Gogs was updated some months ago, but I don't know more, I asked about it from ocdtrekkie a moment ago
I recommend you stay at this channel to get response
xet7: My original reason why I got interested for sandstorm-gogs upgrade was missing "New Migration"-feature, and now it seems it doesn't have anything to do with sandstorm-gogs being few version behind.
however, I did et interested about your SandstormPorts project
What is New Migration feature?
I creates mirror from repository
Ok, I don't know would that work on Sandstorm directly, or require some additional coding
Are there other Sandstorm apps you are interested in updating? Or adding new apps?
xet7: I just got my initial dev environment up with vagrant-spk, so I definitely need a little bit more exp before joining your sandstorm ports project
New developers for Sandstorm would be very welcome. At SandstormPorts we will add possibitity to setup bounties, and there can be also some customers that would like to have features in Sandstorm.
It does require a lot of time to get familiar with Sandstorm code etc, it's quite advanced
I'm maintainer of Wekan https://wekan.github.io , Wekan is available also for Sandstorm
And Snap, Docker etc
I do have few build scripts which should be convertable as sandstorm app (elasticsearch, kibana, pootle), I try those first. If that turns out to be too difficult, i probably go and try to update existing packages.
Nice :)
I got into sandstorm because of Wekan and etherpad, and they seem to work as intended. Thanks for good port.
There are still bugs, importing board to Wekan at Sandstorm does not work.
My only concern has been "Delete board" feature, but I think it's missing from upstream also
Wekan for Sandstorm was made by original author of Wekan Maxime Quandalle. After him, I have been maintainer, and have done a lot of work to keep Wekan running at Sandstorm.
Delete board did work originally when I merged that pull request, but for some reason it stopped working, I don't know why.
I do plan to fix it sometime
xet7: You have nice Github contribution graph for last two years, respect.
xet7: thanks for your work. I use wekan on sandstorm more than anything else
coffeebird[m]: Thanks :) All the thanks has kept me going :)
I like the idea of bounties too. One for rocket chat and may even media wiki would be good
I've been trying to move an internal org wiki over to sandstorm but can't figure out how to get templates working in the sandstorm media wiki app
Is it because of old version?
I would think, that you just download sandstorm media wiki grain in .zip file, install it locally, hack you changes and content to there, and upload grain in .zip file
Hm. Wonder if it's possible to backup the current hosted wiki and restore it as a sandstorm grain?
Yes I think so.
Copy from your hosted wiki files and database content to extracted Sandstorm grain .zip content
I have not looked at what database wiki uses at sandstorm, but anyway it's possible to export/import to other database format
if it's raw mysql data, it can be copied to some linux computer to directory where is raw mysql data
and after changes copy it to sandstorm extracted directory
and make zip file
and upload zip file
if at sandstorm it's sqlite, then with export/import tools database tables can be copied
if at sandstorm some URLs are different, then it's possible to change those with sed or SQL commands
or by loading database dump to text editor and doing search/replace
I usually use nano
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he1kki: cem did update Gogs last time someone asked about it, but as I said in the issue, I suspect migration is removed because the sandbox makes it hard to do things dependent on talking to other servers.
Sandstorm has a system called the Powerbox for the user to allow a grain to access another grain or an external server or what-have-you, but it requires writing a bit of Sandstorm-specific code that most haven't really delved into.
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That's interesting. I'm not too familiar with databases and even had to ask someone to install the wiki templates since the how to guide made no sense to me.
So trying to do all that in sandstorm might be beyond me. Not a big deal. Templates are nice, but mostly just a nicer way of displaying the same info
I assume rocketchat on sandstorm uses powerbox since anyone can drop a grain into the chat rather seamlessly, though it of course doesn't work in the rocketchat mobile app
I've noticed in wordpress, links to outside webpages or even other grain share links don't seem to work. Something must be blocking it?
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coffeebird[m]: Rocket.Chat does have some Powerbox code for sharing grains. And then someone made a fork of it out there that works with push notifications using the Powerbox as well to talk to a Rocket.Chat server.
coffeebird[m]: With regard to Wordpress links, external URLs must be opened in a new tab. If you're making a link in a post, opening in new tab is an option you can set on a link in Wordpress. For other links, just right click and open in a new tab.
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oh. I didn't know about a version with push notifications. that'd be handy