<Ox0dea> apeiros: But that's exactly what Thread::Queue gives you?
<apeiros> Ox0dea: yes
<Ox0dea> apeiros: Would you ever want the inverse?
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: "thread does not give me what I need" is not the wtf there :)
<apeiros> the wtf is that two methods which traditionally read from the opposite ends read from the same end
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<apeiros> IMO Queue#pop should just not exist
<Ox0dea> Why not #shift? :P
<apeiros> or do what its name suggests (LIFO)
<apeiros> because there's no #unshift
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<apeiros> but there's #push and #<<
<Ox0dea> Fair enough, actually.
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<apeiros> the current naming is IMO misleading
<Ox0dea> Why do you hate #enq and #deq?
<apeiros> from what do you infer I hate them? :)
<Ox0dea> Your implied disinterest in using them?
<apeiros> I dislike them in that they don't imply order. push/shift do.
<[spoiler]> He didn't tbf
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<apeiros> but I don't hate them.
<yorickpeterse> Per dhh it should be called #take_a_message_in_semi_random_Order
<Ox0dea> apeiros: But Thread::Queue has a sort of "implicit order" in this case.
<yorickpeterse> minus the capitals
<Ox0dea> I can't get Thread::Queue to give me messages out of order...
<apeiros> Ox0dea: yes. but why have new terminology if there exists perfectly fitting terminology already?
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<[spoiler]> generally a *queue* should just be FIFO anyway. I can't fathom why you'd need the reverse
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<Ox0dea> apeiros: "Enqueue" and "dequeue" see pretty widespread usage.
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<[spoiler]> That would defeat the purpose of the name queue ihmo
<[spoiler]> imho*
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: all usages with the implied order?
<apeiros> because I don't think that's the case
<Ox0dea> Queue == FIFO.
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<apeiros> enq/deq makes more sense than push/shift to me with e.g. a priorityqueue
<apeiros> which only are FIFO with regards to the same priority
<Ox0dea> Sure, but Thread::Queue *is* a FIFO, pending yorickpeterse's linking to where DHH proved otherwise.
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<apeiros> and then deq means "give me the first of the highest priority"
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<yorickpeterse> :P
<yorickpeterse> we need clearer method names!
<yorickpeterse> String#to_s becomes String#copy_current_string
<yorickpeterse> and .new shall be renamed to .create_new_instance_of_class
<yorickpeterse> ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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<apeiros> yorickpeterse is the happy walker
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<[spoiler]> initialize should be `prepare_new_instance_of_class_for_usage`
<apeiros> are you related to adrien brody? :D
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<apeiros> a day in yorickpeterse's life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygI-2F8ApUM ^^
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<yorickpeterse> what kind of terrible bedroom is that
<[spoiler]> LMFAO
<yorickpeterse> fake gold plated walls...really?
<yorickpeterse> the suit might as well be fake while we're at it
<[spoiler]> Oh man I am dying this video is perfect
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<michele> hi there, I have an Array with three sets inside (L = [set1, set2, set3])
<michele> I want to: set1 & set2 & set3
<michele> So I did: L.map(&)
<michele> however, it does not work
<michele> how should I do that?
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<suchness> michele: You might use inject
<suchness> L.inject(L.first) {|result, item| result & item}
<michele> works :)
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<michele> how come map is not suitable for that? because it applies '&' to every single element whilst inject applies to all the collection ?
<adaedra> .inject(&:&) no?
<suchness> adaedra: Not sure if that would work without a starting element to build on.
<[spoiler]> michele: inject runs "between" (unjects between them) elements, and map runs *on* single elements
<michele> L.inject(:&) works
<suchness> Neat
<michele> thanks :)
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<suchness> I wonder how it determines what to start with, I'll have to look at the docs.
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<adaedra> suchness: If you do not explicitly specify an initial value for memo, then the first element of collection is used as the initial value of memo.
<suchness> michele: Sure thing
<adaedra> (from the doc)
<suchness> adaedra: Ah, thats good to know, I had no idea. I have been writing my injects long hand it seems.
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<wasamasa> apeiros: what's up with that video
<wasamasa> apeiros: I don't get it at all
<wasamasa> apeiros: why is it even that specific actor
<apeiros> wasamasa: don't worry. that's ok.
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<adaedra> >trying to understand the internet
<[spoiler]> wasamasa: you don't need to know. You just need to accept
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<shevy> flughafen no flughafen jokes today, it's too hot to take off
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<flughafen> i haven't been outside since this morning shevy , i dind't see it's 31
<flughafen> yay klima!
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<ruby-lang477> is there a way to get index of key in hash ?
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<jhass> you're probably using the wrong datatstructure or algorithm if you have that desire
<jhass> ?xy
<ruboto> it seems like you are asking for a specific solution to a problem, instead of asking about your problem. This often leads to bad solutions and increases frustration for you and those trying to help you. More: http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/66378
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<apeiros> hash.keys.index(key) # but seriously, what jhass said. this is a strong code smell.
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<Galaxy83> Hi guys.. I need to decide a very simple (and maybe stupid) decision - but for some reason it won't let me go: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/bc66831b12a71ce877eb
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<[spoiler]> Galaxy83: is this a singleton?
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<jhass> the latter
<canton7> seems bad to have a singleton owning a db resource
<canton7> why can't they instantiate MyGem?
<[spoiler]> that too ^
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<jhass> actually
<jhass> ?fake
<ruboto> Please show your real code to illustrate your problem. Using fake code often hides it or won't bring up the best possible solution.
<Galaxy83> No. Not a singleton. This will run only as the app is starting
<canton7> as in.. why are you forcing them to call 'MyGem.do_action' rather than 'mygem = MyGem.new; mygem.do_actoin'?
