luis changed the topic of #slime to: SLIME, the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs | | |
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<DrDuck> When defining anything in SLIME while using ABCL I get something like this:
<DrDuck> STYLE-WARNING: redefining COMMON-LISP-USER::BAR in #P"/home/lovesock/dev/lisp/01/ex.lisp" (previously defined in NIL)
<DrDuck> Why would that be?
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<luis> DrDuck: there's this pending pull request with ABCL improvements. Perhaps you'd like try it out. It might fix that problem, I'm not sure.
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<DrDuck> luis: oh my. why hasn't it been merged! :P
<DrDuck> hmm now let's see how can i try this baby out without completely messing up my current config ;)
<DrDuck> looks like the latest build of that branch failed in your CI suite, i think
<DrDuck> wonder why
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<DrDuck> nice got it installed
<DrDuck> now i wonder what the benefits are :P
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<luis> DrDuck: let us know how it works out!
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<DrDuck> ok :)
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<jack-thomas> Hi, so if I (require :log4cl) at the repl, I can use log:info function just fine, but if I require in a file and try to compile the file I get 'undefined variable log:info'
<jack-thomas> actually an issue with my lisp code, sorry! Thanks for looking
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