luis changed the topic of #slime to: SLIME, the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs | | |
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<DrDuck> Is there a way to do a quick lookup of what a built-in function does, in SLIME? As in an executive summary of something you would find in the clhs, without having to actually look it up in your browser.
<ck_> try C-c C-d d
<DrDuck> that is indeed useful, but
<DrDuck> it would be extremely useful if it included even the first sentence of the description from the CLHS
<DrDuck> so for example with C-c C-d d on consp, i get:
<DrDuck> if it could include the first (and only in this case) description sentence, it would be so powerful
<DrDuck> " Returns true if object is of type cons; otherwise, returns false. "
<ck_> Yes, the usefulness of slime-describe-symbol is influenced by the quality of your implementations documentation.
<DrDuck> why not centralize it to a CLHS data scraper since all langs in this CL family have to conform anyway :p
<ck_> I believe you're welcome to do that and submit a pull request
<DrDuck> :P
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<luis> There's an hyperspec lookup function, too.
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