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<[spoiler]> Galaxy83: read what Mr. Ruboto said
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<Galaxy83> The real code is almost identical. The db_resource is actually a Redis gem and do action will get/set a row. The app will start, call MyGem.do_action 50-100 times (but never inside a loop) and never run again until app restart
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<jhass> you really should allow the app to provide the redis instance
<jhass> def self.do_x(redis=Redis.new)
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<Galaxy83> but i want to make the Gem's implementation as simple as posible
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<[spoiler]> Galaxy83: what you did is not a step in that direction
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<[spoiler]> Galaxy83: people will need to go to hackish lengths to change the redis instance if they wish to do so
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<Galaxy83> the redis config will be configured in the Gem's config file
<shevy> Galaxy83 there is absolutely zero need to have to require an user to use two method calls when a single one could suffice
<Galaxy83> or the Gem's config hash
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<Galaxy83> shevy - if option 1 - then the method will be called only once in the beginning of the program.
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<Galaxy83> the real question i guess: how costly is ||= ?
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<[spoiler]> Galaxy83: not very :/
* apeiros blinks
<[spoiler]> Lol
<apeiros> Galaxy83: are you *sure* the cost of ||= is a concern?
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<apeiros> (besides that `a ||= b`'s cost is probably more dictated by the specific expressions which make up a & b than ||= itself…)
<Galaxy83> apeiros: thats why i'm here. I prefer second option since then the user will deal only with one method
<darix> that if nil should be rather cheap no?
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<apeiros> Galaxy83: that's rather unrelated to what I said
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<apeiros> Galaxy83: how about you benchmark it
<apeiros> once with ||=, once with dedicated init
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<apeiros> but the full method
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<Galaxy83> I will benchmark it later.. But if you had to choose (intuitively/ruby way/user friendliness/whatever) - what would you choose (question to everyone who read the original question)
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<[spoiler]> Galaxy83: probably the second way, but ideally it should be instance + do action
<Galaxy83> thank you [spoiler]
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<Galaxy83> that's 3 for second and 0 for first. I think we have a winner. Thanks guys.
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<jhass> ?guys Galaxy83
<ruboto> Galaxy83, Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
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<apeiros> I better don't make it 3:1 then? :)
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<apeiros> *iff* it's a method without any params and there's no point in state, then I prefer MyModule.do_stuff!
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<apeiros> maybe s/iff/if/, not sure.
<avril14th> good morning, has anyone had success using mongoid 5 gem?
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<Galaxy83> Let's not make an issue out of it... I'm not a native eng speaker but I've watched enough shows/movies to hear a lot of times that someone was relating to a group of people as "guys" even when there were females/other in that group.
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<apeiros> Galaxy83: we don't make in issue of it. we gently tell you.
<apeiros> Galaxy83: what you make of it is where it's at
<havenwood> good mornin'
<apeiros> moin havenwood
<shevy> havenwood did you have a coffee yet
<havenwood> shevy: nope! beware...
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<havenwood> shevy: thanks for reminding me, I'll fix that! :D
<shevy> yeah keep that error rate down with more coffee!
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> is open-uri slow?
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<oddmunds> shevy: open-uri seemed almost broken to me last night
<adaedra> define "slow"
<oddmunds> but i assumed the error was elsewhere
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<shevy> oddmunds hmm
<oddmunds> seems to be ok now
<oddmunds> i think my app is just very brittle
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<shevy> I guess I may download a big page... since I need only information from the ~middle I should perhaps stop the moment I have the required information rathern than continue to slurp
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<izzol> jefus:
<izzol> ahh sorry.
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<izzol> I'm looking some good solution for the queue system. I simply want to send some command to the queue and then I want to execute it by some sort of scheduler.
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<oddmunds> shevy: should you happen upon a technique that will let you read "files" over internet from the end to start, i would be interested :)
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<shevy> oddmunds hmm guess the packets are sent first from top to bottom
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<shevy> I have two small scripts that feed info on the commandline; the first one tells me the local weather in celsius; the other one returns a number about some gem-statistics... the latter perhaps somewhere has hidden some json data for that... if I could only be bothered to find it, but it's way too hot to code really...
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<shevy> I am still happy that I discovered jquery though. I can use ruby to auto-generate the ugly javascript mess, and it works. I am playing "lights on" and "lights off" with images now :)
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<oddmunds> shevy: yeah, i think i should think about the problem differently
<oddmunds> the thing is that i parse huge CSV i pull off a site
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<oddmunds> instead of having my whole app do everything on each request, i'd rather make something concurrent that keeps busy at sensible internvals and just delivers what data it has upon requests
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<shevy> that's the age of big data
<shevy> fat CSVs!
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<oddmunds> yeah
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<jhass> izzol: sidekiq, resque & delayed_job are the big three
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<oddmunds> shevy: it's a prime candidate to get my elixir fu going
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<mna> hi. how to check what's the ruby version installed in my shell account?
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<havenwood> mna: ruby -v
<mna> sigh.
<mna> okay thanks.
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<adaedra> ._o
<shevy> someone poked your eye out adaedra
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<adaedra> shevy: put that stick down before you hurt me for good
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<Aztec_> is there a way for bundler to fetch from a private git server?
<Aztec_> aka gem "something", git: "myprivategit/user/repo.git"
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<izzol> jhass: thanks
<adaedra> Aztec_: did you try that?
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<Aztec_> adaedra i tried, but my problem seems to be auth.
<adaedra> so solve this problem?
<Aztec_> https seems to work, but i want this to be quiet (shellscript), so i need ssh
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<adaedra> is your ssh key well configured?
<ThaiWood> Aztec_: If you need ssh, just use the ssh url of your repo
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<Aztec_> i added it as a deploy key to the repo
<Aztec_> since it's only the server and there is no separate user for it
<Aztec_> (and i don't want to mix up server keys and user keys)
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<adaedra> Can you clone it manually?
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<Aztec_> nope, just checked
<adaedra> so this is your problem
<Veejay> Hello everyone
<adaedra> Hi Veejay
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<Aztec_> ok adaedra, it works now...was really ssh-related, not bundler-related
<adaedra> :)
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<shevy> adaedra is the ssh king
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<waxjar> how do I reset a rack-test env?
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<nofxx> How can I tell a guy, politely, that he should use some dead space cleaner?
<jhass> ?ot
<ruboto> this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related topics. Thanks!
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<tubbo> is that actually off-topic or is he just talking about using rubocop?
