there's no plugin architecture, and even if it was, it seems very unlikely that you could add a fillet feature in that way as it requires major work on the NURBS backend
ok I was thinking only in sketch. Still impossible?
el3phanten: is that on a HiDPI display?
whitequark: btw, is "paste while preserving [some] constraints" already in the todo list ? e.g., if i have a rectangle with rounded corners, it's quite a bit of work to add all the constrains that are among the pasted parts, not even talking about constraints to parts not pasted.
whitequark: and i still think some marking, grouping or "layering" mechanism would be great. for example, if making things that contain other things you eften have multiple outlines that are mostly parallel to each other and at a short distance. e.g., PCB, walls surrounding the PCB in the enclosure, and some rim under the PCB, supporting it. and you can get more such things, e.g., if if enclosure goes into another enclosure, or such.
all this blurs into a bunch of brown lines in groups after the initial sketch(es), and it's very easy to reference things to the wrong outline by mistake. if out could just toggle visibility, highlight, etc. i think that would help a lot
wpwrak: that should already work
paste preserves constraints *within* the pasted set
as for brown lines, there are styles, and you can enable/disable visibility per-style
el3phanten: which dpi? in any case there are improvements coming on linux
(well, macos too, but less there)
whitequark: ok nice to hear. I dont remember which dpi. I am not at the pc right now
whitequark: hmm, styles have a lot of parameters so you'd copy a ton of information just for 1-2 bits. plus, for this to work efficiently, it would need shortcuts. and then not every style is used for classification. so extending styles to work well as layers may bequite complex.
to do this with styles, i think you'd need at least: 1) a way to derive one style from another, maybe with selective overrides, and 2) have a way to select which styles get a quick access button on the main canvas for highlighting and toggling visibility.
there was an idea to replace the existing style system with a CSS-like (logical) model
ah yes, somethign css-like may work well for 1)
whitequark: I couldn't even get a complete build with VS2015, would that fix apply to NMake builds as well?