<joyce> and here is the page that links to all the other resources, including a graphic novel that explains consensus:) https://www.stellar.org/galaxy/
<cryptojoe> Oh crap. I misread the date. Thought it said May 8th, and thought you had launched the code today
<cryptojoe> lol
<eva> heheh
<eva> not at all!
<eva> it's still exciting :simple_smile:
<eva> (I mean, at least to me)
<eva> in-production launch is still yet to come though
<cryptojoe> me too.
<cryptojoe> In production launch before the end of June?
<cryptojoe> ah, looks like Jed told someone 2 months at #dev
<joyce> and always open to open source contributions :smile:
<joyce> damn, this slack channel is missing my favorite emoji...i need to add it once i have time
<joyce> but yes, the dev team is working hard and making lots of progress
<eno> :blush: "how time flies"
<eva> @joyce: the ewok, or ?
<cryptojoe> That's great news. Thanks for the link.
<eva> @cryptojoe: have you seen the graphic novel that goes with it?
<joyce> my fav ewok - you know me well :wink:
<cryptojoe> Opening the novel now.
<eva> excellent
<eva> let us know what you think!
<eva> @joyce: thought so :smile:
<cryptojoe> OMG that is so fun.
<cryptojoe> I like the suspense at the end so we can't wait to get chapter 2
<eva> what will happen to Stroopy next??? :rocket:
<eva> :alien:
<jed> I heard he gets befouled
<cryptojoe> That's what i was wondering
<eva> poor stroopy
<joyce> :stroopy:
<joyce> oh god, we need emojis in here STAT!
<eva> @joyce: :ewok:
<joyce> Thank you Eva! Everyone, welcome to our village! :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: (you guys have no idea how happy this emoji makes me)
<joyce> ooo Simon is here now too! Welcome @smn - glad you joined us! Everyone, meet Simon, the CTO of Praekelt Foundation, amazing coder, human and philanthropist. He also works with @hodgestar
<joyce> Praekelt rolls heavy with top-quality Simons
<smn> o/
<smn> hi @joyce :simple_smile: thanks for the intro & kind words.
<vanessa> Welcome @smn! Big fan.
<smn> hi @vanessa, thanks!
<eva> oh, hi Simon!
<eva> :stroopy: has also joined
<eva> :rabelais:
<vanessa> @eva dropping all the emoji as friday presents :simple_smile:
<joyce> oo, what is the thing for the last one? stroopy is stroopy
<eva> @vanessa: it's high time
<eva> @joyce: last one is rabelais
<eva> (stroopy's friend from the graphic novel)
<eva> okay last one I swear :lt3:
<smartiphone> Whats up people :coffee:
<joyce> howdy @smartiphone! gotta ask, are you really an iphone? cause if so, you are really smart