<tubbo> lol
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<nirjhor> I'm trying to filter out sentences from a passage and i'm using this : text.gsub(/\w+/, ' ').split(/\.|\?|!/)
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<nirjhor> but it's showing the commas, not the sentences
<nirjhor> what am i doing wrong ?
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<nirjhor> can anyone tell ?
<jhass> ?example
<ruboto> Please provide us with an example of valid input for your problem, the output that you're getting, and the output that you were expecting.
<apeiros> you replace all \w characters with whitespace
<apeiros> so after that gsub, there's not really any text left…
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<apeiros> >> "hello".gsub(/\w+/, ' ')
<ruboto> apeiros # => " " (https://eval.in/426266)
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<nirjhor> jhass: sentences = text.gsub(/\w+/, ' ').split(/\.|\?|!/)
<nirjhor> apeiros: sentences = text.gsub(/\w+/, ' ').split(/\.|\?|!/)
<nirjhor> then puts sentences
<jhass> nirjhor: that's 2, how about 1 and 3?
<jhass> ?gist
<ruboto> https://gist.github.com - Multiple files, syntax highlighting, even automatically with matching filenames, can be edited
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<jhass> actually it's not even 2, you just only described 2 so far
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<nirjhor> its just 1 line , but it was supposed to filter out the sentence, it's filtering out the commas for some reason
<jhass> ?example
<ruboto> Please provide us with an example of valid input for your problem, the output that you're getting, and the output that you were expecting.
<jhass> ^ please read it
<jhass> I'm not asking for your code
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<nirjhor> figured out I had to put gsub(/(?=\W)/, '') instead of gsub(/\w+/, ' ')
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<nofxx> nirjhor, with regex 'X' is the complete opposite of 'x' up/down case
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<ponga> hallo
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<apeiros> hm, nobody wanted to tell nirjhor that gsub(/(?=\W)/, '') does nothing at all?
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<apeiros> but well, I guess they didn't exactly read replies anyway
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<jhass> yeah
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<dfockler> I really need to look up this gsub function, everyone asks questions about it
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<dfockler> ahh it's just group substitution, but everyone really asks questions about regex
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<rockyiii> hola
<rockyiii> para instalar ruby sass compass en debian 8 que me combiene
<rockyiii> aptitude install ruby-full
<rockyiii> o
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<apeiros> rockyiii: this channel is english
<rockyiii> curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
<rockyiii> source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
<rockyiii> ruby on español is dead
<apeiros> there are channels for other languages. I guess you're looking for #ruby-es
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<apeiros> well, then ask in english or ask people to join #ruby-es to answer your question in spanish
<rockyiii> #ruby-es non responding
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<rockyiii> wats install ruby, sass compass in debian 8????
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<rockyiii> apt-get install ruby-full ruby-sass
<rockyiii> or
<apeiros> you usually use either apt or rvm
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<apeiros> ah
<rockyiii> curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
<apeiros> I prefer rvm over apt packages. apt has a history of lagging behind greatly
<rockyiii> rvm message non bash
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<rockyiii> is for drupal7 theme omega4
<rockyiii> tutorial
<apeiros> o0
<apeiros> drupal is php, not ruby
<rockyiii> yes
<dfockler> the sass compiler runs using ruby
<rockyiii> theme omega4 using sass
<apeiros> interesting
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<apeiros> if you don't develop in ruby, then apt might overall be better. even if you get old stuff from it.
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<snockerton> is there a way to nest an if expression in a hash definition?
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<jhass> just use []= afterwards
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<snockerton> to only include a key,value hash object (if condition)
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<snockerton> i can use #{} within a string, which lets me include an expression
<snockerton> maybe i'm thinking about this wrong
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<bricker> snockerton: you can't do it inline with the hash initialization, there's no syntax to support that.
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<scpike> What's the best way to call a ruby script with a specific gemset / rvm managed ruby version? I've got `BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/path/to/Gemfile bundle exec ruby /path/to/script.rb` in a bunch of places right now.
<scpike> script.rb is in a subfolder of the folder with Gemfile in it, if that helps
<bougyman> i just rvm use 2.x.x@gemset-name in the shell
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<scpike> bougyman: but won't it look for a Gemfile relative to where I'm calling the script from, not the script itself?
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<bougyman> depends. I also cd into the tree and make it my CWD, usually.
<bougyman> otherwise I make a bin/run.sh which does all of this for me and just call that
<bougyman> /path/to/tree/bin/run.sh path/to/script.rb
<bougyman> is what it becomes, then.
<bougyman> bundler and rvm will make such wrappers for you, too, but I make my own for more flexibility and CI fiddling, most times.
<apeiros> scpike: I think that's what rvm's wrappers are there for
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<scpike> Hmm, I'm trying to come up with a solution where I can have ruby scripts I can invoke from anywhere (put the folder in PATH) that use a Gemfile
<bougyman> yes, what apeiros said.
<bougyman> scpike: and that's what mine do.
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<bougyman> using the run.sh wrapper I include in the projects.
<scpike> bougyman: could I #! the run.sh wrapper somehow?
<bougyman> so my ci can mindlessly always run projectname/bin/run.sh rake and expect it to do everything necessary to run tests.
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<scpike> The cwd trick messes some things up though, like if the script tries to output to a relative path
<bougyman> not necessarily
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<bougyman> my deployments symlnk things like PROJECTROOT/config and PROJECTROOT/log to avoid some of those issues.
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<bougyman> there's tradeoffs with allowing it to run outside the projectroot.
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<scpike> bougyman: I think my use case is a little different. It's not one ruby project being deployed somewhere; I have a tree full of standalone CLI tools, but they use libraries in a single Gemfile
<bougyman> you could export that BUNDLE_GEMFILE and put an rvm use in your scripts and be just fine in any cwd
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<scpike> oh that's a great idea, let me play with that
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<baweaver> snockerton: hash.reject
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<scpike> bougyman: it works! thanks so much
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<bougyman> no worries.
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<snockerton> how do i merge two arrays of hashes with the same key names?
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<hanmac> snockerton: use inject or each_with_object
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<snockerton> all i can get is the 2nd array nested as a new object in the first array
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<apeiros> ?example snockerton
<ruboto> snockerton, Please provide us with an example of valid input for your problem, the output that you're getting, and the output that you were expecting.
