hi. i'm currently trying to package https://github.com/thelounge/lounge for sandstorm and have an issue. when i make the app available with vagrant-spk dev i can create a grain in sandstorm, but the grain shows just a loading animation forever. maybe someone has a hint what i might have done wrong. here is the code https://github.com/theSoenke/lounge
thanks. the grain log looks helpful. seems like the node applications is crashing
Sometimes it crashes due to using 'localhost', whereas we remove /etc/hosts within the sandbox, so you can use '' instead where you might otherwise use 'localhost'.
the issues seems to be that it can't create the directory /opt/app/.lounge
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https://docs.sandstorm.io/en/latest/vagrant-spk/services/ "Create what you need in /var. Each Sandstorm grains runs with an empty, fresh /var at grain creation time, so you'll have to ensure that any necessary directories or files are created in launcher.sh."
AFK a little bit; I'm asheesh@sandstorm.io if you need more help but I'm not on IRC then!
ok. thanks for your help. will try to find a solution to store the data in /var
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just to make sure i'm not doing this unnecessarily hard, if i want to change c++ or js files and test them out manually it's best to run make fast && sudo make update?
ekam seems to eagerly re-build everything on every c++ file change, and this of course takes a lot of time. not sure how make continuous integrates and make update play together
keeping "make continuous" running then attemping "make fast" fails, so it's not supposed to be used like this at least
more questions, what is the recommended way to enable KJ_DBG output on the sandstorm-http-bridge? do i need to repackage my app for that? (cannot find any --verbose handling)
reisi: `make continuous` in one terminal and then `make update` in another
to debug sandstorm-http-bridge, I usually insert a bunch of `KJ_LOG()` statements
you do need to rerun `spk dev` or `spk pack` for changes to sandstorm-http-bridge to make it to your app
dwrensha: oh, didn't realize that last one part, neither the building info but the last one is more significant :)
i've been trying to debug why my modifications to sandstrom-http-bridge are not visible and the reason is i packaged my app with vagrant-spk (don't know how to do it yet with plain spk)
are you building Sandstorm inside or outside of the vagrant VM?
dwrensha: inside; i have had two vagrant boxes, one for compiling and running sandstorm, another one for packaging via vagrant-spk
but next i'll figure out how to package with the spk i've just compiled and installed
my usual method is to copy sandstorm-0-fast.tar.xz into the vagrant-spk vm and then do `sudo sandstorm update sandstorm-0-fast.tar.xz`
oh yes of course
nice, it'd seem my simple patch works :)
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reisi: BTW (a) hooray that your patch works! and (b) if you're interested/able to write up a blog post or something like that on your own blog about what you learned about how to modify the Sandstorm shell, then that'd be amazing.
I can work on adding something to the main Sandstorm docs in the fullness of time, but I figure if you blog it yourself, then I'm not a roadblock for getting that in, and you don't have to worry as much about copying the docs.sandstorm.io writing style etc.
If you don't want to, that is fine too, but I thought I'd ask!
theSoenke: Hi there! So I noticed you're doing a thing that requires network access.
You will have to do some kind of capnproto stuff to get real outbound network Internet access.
Let me see what I can dig up in terms of details.
Some things to know about the code to give you network access to the outside world:
- Getting it working well is a priority within Sandstorm.
- We don't feel to that it's at the point het where lots of people can easily use it, so we haven't spent time trying to publicize it because we don't want to lead people into some experience that's surprisingly hard.
- You can use the Python test app to "Request IpNetwork", and you'll see the Sandstorm permission chooser (aka powerbox) UI. Note that only admins on the server have the ability to grant "IpNetwork" right now, which means it works for self-hosters but doesn't really work on Oasis unless you're Kenton.
- Once you click "Request IpNetwork" you'll see new app functionality that uses outbound raw Internet access. (In this case it's a HTTP fetch, but your app can do whatever.)
asheesh: thanks a lot. i will take a look at it and try to implement it
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theSoenke: You're welcome! Also do note that nodejs has capnproto bindings, and you can use that too; see https://github.com/kentonv/node-capnp
As you begin, I do personally recommend that you say hello on the sandstorm-dev Google Groups email list; letting people know what you're up to in a medium like email, where history is easier to access, is often a really good idea.
Not the slighest bit required, but just a random bit of advice.
AFK again for a while, alas!
sure. will do that
And while I'm saying things here: Morning, all!
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