whitequark changed the topic of #solvespace to: SolveSpace--parametric 2d/3d CAD · latest version 2.3 · http://solvespace.com · code at https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace · logs at https://irclog.whitequark.org/solvespace
<azonenberg> whitequark: ok so here's a feature request for you
<azonenberg> if you try to add a constraint that already exists
<azonenberg> say, horizontal on a horizontal line
<azonenberg> rather than giving a conflicting-constraints error, how about just having it be a legal no-op (i.e. the new-constraint button click is ignored)
<azonenberg> In general it seems the intent of a user who accidentally hits "H" twice on the same line was to create a single horizontal-line constraint
<azonenberg> note that i'm not talking about creating a constraint that is contradictory with existing ones
<azonenberg> i'm talking about a constraint that is verbatim identical to an existing one
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<whitequark> azonenberg: good one
<whitequark> can you file it on github?
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<azonenberg> whitequark: will do
<azonenberg> Also with moderately complex sketches (maybe 100-200 geometric elements)
<azonenberg> creating an unsat situation hangs for quite a while before the solver gives up
<azonenberg> like multiple seconds
<azonenberg> Not sure if there's any way to optimize that
<GitHub> [solvespace] MJLHThomassen commented on issue #77: What is the current status of this? This is basically the only feature I'm currently missing. https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace/issues/77#issuecomment-342970676
<whitequark> azonenberg: there is
<whitequark> we have an experimental patch
<GitHub> [solvespace] whitequark commented on issue #77: This is a major feature that depends on updating the savefile format, unfortunately. https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace/issues/77#issuecomment-342985931