<hanmac> snockerton: show us sample data and what your output do you want from it
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<snockerton> this is probably stupid easy but unless i loop through array b and push each element to a, can't do it
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<al2o3-cr> flatten snockerton
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<al2o3-cr> unless i'm missing something
<al2o3-cr> no i'm missing something
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<baweaver> has to merge like values
<apeiros> snockerton: c = a + b
<casadei> snockerton: did you try arr.flatten ?
<apeiros> no need for flatten or anything really
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<apeiros> .concat if you don't want a new array
<snockerton> apeiros: omg
<casadei> a.push(b).flatten
<apeiros> ew
<snockerton> c = a + b
<apeiros> a.concat(b) # if you don't want a c
<snockerton> i tried like 20 different enumerable methods
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<snockerton> and it was as simple as addition
<baweaver> though I'm guessing they want this behavior: [{a: 1}, {b: 2}].merge([{a: 2}]) to render [{a: 2}, {b: 2}]
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<baweaver> (psuedocode)
<baweaver> if not, then yeah, +
<apeiros> baweaver: hm? I think the example is actually quite clear. rare enough :)
<baweaver> how do i merge two arrays of hashes _with the same key names?_
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<baweaver> that part got me
<baweaver> why would that be relevant
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<snockerton> baweaver: good catch, that was my next task
<baweaver> then + won't work
<snockerton> two diff use cases
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<baweaver> you'd get [{a:1}, {a: 2}, {b: 2}]
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<shevy> what is happening
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<al2o3-cr> why? what is happening?
<shevy> yeah
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<al2o3-cr> hey?
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<luckyruby> Is there a method that does [1,2,3] #=> "'1','2','3'"?
<apeiros> luckyruby: map + join, or interpolation + join
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<apeiros> but no, no single method which does that exists
<luckyruby> thanks
<nofxx> &: is almost a method hehe... a method caller helper?
<nofxx> >> [1,2,3].map(&:to_s)
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<apeiros> &: is two separate things and not a single thing
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<ruboto> nofxx # => ["1", "2", "3"] (https://eval.in/426370)
<nofxx> luckyruby, ^
<apeiros> nofxx: reread their example output
<luckyruby> >> [1,2,3].map {|i| "'#{i}'"}.join(',')
<ruboto> luckyruby # => "'1','2','3'" (https://eval.in/426371)
<nofxx> apeiros, ouch! yeah... I see now
<shevy> \o/
<dman777_alter> javsascript has a way I can use a object to get a property of a object... such as session[request.method](do something). does ruby have a way that is similar?
<shevy> dman777_alter is it a method call in javascript?
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<dman777_alter> shevy: no
<jhass> dman777_alter: do you look for public_send?
<dman777_alter> it's just a plug it in
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<jhass> (do not pass unvalidated userinput into it)
<luckyruby> Would love to see a second argument to Array#join that let's you specify a wrapper.
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<apeiros> dman777_alter: since ruby does not have properties, there's no direct equivalent. you can call methods using Object#public_send
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<dman777_alter> hmm... so if request.method is "get".... how could I use it to do session.get()?
<apeiros> session.public_send(request.method)
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<apeiros> &ri Object#public_send
<apeiros> ^ dman777_alter
<jhass> after if OK_METHODS.include? request.method only
<dman777_alter> apeiros: oh...nice...thanks!
<shevy> jhass does not trust the users!
<apeiros> dman777_alter: like jhass, I strongly suggest whitelisting user-input
<jhass> why would I
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<jerware> hi
<jerware> Is ruby easier than python?
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<apeiros> stevejobsinhell: yes
<stevejobsinhell> sweet.
<miah> difficultly is subjective
<apeiros> now ask the reverse in #python
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<nofxx> let us know
<slash_nick> ?nohtyp naht reisea ybur sI
<ruboto> naht, I don't know anything about nohtyp
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<apeiros> lol slash_nick
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<arup_r> give me ruby offtopic channel link.. I have some offtopic question
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<baweaver> !mute stevejobsinhell
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<failshell> im trying to embed sinatra in my app, it works until i try to use thin, than i get that error: https://gist.github.com/failshell/ef7e34cc3d56457974b4
<failshell> google says that's been fixed long ago. not sure what im doing wrong
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<nerium> Any one knows a good way to parse/extract text from a document in plain text (without using regexp)? I need a less error prone way to parse the data
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<jhass> well, that's highly contextual on the data
<baweaver> and your regex-fu
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<baweaver> Short of writing your own lexer/parser
<eam> most of which use regexes anyway
<jhass> There's also things like StringScanner
<atmosx> nerium: just give a simple to the guys at #regex they'll work the rest out. You could also use 'rubular', but generally speaking if the data is complex, you need regex.
<shevy> oh is it create-your-language time again
<shevy> nerium one poor man's variant may be to use .each and extract on a per-line basis if you don't use a regex
<nerium> I’m currently using regexp, but its impossible to debug
<nerium> I’ll give an example
<shevy> you can combine the regex with non-regex code to make it more robust
<shevy> I hate the votality of $1 for instance
<eam> nerium: have you ever looked at how a parser works?
<shevy> erm *volatility
<nerium> eam: Yeah. I took a programming language course during my last semester so I know the basics
<eam> so, you can break up your patterns into small units
<nerium> Here’s is the current impl. https://gist.github.com/oleander/7f9c8bf4c210f67e78a9
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<baweaver> ?xy
<ruboto> it seems like you are asking for a specific solution to a problem, instead of asking about your problem. This often leads to bad solutions and increases frustration for you and those trying to help you. More: http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/66378
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<My_Hearing> Show us the input and how you want to break it up
My_Hearing is now known as Mon_Ouie
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<nerium> In short: I’m trying to parse an SAT like test. There are al kind of different questions and set ups
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<nerium> Regexp works but is impossible to debug and maintain. I’m looking for a better wat
<nerium> *way
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<jhass> it seems like you try to write a single regex for all cases
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<nerium> I’m not looking for a solution to my problem, just the correct tools
<Mon_Ouie> Well, using StringScanner in combinations with regexps is a way that way mentioned already
<baweaver> Example input / example output?
