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<ederson> there are some rebase failings on semaphore - anyone knows why?
<ceolin> no idea, also i've received an email from coverity (and githubs also shows that there is a problem) but I can't see the issue
<ceolin> I'm openning the coverity but no issue is shown
<ederson> ceolin: coverity should be a false positive (or intentional) of using rand()
<ederson> it's not used for security/sensitive stuff, so it should be ok
<ceolin> ederson: i see, but we should mark it as false positive to ignore this issue, otherwise I'll have that label telling us that there is a bug'
<ceolin> we'll have
<ederson> yeah
<ederson> i dismissed coverity issue
<ceolin> ederson: you could see the issue in coverity ?
<ederson> yep
<ederson> need to show 'newly detected' and profit
<ceolin> pqp, i've no idea why it was not appearing to me
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<acidx> Is anybody coming for the GSoC mentors summit?
<ceolin> nope
<iscaro> nope :[
<iscaro> I would like to, but I'm not
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