This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
raspimate_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
harish has joined #sandstorm
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TC04 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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Torgeir has joined #sandstorm
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
Torgeir has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
afuentes has joined #sandstorm
nicoo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
nicoo has joined #sandstorm
afuentes has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
TheSilentLink12 has joined #sandstorm
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
TheSilentLink12 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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pie_ has joined #sandstorm
zyley has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
zyley has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
Ellenor8 has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
Ellenor8 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
pie__ has joined #sandstorm
pie_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
mentifis20 has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
mentifis20 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
nemesys has joined #sandstorm
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
nemesys has quit [Killed (Unit193 (Spam is not permitted on freenode.))]
Adbray has joined #sandstorm
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
Adbray has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))]
ynyounuo has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
ynyounuo has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
pie___ has joined #sandstorm
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decay has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
decay has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
bodie_ has left #sandstorm ["Leaving"]
ocdtrekkie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
dystopia_ has joined #sandstorm
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
webpigeon24 has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
webpigeon24 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
ocdtrekkie has joined #sandstorm
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lostlabyrinth29 has joined #sandstorm
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
lostlabyrinth29 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Tux26 has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
Tux26 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
cloe8 has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
cloe8 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
TingPing4 has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
TingPing4 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
irv2 has joined #sandstorm
/!\ ATTN: This channel has moved to irc.efnet.org #LRH /!\
This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/
With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/
I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/
A fascinating blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/
irv2 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
what in the fuck is going on here
kentonv has quit [Quit: Leaving]
kentonv has joined #sandstorm
what does +r do?
Limits the channel to registered users only.. I think?
Almost every other channel I know of has had to do the same, unfortunately :/
/mode YourNick +R does the same, but for queries/PMs.
what happened?
how long has this been going on? (Sorry, I've been in London all week...)
That I do not know entirely... Earliest spam messages started here on July 31st, other channels earlier. See also, https://freenode.net/news/spambot-attack
"The fairly aggressive spambot attacks link to websites that we believe to have been set up to impersonate freenode volunteers, and that we believe to contain offensive and incorrect information intended to defame and libel members of the freenode volunteer team." And so forth.
They're hitting foonetic and other IRC networks as well.
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I'm considering removing the free plan from Oasis. Or, that is, cutting the quota for free users to 0 grains. Existing grains owned by free users would still be downloadable but wouldn't be able to start up.
Since currently I personally am subsidizing about 1/3 the overall serving costs. This would either reduce the costs or get more people to pay. :/
NwS has joined #sandstorm
People would still have the demo option, right?
Depends on the levels, let me go see...
Yeah, that might make sense.
Any way to give an email/etc heads up to existing free users, e.g. if they're using static publishing or otherwise might not see a warning in Sandstorm itself?
yes, I'd send an e-mail to all active users
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