<nerium> Mon_Ouie: aha, missed that
<jhass> use ^ to split up into smaller chunks (like each question answer block), detect type, parse accordingly
<nerium> baweaver: Hold on
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<nerium> There’s a lot of problems here. One is that the questions are stored in a pdf. In plain text everyting *might be* on one line
<baweaver> Split the text on /^\d+\./ to get your number blocks
<nerium> baweaver: ^
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<nerium> ^ wont work
<Pilate> ?guys
<ruboto> Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
<baweaver> !mute Pilate
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<baweaver> anyways
<nerium> baweaver: So the number 11. in this case might not be on it’s own row
<baweaver> !ban Pilate
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<baweaver> !ban Pilate !T 1d troll be gone
<ruboto> baweaver, could not find a matching user for "Pilate"
<baweaver> aw, fine.
<baweaver> danke
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<baweaver> Do you have an example of the plaintext rip?
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<nerium> baweaver: I can create one, hold on
<baweaver> probably the best bet is to try and get some consistency there.
<nerium> baweaver: ”123. This is a question A Option One B Option two C Danke D Nope"
<baweaver> Fun part is what happens when there's more than one A, B, C, or D?
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<nerium> baweaver: There’s is allways A-D and there might be a E
<baweaver> If you can guarantee punctuation on the end of the question you have some leverage
<baweaver> No, I mean what if the question starts as "A person..."
<nerium> baweaver: I can’t :)
<nerium> The question always starts with a \d+\.
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<atmosx> so 'everyone' is okay?
<jhass> sure
<nerium> atmosx: I’m not following
<nerium> Or are you talking with someone else?
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<atmosx> nerium: I was talking to jhass actually, I don't think any other operator is alive. There was an ongoing discussion about the use of the word 'guys' on github.. so...
<atmosx> anyway
<atmosx> I'm off to bed, night
<nerium> atmosx: Hehe, okay
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<baweaver> Yeah, that'll be interesting.
<miah> 'everyone' is all encompassing, so of course its ok.
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<nerium> baweaver: I’ve a plan.
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<nerium> baweaver: How about spliting the questions into blocks of questions/options
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<nerium> and then run a smaller regexp on this block?
<baweaver> If possible, but if the text option has nothing to hook off of it's risky.
<nerium> baweaver: Why not just match between 1. and 2.
<nerium> and then 2. and 3.
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<baweaver> 1. A person does this A Option
<baweaver> splitting options was what I was more worried on
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<nerium> baweaver: Given that you have the questions/options as one block?
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<baweaver> Yep.
<baweaver> see that example above
<nerium> How about starting from the back. Match Everything from ”E” to the end
<baweaver> how do you know which A to tag as an option?
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<nerium> Remove it, then ”D"
<baweaver> What if an option has a cap?
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<nerium> baweaver: You don't
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<baweaver> then reverse would be safe.
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<nerium> baweaver: Exactly
<nerium> baweaver: This is good
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<baweaver> >> 'A option B option C option D option'.reverse.split(/[ABCD]/).map { |s| s.strip.reverse }
<ruboto> baweaver # => ["option", "option", "option", "option"] (https://eval.in/426403)
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<stef1a> what's the difference between these two snippets of code? s.bids.each { |b| include = true and break if b.quarter == quarter } and s.bids.each { |b| include = true && break if b.quarter == quarter }
<stef1a> How would the distinction between `and` and `??` be relevant here?
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<stef1a> I've read that `and` has higher precedence, but I don't know how that would affect this code.
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<baweaver> best to avoid the english version in most cases.
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<stef1a> baweaver: why? in this case, the English version does what i want, and the symbolic version does not
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<nerium> baweaver: Thanks. Illl try it out!
<miah> "The and and or keywords are banned. It's just not worth it. Always use && and || instead."
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<baweaver> don't try and put things on one line.
<baweaver> that's your issue.
<Mon_Ouie> stef1a: `include = true and break if x' is like `((include = true) and break) if x'
<Mon_Ouie> vs (include = (true && break)) if x
<baweaver> ^
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<stef1a> Gotcha. That's subtle :-) Thanks!
<banisterfiend> Mon_Ouie are you in a room without light?
<Mon_Ouie> I'm in a room with neon lights
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<banisterfiend> Mon_Ouie is there a woman of the world there with you?
<banisterfiend> she has to leave!
<Mon_Ouie> There's a kitten, does that count?
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<EllisTAA> anyone know why i’m not getting my expected outcome: https://gist.github.com/ellismarte/db16caf989261b347137
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<Mon_Ouie> Because [] evaluates to an array object. All the elements in that array are the same array object.
<EllisTAA> Mon_Ouie: thanks
<baweaver> if you use a block, it evaluates that block for each default
<Mon_Ouie> >> x = []; array = Array.new(2, x); array[0].equal? x
<ruboto> Mon_Ouie # => true (https://eval.in/426404)
<banisterfiend> Mon_Ouie so long as it's not a petit chien, then you would have to throw her into a basket of cushions and sail cloth
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<baweaver> >> a= Array.new(2) { [] }; a[1] << %w(some stuff); a
<ruboto> baweaver # => [[], [["some", "stuff"]]] (https://eval.in/426405)
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<nerium> Any problems?
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<naftilos76> Hi, i am using ruby 2.2 . Is there a way to detect whether a file is being read? I basically want to delete a file after the read access from another source ceases.
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<slash_nick> naftilos76: can you send a signal when the read ceases? then delete when the signal is received?
<baweaver> The other way will be faster
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<naftilos76> slash_nick, i want to delete a zip file after it is downloaded in rails
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<naftilos76> after it i downloaded through the send_file method
<baweaver> either way have to get back to some work.
