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<bvernoux> azonenberg, hello do you have done other tests with Sonnet ?
<bvernoux> I'm in contact with QucsStudio creator and he has integrated OpenEMS but so far the latest version supporting it is not released as he want more support with developers ...
<azonenberg> bvernoux: i've done a lot, i use it for stackup design on almost all of my boards now
<bvernoux> Ha great and what are the result simulation vs reality ?
<azonenberg> found another minor bug and had a response back in like 2 hours that it was already a known issue with a fix scheduled for the next point release in a few weeks. There's a workaround but i had discovered that myself before sending in the ticket
<azonenberg> let me put it this way, the results are good enough that i caught my fab making a mistake with impedance control
<bvernoux> and your previous bug is fixed ?
<bvernoux> ha nice
<azonenberg> The previous bug is scheduled for the same point release. There's a good enough workaround that they didnt release an out of cycle patch
<bvernoux> ha ok great
<azonenberg> According to my support contact, they have a "five minute rule" they recommend to customers
<azonenberg> If you can't solve your issue in five minutes, talk to them
<bvernoux> Very nice support
<azonenberg> yes i'm highly impressed
<bvernoux> It seems Sonnet Method Of Moment is more accurate then FDTD method
<bvernoux> But I would like to compare them ;)
<azonenberg> I'm using sonnet right now on a customer's board with a cellular radio module
<bvernoux> ha nice
<azonenberg> For optimizing a ground plane cutout for return loss of the antenna connector as well as general stackup design
<bvernoux> it is clearly a must have for things like that
<azonenberg> it's just another tool in the toolbox now
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<azonenberg> i dont even close it anymore, it's open 24/7 since i use it so much lol
<azonenberg> Also, re probes
<azonenberg> my new scope (lecroy hdo9204) came in a few days ago
<azonenberg> I did some more tests with my old Z0 probes
<bvernoux> Do you have finished the probes with Sonnet simulation with some new improvements ?
<azonenberg> as well as the stock probes
<azonenberg> no screenshots but the zs1500 was the best in terms of flatness and loading (duh, its a $2000 active probe)
<azonenberg> the stock 1M probes were the worst
<azonenberg> the best variant my homebrew probes came in #2, but had a significant impedance mismatch i think at the mmcx connector. The new variant (at fab now, should be done soon) should fix that
<bvernoux> ha great
<bvernoux> Yes it seems major issues often comes from connectors too
<bvernoux> I was not suspecting there is such effect on connectors
<azonenberg> anyway, what's funny is
<azonenberg> the pico ta061 was way better than the stock probes (duh)
<azonenberg> But not nearly as good as i had hoped
<azonenberg> (this is their 1.5 GHz Z0 probe, not the premium 5+ GHz picoconnect 900 series)
<azonenberg> in particular it has a signficant amount of overshoot and ringing on the rising edge of my 40ps risetime test signal
<bvernoux> I'm impatient to test the probes with my VNA ;)
<azonenberg> i think while it's pretty flat to 1.5 GHz, it has lots of peaking beyond that
<bvernoux> I have characterized lot of NFC Antenna and the results are amazing ;)
<azonenberg> and there's no bw limiting filter on it
<azonenberg> Which means that if you probe signals with fast risetimes, the >1.5 GHz frequency components will be attenuated much less than the lower freq
<azonenberg> and you'll see a huge overshoot
<bvernoux> very interesting
<azonenberg> This is likely the result of capacitive coupling across the attenuator resistor. The exact same reason that i use flip chip resistors, and three of them in series, on my new design
<bvernoux> So far I'm testing JLCPCB service too
<azonenberg> for a low cost probe they probably didnt bother
<azonenberg> it's better than the OEM probes for sure, and i think if i apply a 1 GHz bw limiting filter in postprocessing i can make them quite usable
<azonenberg> but i think my probes will be better :p
<azonenberg> the 3d printed shells for my prototypes come in on monday
<azonenberg> already shipped
<bvernoux> ha great
<bvernoux> do you have picture of the case ?
<azonenberg> New probe shells are one piece, not two. Let me grab a screenshot
<bvernoux> 3d printed shells
<bvernoux> ha it is perfect in one piece
<bvernoux> In // I'm checking the spec of HDO9204
<bvernoux> very nice 10Bits 40GSPS
<bvernoux> 2GHz
<bvernoux> but with 40GSPS it can do easily 4GHz up to 6GHz
<azonenberg> the same series goes faster
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<azonenberg> this is the lower cost edition within the family
<azonenberg> it's a rental fleet unit that had no software option upgrades, so wasn't getting a lot of people renting it
<azonenberg> so they sold it off
<azonenberg> I got it for 15 kUSD
<bvernoux> ha very nice
<bvernoux> for a 40GSPS 10bits it is clearly a very good price
<azonenberg> mid 2017 manufacture date, less than 3 yrs old
<bvernoux> with warranty ?
<azonenberg> manufacturer warranty has a few months left, the rental company has their own 1-year warranty on anything they sell from the fleet
<bvernoux> ha very nice
<azonenberg> I'm selling my old 350 MHz wavesurfer 3034 to $dayjob to cover part of that cost, and keeping the waverunner 8104
<azonenberg> So now i'll have a 1 GHz 10/20 Gsps and a 2 GHz 20/40 Gsps scope
<bvernoux> Especially 10bits for the 2nd one ;)
<azonenberg> From what i hear the 10 bits is actually a bit of a hack. The other HDOs use true 12 bit ADCs
<bvernoux> ha yes maybe but it is always better than 8bits which are often 7bits ENOB or less ;)
<azonenberg> it sounds like the HDO9000 series is doing some kind of DSP to recover more bits of resolution than the ADC physically has? unclear on details but from what i hear it uses a lot of CPU and doesn't buy much more performance than 8 bit
<bvernoux> 12bits is clearly a game changer for some stuff but so expensive for > 2GHz ...
