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Fork from #erights: We're trying to convince folks that Goblins (Racket) and Agoric (JS) should use Capn Proto RPC for CapTP.
kentonv: I would greatly appreciate any feedback you might have to share. I know that this is a discussion that has been repeated so many times, and I just don't want to be confidently wrong.
...I guess I'm already confidently wrong? I want to be called out on it.
simpson, isd actually arranged a meeting next week with a bunch of interested parties to talk about this.
Rad. I don't really have anything to add; I'll implement whatever's necessary, as long as it's not an XML parser~
I had nothing to say, I just accidentally clicked and sent your name. :/ I am excited to see interest in further use of Cap'n Proto though!
No worries. I'm glad that the effort's paying off. Agoric and Goblins are projects that influence ECMAScript and ActivityPub respectively.
dustyweb is billing goblins as part of a next-gen activitypub, so from Sandstorm's perspective having direct compatibility with capnproto would be wonderful
It would definitely simplify a lot of conversations about how to get that type of federation going on Sandstorm servers.