hi all, porting Yet Another RSS Readerâ„¢ to sandstorm (miniflux) to get a feel for the process etc, and at a bit of an impasse regarding http requests. Is hack session still a thing like with tinyrss? Should I be using powerbox instead? if so, where do many requests to many different urls fit in with the canonicalUrl pattern? Would it have to be one powerbox request for *every* feed?
In the case of a feed reader I think one request per feed actually makes a fair amount of sense.
But yeah, you probably want to be using the powerbox.
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fair enough, thanks. Is there a way to initiate a request from the server (rather than via the browser to the parent frame)? Seems if not it'll require a lot more work porting apps as many will need extra js etc and a means for the server to send requests to the browser
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Yaniel: Thanks. Do you (or anyone else for that matter) have any experience with acme-dns? In my opinion Sandstorm should be able to set it up automatically and then you just create an NS record pointing at the server :D
deni: In my case, I front Sandstorm with an nginx service on the same machine, which is likely to be an easier integration.
TimMc_ is now known as TimMc
TimMc_: Ok, I'll look into that, but don't have any nginx experience. Do you maybe have a good resource explaining the process?
Basically, nginx listens on 443, and you tell it what TLS cert and key to use, etc., and then it forwards any requests it gets to Sandstorm (which is listening locally on some other port).
nginx handles all the TLS termination and beyond that does little else, in this configuration
What's nice about this is that there are certbot-nginx integrations.
TimMc: Thanks a lot. I'll check it out :)
Also, is someone maybe working on OpenID support for Sandstorm? That would really be cool from an organization perspective!