<azonenberg> which is one of the reasons it was discontinued (but existing units are still supported for quite a few years)
<azonenberg> luckily you can switch the HD mode off and go to 8-bit operation too :p
<azonenberg> at which point it effectively turns into a waverunner 9000 series
<azonenberg> i dont have the rack kit for it yet, but i stuck it on my bench and did some preliminary testing plugged into a random ethernet port from the next lab bench. Libscopehal, unsurprisingly, worked the first time without any code changes
<azonenberg> also at some point soon i plan to add support for "unit conversion" filters and non-voltage/frequency graphs to scopehal
<bvernoux> ha great
<azonenberg> for example, there will be a filter for "current shunt" that, given the value of a resistor and a trace of voltage across it, gives you a current waveform in amps
<azonenberg> (this same API will also eventually support current probes, once i get a CP030/CP031 to test with)
<azonenberg> Another thing on the todo is trending of parameters over time
<azonenberg> so i can plot, say, frequency of a clock from one waveform to another
<azonenberg> eventually i'll add support for measurements to have both instantaneous and whole-waveform outputs
<azonenberg> so you can measure cycle by cycle frequency of a single capture and plot that, to look at a spread spectrum clock or something
<bvernoux> ha yes very great feature
<bvernoux> A must have will be to have such mode
<bvernoux> Spectrum Analyzer + Scope all in one
<bvernoux> Look their video I have never see this feature where channel are independant like that thanks to their tricks in HW
<bvernoux> independent time and frequency controls
<azonenberg> I dont like the whole concept of adjusting time/div in general. I find it kinda annoying
<bvernoux> check the video you will see
<azonenberg> Which is why scopehal hides all of that from you. i care about sample rate and record length
<azonenberg> (i'm watching)
<bvernoux> the must is you can see the Spectrum related to slow SPI for example
<azonenberg> in particular, glscopeclient lets you arbitrarily zoom waveforms independently of the record length (so you can have captures much longer than what fits in the screen)
<bvernoux> and Tek are the only one using Linux (Closed) on their high end when others use Windoz ;)
<azonenberg> if somebody has a high end tek i'll gladly help add support for it :p
<azonenberg> what i am more impressed by looking at that video is the 8 analog channels... although lecroy's waverunner 8000HD series has that too
<azonenberg> I really want one of those. Saw a 1 GHz 8ch 10 Gsps one on ebay for about $25K
<azonenberg> Which i didn't have, especially since i had just bought the hdo9204 :p
<azonenberg> and given the choice of only one upgrade i needed the 2 GHz more than four extra 1 GHz channels
<bvernoux> yes
<azonenberg> anyway, re the video basically i think they're just working around the awful hack that is time/div
<bvernoux> me too I prefer >=2GHz with less chan than 1GHz on 8chan
<bvernoux> for my usage
<azonenberg> pretending to be an analog oscilloscope
<azonenberg> The only thing that is cool is that they can vary sample rate per channel
<azonenberg> which scopehal supports, but very few scopes do
<azonenberg> what would be nice is if you could see a low speed time domain capture of the slow rs232 and a frequency domain plot *of the same channel* with a much higher sample rate to see risetime harmonics etc
<azonenberg> so basically streaming fft of full bandwidth data, plus decimated data going to the time domain plot
<bvernoux> yes will be amazing
<bvernoux> with FFT ...
<bvernoux> GPU FFT ;)
<azonenberg> When i build a scope fft will be in the FPGA at full bandwidth
<azonenberg> and independent of any decimation done for deep-memory captures
<azonenberg> The adcs will also be fed by separate pll outputs
<azonenberg> so if i have say 1M points per channel of memory, i'll be able to have 1M points at 10 Gsps on one channel but 1M points at 500 Msps on another
<azonenberg> phase locked 20:1
<azonenberg> And you'll have individual horizontal offset control of each
<azonenberg> so i could have 1M points at 500 Msps, with 1M points at 10 Gsps on another channel arbitrarily positioned within that window
<azonenberg> All pretense of pretending to be an analog scope will be dead and gone
<azonenberg> there will be no concept of scale divisions, you'll control record length and sample rate only
<bvernoux> ha yes very nice
<bvernoux> cool => sma-probetarget_oshpark_bve_v0_3_01Jan2020 shipped from OSHPark ;)
<bvernoux> it shall be exactly 50ohms impedance ;)
<azonenberg> :)
<bvernoux> based on your probe v0.1
<bvernoux> but this one is CGPW
<azonenberg> Nice. If it works out well i want to make one
<azonenberg> What SMA are you using?
<bvernoux> the cheap one ;)
<bvernoux> But I'm planning testing with more expensive ones too for an other design
<bvernoux> they are very better than standard SMA
<bvernoux> up to 26.5GHz
<bvernoux> for about 12USD/unit
<bvernoux> a good compromise between cheap SMA not very good > 6GHz and ultra expensive Rosenberger connectors ;)
<bvernoux> especially for stable Impedance between connector & PCB ...
<bvernoux> Also I have found an interesting paper on via size & distance effect
<bvernoux> as it is quite complex to simulate
<bvernoux> The Effect of Via Spacing on the Signal Integrity _18.pdf
<azonenberg> You're making me want to buy a higher edition of sonnet now :P
<azonenberg> 128 MB of ram isnt enough to model lots of complex via structures
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<bvernoux> I'm not sure it is required with such papers and few PCB to confirm that ;)
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