no issues, I can handle them in the followup patch
ok then
babu_, I'm sorry about that
no problem :)
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gabrielschulhof, ping
iscaro: What's up?
do you remenber the reentrant thing?
Yes, yes I do. What's up?
are you sure the usage of SOL_REENTRANT_FREE() is correct?
let me show an example
one sec
gabrielschulhof, btw. I guess I will create a new macro
that do not set the delete_me
but calls the free function if marked delete_me is true
Why would you avoid setting delete_me?
uart needs that
Under which circumstances?
the case is. We call the read_callback from the uart, however I only want to delete the uart handle if the user called uart_close()
You can check if delete_me is set.
I'm doing that
So, then that's it.
but, since we're creating macros for that
There's no encapsulation here.
The same thing is happening with discovery.
I check if delete_me has been set.
I saw
I actually had a macro called SOL_REENTRANT_IS_STALE() but Gustavo told me that, since all it does is spit back the value of delete_me, it's not worth writing.
ok then
good enough
Actually, yeah ... definitely! The uart read_callback is exactly the same use case as OIC discovery, because it's an open-ended callback, rather than a one-shot callback.
So yeah, <heuristic>for open-ended, you need to check delete_me</heuristic>
iscaro, gabrielschulhof not "is stale", but is stale + free
like SOL_REENTRANT_FREE_IF_NEEDED(handle) if (handle->delete_me && handle->in_use)
like SOL_REENTRANT_FREE_IF_NEEDED(handle) if (handle->delete_me && !handle->in_use)
Actually, at least in the OIC case there are other conditions too.
Like, if (!cb_return || handle->delete_me)
but those are not specific to reentrant
you can even do: if (!cb_return) handle->reentrant.delete_me = true;
then use the macro
No, but what I'm saying is that it's better to leave it unencapsulated, because you have more flexibility for constructing conditionals.
k-s: That's exactly what SOL_REENTRANT_FREE does.
the problem is on the other place "free if it was deleted"
not "mark as deleted and free"
I understand, and I'm OK with a second macro for such a use case. I just don't see it as being very substantial.
It's basically defined as if ((reentrant).delete_me) SOL_REENTRANT_FREE((reentrant))
gabrielschulhof: almost that, but there is no need to call _REE() as you would check delete_me == true, so no need to mark that as true yet again
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the quick look doesn't bring me any clear prblem
this code works for an iotivity server, but not for a soletta server
(another nitpick for real code, you could avoid some blobals by using teh `void *data`
could you debug where in the server the loop stops?
Yeah ...: if (!cbor_value_is_map((CborValue *)map))
So, the map is not a map it seems :)
"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" :)
I'll try sending the request from an iotivity-node client.
what are you sending from?
Well, I was sending from a soletta client to a soletta server.
Writing to the sol_oic_map_writer works fine on the client, so I send the request, but on the server reading from the sol_oic_map_reader does not work.
gabrielschulhof: I don't have the generated flow node type (that uses the sol_oic_client), but it looks like you'd need to create a map :-/
gabrielschulhof: sol_oic_packet_cbor_create() = empty, type == NO_CONTENT
Huh? I thought that's the whole point of sol_oic_map_writer - to create it for me - which it does, correctly, because iotivity-node picks it up and displays it.
AFIU it should
makes sense what you said
but I guess since the only code using it is generated, the generator may be emitting the creation call itself
gabrielschulhof: nah, forget what I said, the initialize_cbor_payload() will fix all that is needed
it's better for me to stop guessing, let otaviobp to reply later
Well, thanks anyway for trying. I'll call it a day. L8R all!
gabrielschulhof: snd an email or bug report, tag otavio
gabrielschulhof: the sol-oic-gen.py only does the payload on a PUT, not a GET, so no idea if that would interfere