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<slash_nick> naftilos76: so (pseudocode) send_file(file); send_the_send_file_finished_signal... you can do it pub-subbishly using ActiveSupport::Notifications
<nerium> baweaver: Performence is not really a problem as it’s used in an admin panel. The code you posted had some smaller buggs
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<naftilos76> slash_nick, let me see send_file in rails api
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<slash_nick> naftilos76: looking now... but we should move this conversation to #rubyonrails
<naftilos76> slash_nick, sure
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<Mon_Ouie> nerium: I'd use #scan_until, somewhat like this: https://eval.in/426416
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<nerium> Mon_Ouie: Nice, i’ll give it a try
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<nerium> Mon_Ouie: Any idea how to split the questions into parts?
<TeresaP> OT: Did web chat.freenode.net get an upgrade?
<nerium> Mon_Ouie: Like this one data = "This is stuff 1. Number one 2. Number two 5. End of line"
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<nerium> Mon_Ouie: Output: [”Number one”, Number two”, ”End of line”]
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<nerium> Mon_Ouie: I tried using data.scan(/\d+\.\s+(.+?)(?=\d+\.\s+)/m).to_a, but the output isn’t correct
<jhass> ?ot TeresaP ;)
<ruboto> TeresaP, this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related topics. Thanks!
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<TeresaP> I said "OT" but didn't realize there was an off-topic changel
<Mon_Ouie> Same idea as for splitting questions and answers, but with / (\d+)\. / as a regexp?
<TeresaP> thanks
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<nerium> Mon_Ouie: The problem is that the numbers arn’t in order
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<Mon_Ouie> You can grab the number with the capture group (scanner[1]), put them in a hash of idx => option and then collect them in order in an array
<nerium> Mon_Ouie: Can I use then for anything? I mean, I might just have extracted #1, that doesn’t mean that #2 is next
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<Mon_Ouie> / (\d+)\. / is going to match no matter what number is next
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<kristian_on_linu> hi
<kristian_on_linu> Could not find 'listen' (~> 2.7) - did find: [listen-3.0.3] (Gem::LoadError)
<kristian_on_linu> this means that I have the gem, but too new a version ... eh?
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<adaedra> indeed
<shevy> yeah
<adaedra> did you `bundle install` ?
<kristian_on_linu> yes
<shevy> you can select one from there https://rubygems.org/gems/listen/versions
<adaedra> under current user?
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<kristian_on_linu> shevy, I would want the newest one, eh?
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<shevy> kristian_on_linu I myself would but you have a hardlock there, probably in Gemfile
<adaedra> not if the thing you're trying to setup don't want it
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<adaedra> and here, it requires something 2.7 and newer, but before 2.8
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<nerium> Mon_Ouie: Hmm, I dont get any matches. What I’m i missing? https://gist.github.com/oleander/17f6be2c2db939a859f1
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<adaedra> but bundle should install the right version
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<kristian_on_linu> hurm
<adaedra> you don't run bundle under sudo, right?
<kristian_on_linu> no
<kristian_on_linu> I usually just gem install stuff
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<kristian_on_linu> but I think I have rvm
<adaedra> gem install will pickup the last version if you don't give specifications on the version
<Mon_Ouie> You have to skip the "This is a stuff" part before you can use the scan loop
<badfish129> anyone can help with mocha, how would I mock a method that returns nothing but changes one of its arguments
<Mon_Ouie> e.g. with scan_until
<Mon_Ouie> (scan matches at the beginning of the remaining string)
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<nerium> Mon_Ouie: Got an example? :/
<Mon_Ouie> x = "before 1. after"; before = scanner.scan_until(/(?= \d\. )/); while …
<Majost__> Can someone explain this to me: /(.\d\.\d.\d|.\d\.\d)/.match('1.0') => nil
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<Majost__> It matches 10.0 and 10.0.0 correctly though... is anything < 10 not concidered a digit or something?
<shevy> the | there I think
<shevy> it should be or
<Mon_Ouie> Well it doesn't match because the first pattern (before the '|' is any character, followed by a digit, followed by a dot, followed by a digit, followed by any character, followed by a digit
<nofxx> Majost__, 10 is not 1 digit
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<nofxx> 2 digits, \d+
<nofxx> or \d{2,}
<Mon_Ouie> Second one is any character followed by a digit followed by a dot, followed by a digit.
<nofxx> ops, \d{1,}
<jhass> {1,} is +
<nofxx> jhass, yup
<Majost__> ah
<Majost__> \d+ fixed it
<Majost__> thanks
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<nofxx> jhass, was going to say about {1,x} later
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<nofxx> Majost__, if you know how many digits
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<sts> hello folks. I found a gem once which made it easy to align text properly, forgot about its name tho. Any ideas?
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<shevy> .ljust and .rjust !
<shevy> yay Österreich
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<sts> oh yeah maybe it was just stdlib :)
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<shevy> but really, .ljust and .rjust should suffice
<shevy> >> ["Ticket Type".ljust(14),"Maintenance".rjust(12)].join(':')
<ruboto> shevy # => "Ticket Type : Maintenance" (https://eval.in/426417)
<sts> true
<shevy> there was some boxed ascii formatter
<sts> No i don't want any boxes :)
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<shevy> I mean because of the ':' character, I remember that it also used that character to separate key-value pairs
<shevy> since the ':' on your link all appear to be aligned, top to bottom
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<Porfa> lol hello
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<shevy> hmm
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<shevy> sts I don't remember, perhaps it was that project, in the event that stdlib won't suffice: https://github.com/tj/terminal-table
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<Porfa> will anyone kind enough show me the syntax on a ruby selenium, on how to use regex?
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<Porfa> I'm cross helping (is that how you say it?) someone is chatting with me already, I'm only used to look ilke a fool in here
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<PenguinMan98> I updated PATH to include the D:\Ruby\DevKit\bin but it doesn't seem to work
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<PenguinMan98> Error installing _my gem_ The 'hittimes' native gem requires installed build tools.
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<PenguinMan98> I downloaded them and unzipped them to D:\Ruby\DevKit
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<PenguinMan98> I updated PATH with both D:\Ruby\DevKit and D:\Ruby\DevKit\bin but no luck
<PenguinMan98> ideas?
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<umgrosscol> PenguinMan98, you can call the executables in DevKit\bin from your command line?
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<kristian_on_linu> should I update ruby?
