<stellar-slack1> <matschaffer> kwelstr: at least in slack you can wrap stuff like that in github style backticks ``` _-----_ | | .--------------------------. |--(o)--| | like so | `---------´ '--------------------------' ( _´U`_ ) /___A___\ | ~ | __'.___.'__ ´ ` |° ´ Y ` ```
<stellar-slack1> <kwelstr> huh well, knock me down with a feather! :)
<stellar-slack1> <matschaffer> gets pretty messed up in the IRC logs https://botbot.me/freenode/stellar/ but can’t win ‘em all
<stellar-slack1> <kwelstr> yeah I saw that on IRC first LOL
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<stellar-slack1> <kwelstr> I see hmmm
<Kwelstr> that didn't post
<stellar-slack1> <matschaffer> test
<stellar-slack1> <matschaffer> looks like sync is busted
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<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> test
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> :(
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> wish this thing had better logging
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> oh wait. Wrong channel
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<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> kwelstr: I see. You did a snippet
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> those don’t sync
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> I don’t think any of the slack-specific stuff syncs (snippets, attachments, etc)
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<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> uhm ok, so it was just plain 'ol ``` ?
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> yeah, then use shift-enter to get new lines w/o posting to the channel
<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> yay great
<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> now I know how to post on Slack and not in IRC mwahaha, snipplet!
<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> snippet
<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> ``` _________________ < hello cowsay mooo > ------------------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || ```
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> nice
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> please, use this power for good not evil ;)
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> and while I failed to find a good gif or meme for that, I did come across this. Which is awesome https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7168677120/h996C1668/
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<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> haha
<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> https://asciinema.org/a/21846
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<stellar-slack> <yaseenhamdulay> In the worst case how long could stellar transactions take?
<stellar-slack> <yaseenhamdulay> to verify/validate/whatever its called
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> yaseenhamdulay: on current production? it should typically be pretty quick but our stellard nodes tend to go up to ~1500s out of sync every other day or so
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> so if you happen to catch it in an out of sync period it could take that long to actually get validated
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> I see a few cases that are more like 2500s
<stellar-slack> <yaseenhamdulay> seconds or milliseconds
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> seconds
<stellar-slack> <yaseenhamdulay> okie
<stellar-slack> <yaseenhamdulay> thanks
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> normal operation is a lot less than that, but since you asked for worst case :)
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> no problem!
<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> mat, average will be like 3 secs?
<stellar-slack> <matschaffer> kwelstr: that sounds a little low for an average. If I look at the avg ledger age for the first public node over the last 12hrs it’s 16s. Granted I think it'll be faster if the txn gets into the validator just before a ledger close
<stellar-slack> <kwelstr> thanks mat, my guess was 3 to 5 secs, but even 16s sounds pretty fast
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