Spent some time last night trying out Sandstorm packaging for an app with vagrant-spk. That's very nicely straightforward! Although what tripped me up for a while was not being able to see stderr from a running grain
I had an issue with my nginx config and it took a while to figure out why; had I been able to see stderr it would've been more apparent
unless there's a way to do that and I'm just missing it
and I did get it partly working, though what I have so far isn't *super* interesting since this part of the application seems to be client-side-only so doesn't have any server-side storage
I think there might be a server-side component I can run? Which would make it a much more interesting package. Will have to look a bit deeper at it later
Yeah, unfortunately a lot of people like writing client side only apps that store in localStorage, which isn't useful or workable on Sandstorm.
Laverna is actually shimmed somehow and copies its localStorage data to the server.