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<jjmachan> hai
<jjmachan> anybody here
<ederson> yes
<glima> o/
<jjmachan> i'm new to open source and all so i just wanted an opinion. Would this be a good first project?
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<ceolin> ouch !
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<jjmachan> guys sorry ....
<jjmachan> so ma question
<bdilly> jjmachan, I would take a few things on consideration when choosing a project to get involved: is it about somethings I like? In this case, do you enjoy dev boards / iot? Are you familiar with the main languages (C) ? Is the community active? Is the project under heavy development?
<bdilly> I would suggest you to observe a few projects for a week or so before deciding
<jjmachan> thanks bdilly ..... well i am interested in iot and i have done some project with my friends useing pubnub, rasberry pi ect. So whats your opinion is the project active enough for a newbie
<bdilly> despite I don't see a lot of coding nowadays, there are a dozen experienced developers around, that would be glad to help you, I think
<bdilly> sure, I'm completly biased! after all I've dedicated about an year of my life working on this project
<bdilly> =D
<jjmachan> ha ha ha
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<jjmachan> well ur a really commited person. hey are u guys participating in gsoc this year
<bdilly> not so sure about it yet... it's hard to say. probably not
<jjmachan> why dont u have pre build images for rasp pi?
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