nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<stefan---> Hello :)
<stefan---> Am I the only one having problems with the newest nightlies (since cyanogenmod account) that calender won't sync, preyproject app, google drive sync and lots of other background services keep crashing on S3?
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<shaaan> guys need help. cwm recovery has a blank screen
<shaaan> i'm compiling cm10.2 for galaxy s advance
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<stefan---> play store also doesn't work
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<taccpen> Hi, can someone tell me what else I can do to help fix ?
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<milsabor> hi
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<milsabor> i run cm10.1.3 on my gs2, I have no problem since yesterday, for no reason, i can't make phone calls anymore, notifications don't work, the lock screen does not exist anymore, and more
<milsabor> what's happening ??
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<pcercuei> hi
<pcercuei> I'm having problems to flash CM on a Galaxy s2
<pcercuei> I downloaded the stable build from here:
<pcercuei> and I verified that the MD5 matches
<pcercuei> however CWM refuses to flash the zip :/
<taccpen> pcercuei: get newest baseband (radio/modem) and cwm recovery for your device first
<taccpen> best if the baseband upgrade includes upgrade of the bootloader
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<pcercuei> how can I know the baseband it uses?
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<frankdrey-g1> !devices
<frankdrey-g1> Dammit
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<Svend> Hello,
<Svend> I'm trying to install CM10 on my Galaxy S2.
<Svend> Following the instructions on here:
<Svend> The instructions for installing the recovery say: "Select Samsung USB Composite Device or MSM8x60 or Gadget Serial or Device Name from the drop down menu. "
<Svend> The only of those options available to me is "Gadget Serial".
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<Svend> But if I choose that one the button changes to "Install Driver", rather than "Replace Driver" which is what the instructions say I should choose next.
<Svend> Does anyone know if this is a variation from what the instructions describe and I should click "Install Driver", or should I choose something else from the dropdown (other options are: "USB Receiver (Interface 0)", "USB Receiver (Interface 1)", "Mass Storage Device (Interface 0)", "Mass Storage Device (Interface 1)" and Mass Storage.
<Svend> With all the other options chosen the button says "Replace Driver".
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<frankdrey-pc> Svend, are you using a USB hub?
<Svend> No, just a USB cable into my PC (unless there's a hub inside the PC)
<Svend> I could try connecting to a USB port on the front instead?
<Svend> (In case the ones at the back, which I'm connected to, are in a hub)
<Svend> Is the safest way out of download mode to just turn of the device? Should I disconnect first?
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<Svend> I tried reconnecting to a front USB and I get the same options in the dropdown...
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<Svend> (I'm not 100% sure if all my USB port are connected directly to the motherboard or through a hub or which one would be which)
<frankdrey-pc> hmm
<frankdrey-pc> your phone might have been in download mode too long
<frankdrey-pc> restart it into download mode and try again
<Svend> Tried it again from the start. Still get the same options, and on "Gadget Serial" I still get the "Install Driver" button rather than "Replace Driver"...
<Svend> I might try again tomorrow on a laptop, where I assume the USB will be a direct one...
<Svend> Thank you for your help and I may return tomorrow if I have no more luck :)
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