<kristian_on_linu> I'm on ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005) [x86_64-linux]
<shevy> kristian_on_linu the difference is marginal
<kristian_on_linu> (trying now, with RVM)
<kristian_on_linu> hurm
<shevy> but if you are bored you can
<PenguinMan98> Yes
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<shevy> I am on ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-linux]
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<kristian_on_linu> I am sort of bored ... but I was thinking it could explain my woes
<havenwood> kristian_on_linu: grab the latest RVM first: rvm get master
<shevy> PenguinMan98 I think not many people use windows these days
<PenguinMan98> I know because ls works
<PenguinMan98> until I installed the tools, I was using dir still
<kristian_on_linu> ls is awesome ... I use it all the time
<PenguinMan98> shevy: regardless, I am
<kristian_on_linu> cat is also nice
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<baweaver> As someone who used to do Ruby on Windows, you _can_ do it but I wouldn't if I were you.
<kristian_on_linu> I'll pastebin the entire error. It's jekyll but it seems like a ruby problem to me.
<baweaver> kristian_on_linu: use gist
<ruboto> kristian_on_linu, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
<baweaver> ruboto tends to
<baweaver> that
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<baweaver> kristian_on_linu: seems straightforward, version is missing
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<BraddPitt> you have a very Nordic name, kristian_on_linu
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<PenguinMan98> So, recommendations to delete my life and start over on an other OS aside, any ideas what is wrong?
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<kristian_on_linu> I'm in Denmark, BraddPitt
<BraddPitt> Makes sense
<kristian_on_linu> baweaver: elaborate, please?
<baweaver> cannot load such file -- jekyll/version (LoadError)
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<kristian_on_linu> GODS DAMNED
<baweaver> odd
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<baweaver> I'd open an issue on it, or see if there's a patched version
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<kristian_on_linu> I only needed to rename the gemfile!
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<dfockler> should I modify $LOAD_PATH or use require_relative to load local files?
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<shevy> neither
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<shevy> install a gem :)
<shevy> I use require to load some local .rb file
<shevy> require_relative is so long to type
<dfockler> I don't want it to be a gem
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<baweaver> everything is a gem
<baweaver> _everything_
<dfockler> haha
<dfockler> I thought everything was an Object
<baweaver> Object is a gem
<baweaver> \o/
<dfockler> haha
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<baweaver> (not really, just being cheeky by now)
<baweaver> well, rubinius
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<banisterfiend> baweaver sup weave-dogg
<baweaver> alo
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<banisterfiend> sup
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<baweaver> waiting for pull requests to get done.
<shevy> pull that dam already!
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<Sou|cutter> I'm finding myself writing interfaces that lean heavily on #call lately. I can't tell if this is a good or bad thing yet :/
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<shevy> do you know what is going on?
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<centrx> shevy, WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?
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<shevy> I mean the #call-able interfaces
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<banisterfiend> Sou|cutter soon you'll be writing pure functions :)
<banisterfiend> i mean if your objects are small enough to have one method as their public interface you'll probably go whole-hog and just have single functions altogether, then you'll be blogging about haskell and monads soon enough..
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* baweaver hides monad tutorial slowly
* Sou|cutter nods sadly
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<aep> hm, rand() is too random for me. i wonder if there is a form of 'random' that is biased towards even distribution
<Sou|cutter> I'm really curious why anyone would ever use .() on a #call-able
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<banisterfiend> Sou|cutter in the case of lambdas it's just cos it looks more like () i guess
<banisterfiend> which ruby doesnt allow for various reasons
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<Sou|cutter> it looks so janky
<centrx> aep, I thought rand already used a uniform distribution?
<Sou|cutter> banisterfiend: probably true
<banisterfiend> Sou|cutter if you're writing something full of lambdas like the y-combinator, it can look a little neater
<banisterfiend> though still pretty janky yeah
<banisterfiend> but a lil nicer than #call everywhere imo
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<aep> centrx: probably, but i need more. i'm using it for a binary choice and it just returned 10 times true in a row. humans will think its broken
<zenspider> I'd honestly rather use call than .()
<zenspider> but I'll stick to []
<zenspider> mmm... no, apparently I use .call a fair amount too
<Sou|cutter> zenspider: [] doesn't #call does it?
<zenspider> hard to look for where I use []
<centrx> aep, Anything can happen, it's random
<zenspider> they're aliases
<baweaver> >> -> { 1 + 2 }[]
<ruboto> baweaver # => 3 (https://eval.in/426428)
<Sou|cutter> nice, I didn't realize that one
<aep> centrx: exactly, i want less random :D
<maletor> How does Float#round work, in relation to IEEE 754? I mean, how does it add bits to increase the precision of the number?
<baweaver> >> -> a { 1 + 2 } === 1
<ruboto> baweaver # => 3 (https://eval.in/426429)
<centrx> aep, You could do (1..10).to_a.shuffle
<baweaver> :D
<zenspider> maletor: afaik, it _is_ 754
<shevy> Sou|cutter once you use [] your code will become even more magical to the un-initiated
<Sou|cutter> shevy: That is a concern, heh
<aep> centrx: doesnt that just use rand() ?
<maletor> zenspider: then how does it remove the .000000000003 at the end by virtue of rounding it? Wouldn't they still exist?
<banisterfiend> Sou|cutter jim weirich used .() a lot in this vid on the y combinator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FITJMJjASUs
<aep> maybe i should just count and bias it myself
<zenspider> "too random" heh
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<zenspider> banisterfiend: and it was icky...
<zenspider> made it look slighly more lispy tho, I guess
<zenspider> if you squint
<banisterfiend> if you squint hard enough you can just ignore the '.' https://www.dropbox.com/s/nkdrhpbsjhyzkwh/Screenshot%202015-09-02%2000.41.17.png?dl=0
<banisterfiend> yeah
<banisterfiend> hehe
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<zenspider> maletor: I don't think I understand your question
<centrx> aep, that gives you a randomly sorted array of the numbers 1 through 10
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<zenspider> maletor: round returns a new value, and an integer... so...
