Oasis is now losing money a bit... like $200/mo. :/ Might be able to get it to break-even by moving HTTP to C++ (almost done) and offloading Sandcats DNS to Cloudflare (which will also improve pageload times for all sandcats servers by a lot, especially people outside the US).
but people can also help out by upgrading subscriptions... :)
kentonv: I've sent #3019 to fix the referrals page... I think. I already did it wrong once.
I still have like a year of credit in my account so I'm not being helpful on Oasis funding right now. :/
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Does having wildcard Let's Encrypt SSL cert require that TXT record is added to domain DNS ?
kentonv ^ ?
hi, I've a weird question. I'm moving all the users to a new instance of sandstorm and I'd like to setup the oldone in read-only mode. there's a way in sandstorm to inform the user all the grain is freeze in read-only?
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samba_: What about the admin message that can be shown on the top bar?
ocdtr_web: how to do that?
I don't have a Sandstorm admin interface in front of me, but "maintenance message" has it's own page.
xet7: FWIW, Kenton intends to build Let's Encrypt wildcard support directly into Sandstorm so it sets itself up, I believe.
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ocdtr_web: Does this mean that Sandstorm shows what TXT record add to DNS, or does Sandstorm make that change directly to DNS ?
I assume it will involve being able to specify a script to call out to that will make the change.
Sure, theres scripts like that already.
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For existing things like the TXT record for web publishing, generally Sandstorm tells you what to add to the DNS, I think. There's enough ways people could set up their DNS I suspect this would be hard to do automatically. But I assume it will be able to sign you up and install the certs for you into the web server Sandstorm uses.
Right now if you want a cert that isn't managed by Sandcats you have to a reverse proxy thing.