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mkurc: Idea 1 is fairly flexible, and I think is good enough to do the job
<mkurc> @litghost Ok, Do you think it is worth using the libfmt (or similar) for the job? Or just implement the placeholders on our own?
mkurc: I'd prefer not adding another dependency to VPR. Can VPR's existing lib support our use case?
mkurc: However I do think "existing support" > "new library" > "hand rolled support"
<mkurc> @litghost Don't know yet. I'll find it out.
<mkurc> ok
<acomodi> picosoc is working with the new equivalent tiles implementation. I need to fix the resources utilization report after placement and then open the PR upstream
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acomodi: Awesome! We'll need the equivalent tiles support for finalizing ROI breakout. Can you push a wip/ branch to symbiflow VTR and start a conda package?
<acomodi> litghost: sure. before running the conda package I will need to locally modify the upgrade arch script and the prjxray arch import scripts and check that every symbiflow arch test builds successfully.
<acomodi> for now I will update the master+wip-next branch
<acomodi> litghost: I am getting several merge conflicts with the `wip/connection_box_serdes_merge_squashed` branch, due to the commits that were pushed today on upstream VTR. Can you take a look please and correctly rebase the branch and push it as I am not 100% confident on how to best solve those conflicts?