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looks like back-end resource usage halved when I cut off the free plan. And we're up to $1302/mo now (from $1104 before I turned it off, and $828 when I first announced the change).
kentonv: Does that mean profit or loss ?
those numbers are revenue from subscriptions
I think by cutting some servers I can get the company to break-even
I hope so
or at least it will be close enough that I don't mind continuing to cover the difference
Does Wekan take too much resources? Should I try to lower Wekan resource usage?
nah I don't think wekan is an issue
What takes most resources?
free users. :)
I mean, we were basically giving people free compute... tragedy of the commons, etc. etc.
now that people have to pay their share I think things will be fine.
I had half a dozen people e-mail me to complain, about half of them profanity-laden, though those people apologized after seeing the blog posts. I guess some people's workflows meant they never saw the warnings in the UI. Guess I should have found a better place to put the warning. :/