the only slight issue I have is that it's theoretically possible for a rogue inferior lisp to intern a bunch of symbols in emacs and crash the editor
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fiddlerwoaroof: that's already possible since any swank message can intern symbols.
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luis: cool, I suspected it wouldn't be an issue
ed-rpc, epc, ec, ecall, efuncall? 🤔
ed-rpc works for me
You know the joke about the two hardest problems in Computer Science right?
cache invalidation and cache invalidation?
Cache invalidation is definitely in the top 3. :)
Anyway, if you could use ed-rpc in the new contrib that'd be great. I'd merge the PR once you confirm it works for you
The two hardest problems in CS: naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors. Right?
luis: is it possible to reload slime without restarting emacs?
I guess I could load-file slime.el, but is there a better way?
luis: one issue that occurs to me is that emacs puts everything into a global namespace
So, naming defslimefuns is a bit annoying
we could have swank automatically transform the symbol to package-name:symbol-name before sending it across to emacs
prite: exactly!
My cache didn't invalidate properly
fiddlerwoaroof: I see your point. It's not too different in the opposite direction, though. See slime-eval calls.
yeah, calling from slime to swank is easy because elisp symbols can contain :
Hmm, there's a slight issue with my buffer streams
(close stream) doesn't really do anything
What should it do? Close the buffer?
I'm not really sure
At least delete the marker, I'd think
On the other hand, it's not a huge deal, and it's probably UB to attempt to write to a closed stream anyways