<Sou|cutter> banisterfiend: I like(d) Jim a lot, but I think we have different aesthetic tastes
<aep> centrx: i dont understand how thats less random
<centrx> aep, each number appears only once. So figure out what the actual parameters of your randomness are. The same number appearing ten times in a row is unlikely, it's not going to happen to a lot of people, maybe no one else
<aep> aah!
<aep> unfortunatly i have true/false. but the idea was good
<Sou|cutter> or he's just challenging me, and my subconscious doesn't like that ;)
<zenspider> aep: (1..10).to_a is about as less random as you'll get
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<zenspider> Sou|cutter: I don't think that talk was representative of his normal style. IIRC, he says something to that effect at the start
<maletor> zenspider: i think it's because round has a ceiling of ~16
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<maletor> if it were any more than the float couldn't be trusted to be accurate
<zenspider> not to say that I don't disagree with many of his design choices
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<maletor> zenspider: which is a practical limit of floats in the first place
<aep> actually this is exactly what i need (([true]*5)+([false]*5)).to_a.shuffle thanks centrx
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<Sou|cutter> yea
<zenspider> maletor: again, I'm not sure what you're asking. afaik, ruby implements ieee754 directly. Refer to that document
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<banisterfiend> zenspider "not" to say that i "dont" "dis"agree, for someone who doesnt even liek to use "unless" in ruby that hurt my tiny pigeon brain :)
* centrx hopes aep is not writing the next version of OpenSSL
<zenspider> banisterfiend: jim didn't use unless?
<banisterfiend> zenspider i was just referring to your use of negatives in that sentence :)
<banisterfiend> not, dont, disagree
<banisterfiend> could also be because it's nearly 1am and i'm drunk though..
<aep> centrx: hehe. nah, its a coin toss. and humans get frustrated when it 'feels' not random
<zenspider> ah. :P
<Sou|cutter> banisterfiend: I laughed
<banisterfiend> :)
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<jesterfraud> what happened to MINASWAN in the topic?
<shevy> who was the evil one who changed the topic last
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<shevy> aha! it was apeiros!
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<shevy> jesterfraud I don't think I would have noticed any change at all, I don't even read topics, they scroll away so quickly :)
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<BraddPitt> Outside of Rails, is there a way to feed a schema to Postgres?
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<baweaver> Sequel
<baweaver> or postgresql console
<BraddPitt> hmmm ideally reading from a file
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<BraddPitt> I guess I could read in from a text file with table creation statements?
<dfockler> BraddPitt: psql db_name < file.sql
<BraddPitt> can I do that in code?
<Radar> `psql db_name < file.sql`
<dfockler> ^
<Radar> next question plz
<dfockler> I'm sure pg or Sequel has some function for it
<BraddPitt> heh
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<baweaver> does
<BraddPitt> was trying to find it in pg
<BraddPitt> i hate their docs
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<BraddPitt> I think i'll do what Radar suggested, thanks
<dfockler> pg docs are annoying
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* baweaver shrugs
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<Radar> Are they?
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<BraddPitt> to read, yes
<Radar> explain plz
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<BraddPitt> its just a list of classes, methods and files
<BraddPitt> but no description of what each does
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<BraddPitt> so if you don't know what you're looking for, its hard to search
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<shevy> people often get lazy when it comes to docu
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<Radar> Oh the pg gem
<Radar> I thought you meant the PostgreSQL.org docs
<cscheib> is there a sane reason why people upload numerous iterations of their gem to rubygems within a very short span?
<Radar> cscheib: eg?
<cscheib> just curious, I've been following the rubygems twitter feed
<cscheib> example, frecon
<Radar> Bugs in it
<Radar> I dunno
<cscheib> I can understand like 2 in 30 minutes
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<Coraline> Sometimes, as Radar says, I release and realize that I published a bug
<Radar> Why are you following it? It's a firehose.
<Radar> GitHub link is broken for frecon.
<cscheib> Coraline: oh, totally understood... but there's like a dozen uploads
<BraddPitt> cscheib usually committing without testing
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<cscheib> yea, that's what I figured, laziness
<BraddPitt> (I'm very guilty of that with my git commits but it gets me green squares so #yolo)
<cscheib> just wasn't sure if there was something I'm missing
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<cscheib> Radar: it is a firehose, sure, but I've found out about a few reasonably useful gems by following the feed
<shevy> cscheib sometimes you may find some bug or typo as you release a gem
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<shevy> so then you either publish a new update quickly, or wait until the next iteration which may happen in +x days
<cscheib> shevy: yes yes, but a dozen times? :P
<shevy> dunno
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<shevy> I think the highest count of gem release I had about 6 gems for one project in a single day
<cscheib> sounds like laziness, and not using versioning/branching/tagging properly
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<Ox0dea> cscheib: Perhaps they accidentally set up a hook that pushes on save. :P
<cscheib> I suspect that's part of it
<shevy> isn't that precisely how you would publish in any other version control system too?
<zenspider> cscheib: laziness / sloppy discipline. I try to never ever release the same thing more than once a day.
<zenspider> I've also had jr devs under me that thought they could put out shit and then just put out fixes as they came up
<zenspider> rude awakening when I made them live with their initial release for a week
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<zenspider> they cleaned up real quick
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<shevy> not sure how that dude added +x KB so quickly
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<cscheib> zenspider: yea, I'm with you, I wouldn't be tagging a release until I'm sure it's ready
<cscheib> and not multiple times in a day
<zenspider> ew. and they use tabs
<zenspider> fuckers
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<shevy> hmm... saying there are 6 authors for frecon
<cscheib> heck, I'd leave it off rubygems until the release cycle was mildly stable
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<Ox0dea> At least he's not pushing the gem for each additional piece of documentation. :P
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<BraddPitt> oh my god
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<zenspider> my favorite is when they have horrible process and each release contains pkg/*.gem
<Aeyrix> LOL
<zenspider> there was one gem that had been doing that for months
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<zenspider> they had no clue that their 100kb gem was megs in size
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<cscheib> (I'll stop making fun now, it's not like I'm contributing anything useful publicly)
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<Aeyrix> I want to post this on Twitter but Dashlane still haven't fixed their issue with sites using CSP
<Aeyrix> so I can't be bothered to login normally.
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