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<mithro> maybe someone should run on symbiflow?
<tpb> Title: GitHub - maximuska/depslint: A tool for dependencies validation for ninja build system using strace to detect the real dependencies (at
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<hackerfoo> hi rajesh-s
<hackerfoo> Ah, they left.
<tpb> Title: ECP5: Validate SerDes at 5Gbps · Issue #12 · enjoy-digital/usb3_pipe · GitHub (at
<daveshah> mithro: ack, will investigate over the weekend
<mithro> daveshah: _florent_ just said "The timings have been improved and the Host now receives correctly the TSEQ/TS1 from the Versa ECP5. I still need to look at the RX path, but we should not be far from being able to use the Versa ECP5 for the dev."
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<_florent_> daveshah, mithro: i was expecting these timing violations, this was a first report without any optimizations. TX is now fine, RX is not far but i just spend a few minutes looking at it, i need to spend more time. The timings issue seems to be around the 8b10b decoder (which is done in the fabric), i'll probably need to do some optimizations
<daveshah> Is there a reason you aren't using the hard 8b10b?
<mithro> _florent_: Yeah - I was just pointing daveshah to someone doing something cool with the ecp5
<_florent_> daveshah: yes, i just want to use the serdes as simple serializer/deserializer (as we are doing with others FPGAs), and this is also useful to generate LFPS
<_florent_> daveshah: but if it's really causing timing issues, i'll probably switch to the hard ones
<daveshah> _florent_: ack, I think there is some OOB functionality that could be used for LFPS
<mankeli> any idea when that ECP5 tinyfpga is coming and how much it will cost?
<mankeli> since it has serdes, it should be capable of hdmi right?
<daveshah> The SERDES isn't actually a very good match for HDMI
<daveshah> Wrong signalling level
<daveshah> If you only need 720p60 or 1080p30, regular ECP5 IO pins are actually a better choice
<mankeli> no? I have used serdes (although friend did the ip) on zynq7 for hdmi
<daveshah> Ah, paths are crossed here
<daveshah> "serdes" in Xilinx sense is presumably referring to IO SERDES primitives, ie still regular IO pins
<mankeli> ah
<daveshah> There's also the high speed transceiver for PCIe, USB3, etc (GTX/GTH/etc in Xilinx)
<_florent_> daveshah: btw, i added SCI support to have more control on the serdes parameters
<daveshah> Very nice
<daveshah> That should make tuning easier
<mankeli> it's the OSERDESE2 primitive that does the diff serial output
<daveshah> So the ECP5 doesn't have an exact equivalent to that
<daveshah> But it has ODDRX2F which is the same as an OSERDESE2 in 4:1 DDR mode
<daveshah> Unfortunately no 10:1 or 8:1 mode
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<mankeli> there's some document describing hdmi on ECP3 using "CML SERDES", is that something different than what the ECP5 has?
<daveshah> As far as I know, the only options for HDMI on ECP5 are the transceivers (Lattice call them SERDES, GTX in Xilinx world) with a level shifter; or regular IO pins and a 4:1 gearbox (SERDES in Xilinx world)
<daveshah> But the latter option can't do 1080p60
<daveshah> That app note seems to be using a level shifter
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