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<PaulFertser> Hi there :) Somewhat related to solvespace, I'm trying to use it on Intel 945GM (gen3) with Mesa 18.0.0 and gtk+ 3.22.19. The problem is that "Property browser" is missing all the content (except for the toolbar). Rings a bell? Any suggestions?
<PaulFertser> That's using OpenGL, not OpenGL ES as it's kinda too complicated to build Solvespace for Gtk+ with GL ES.
<PaulFertser> Works as expected with LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 but unusably slow, of course.
<whitequark> PaulFertser: what do you mean by too complicated?
<whitequark> also, which version/git rev are you using?
<PaulFertser> whitequark: by "too complicated" I meant I tried to change the sourcecode and it was already non-trivial but then I ended up with gtk uncooperating to create an ES context by default so I've given up, thought I do not really need ES that much.
<PaulFertser> whitequark: git HEAD from March 14th.
<PaulFertser> whitequark: and btw, let me take this opportunity to thank you for this amazing software.
<whitequark> hang on
<whitequark> Intel 945GM, is that similar to that horrible GMA950 chipset that isn't even Intel's in-house development?
<PaulFertser> whitequark: not only similar, that's exactly it.
<whitequark> PowerVR based, right?
<whitequark> I remember having a netbook with that atrocity
<PaulFertser> GMA500 was PowerVR, GMA950 is part of Intel development line.
<whitequark> hm
<whitequark> oh, okay
<whitequark> try running solvespace with MESA_DEBUG=1,context
<whitequark> and LIBGL_DEBUG=1 too
<PaulFertser> whitequark: http://paste.debian.net/1016556/
<whitequark> did you modify the source somehow?
<PaulFertser> whitequark: no, that's unmodified
<whitequark> ohhh I see
<PaulFertser> whitequark: glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE) = 2048
<PaulFertser> whitequark: btw, recompiled solvespace with that call changed to GL_ALPHA instead of GL_RED, the errors are gone, but the text in Property Browser is still not visible.
<whitequark> GL_ALPHA is not supported for glTexImage2d in OpenGL 2, it was added in OpenGL ES and OpenGL 4.1 iirc
<whitequark> *ES 2
<PaulFertser> Yes, but Mesa supports ES 2 on this gpu.
<whitequark> but you need an ES 2 context.
<PaulFertser> Oh
<whitequark> if you have Gtk+ 3.22 or later
<whitequark> you'll also need to define HAVE_GLES, uh..
<PaulFertser> Yes, tried something along those lines, but Gtk was somehow insisting on normal GL. I can retry later if you think there's no way but to use GL ES on my hardware.
<whitequark> I have no idea tbqh
<whitequark> well, there's one thing you can do
<whitequark> trace solvespace
<whitequark> replay the trace for the text window
<whitequark> figure out where it errors
<PaulFertser> The problem is certainly related as when I hack it to use GL_RGB I see some "noise" where the property browser controls should normally present (instead of black squares).
<PaulFertser> whitequark: this seems to work :) http://paste.debian.net/1016601/
<PaulFertser> whitequark: thank you so much!
<whitequark> PaulFertser: ooh I recall something like that
<whitequark> seems weird though
<PaulFertser> whitequark: I can do more tests or provide more data from my system in case you might be interested.
<PaulFertser> https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Common_Mistakes#Image_precision seems to suggest giving GL_RED is not the recommended way.
<PaulFertser> I wonder if it's worth always using GL_RGBA for internal format in that call. OpenGL will choose whatever it prefers anyway it seems.
<whitequark> i
<whitequark> I'll look into it