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<ss-ssl> Hello again. My sandstorm setup was working fine until I moved to NGINX with a reverse proxy to support SSL. Now SSL works but I am getting the yellow warning message on Admin page regarding "WILDCARD_HOST" being misconfigured. The browser console states "Sandstorm WILDCARD_HOST self-test failed. Details: Error: Connection lost" and "Failed to load
<ss-ssl> resource: net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID". The issue seems to be due to my wildcard SSL supporting *.domain and not *.subdomain.domain. I tried setting it up with sandstorm-*.domain but unable to add appropriate A/CNAME record on Godaddy's DNS. Please advise?
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<xet7> ss-ssl: You need to get new SSL cert for your *.subdomain.domain, for example a) free cloudflare cert b) Let's Encrypt wildcard c) Buy that SSL cert. Or alternatively, use Sandstorm at *.domain .
<xet7> ss-ssl: Let's Encrypt wildcard updates need to modify DNS records when updating cert, probably CertBot may support that.
<xet7> ss-ssl: Other option is to move back to using domain
<xet7> ss-ssl: If you are unable to make required changes at Godaddy's DNS, you can change your servers for example to CloudFlare, and try making changes there.
<xet7> ss-ssl: I mean your nameservers
<ss-ssl> thanks, I set the DNS to *.domain.tld and modified sandstorm config to use sandstorm-*.domain instead of *.sandstorm.domain. So far looks fine, will test more tomorrow.Thanks for your help!
<xet7> ss-ssl: Thanks for thanks :)
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