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<mbelluzzo> pc da TI ta reclamando que o windows eh pirata hahahaha
<Sachiel> oh maravilha
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<mbelluzzo> e o outlook ta com um banner bem grande reclamando de licensa.
<mbelluzzo> bad feelings
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<gabrielschulhof> Wow! That's insane!
<gabrielschulhof> What version? 8? 10?
<iscaro> windows?
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<gabrielschulhof> Yeah.
<iscaro> i have no backlog
<iscaro> :/
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<iscaro> gabrielschulhof, ping
<iscaro> gabrielschulhof, the semaphore is breaking
<iscaro> gabrielschulhof, make check-bindings-nodejs
<iscaro> gabrielschulhof, did you change that?
<iscaro> it only happens on the docker image
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