nebkat changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: WITAMY NA KANALE WSPARCIA TEAMHACKSUNG ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :: !supported :: !download <device> :: !changelog <device> :: !device <device> | DON'T ASK TO ASK | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | <> zŁoTy CrEw <> | STATZ AT | LOGZ AT | CM11 info
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<techmik> If only I knew code...... I was trying to figure out how to add LAN browsing and connection to the cm file explorer, the way like ES file explorer does it.... a tab to take you from sdcard, etc to LAN.... I have no idea how to do it, other than in my google travels i found this
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<asmugone> howdy howdy gang.
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<frankdrey-pc> techmik, learn java :p
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<techmik> frankdrey-pc, i am slowly trying, bits and pieces here and there, but is this particular job a simple, or difficult one?
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<Omar_> i wanna ask question please ?
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<Lekensteyn> wow sucker
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<DuperMan> I'm torn
<DuperMan> f google or f ms?
<DuperMan> :/
<Lekensteyn> both?
<DuperMan> nah. ms takes money and gives company store credits (bing rewards)
<DuperMan> google rapes you for the lolz. just purged my google plus and google drive
<DuperMan> now to figure a way to annihiliate my gmail dependancy
<DuperMan> new 12th oct google eula is fun
<DuperMan> eerie how many nodes need be updated for all the shit to be purged. drive is clinging to my shit for dear life
<DuperMan> lol. reading the meat of it now. it's like a creative commons license for anything on google's cluster of clusters ("cloud")
<DuperMan> only they (and their partners) are the "commons"
<DuperMan> though unless you're as silly as to think google and/or it's nebulous partners should be approved to use your intellectual property
<DuperMan> you're wrong
<DuperMan> err, if you think they shouldn't you're wrong
<DuperMan> and if you think it's dandy you're a-ok
<DuperMan> WTF
<DuperMan> they graciously let you retain ownership so long as you acknowledge it's theirs to freely use as they see fit, in practice giving them nearly equal claim to your shit
<DuperMan> oh, and their partners
<DuperMan> "We will respect the choices you make to limit sharing or visibility settings in your Google Account." - fun stuff. holds as much ground as don't be evil
<DuperMan> the part about software updates is hilarious. "Some services may let you adjust your automatic update settings".
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<DuperMan> nice way to put 'ask not nor doubt for it is google who giveth and google who taketh away'
<DuperMan> rofl. 'this license continues even if you stop using our services'/ I'm actually all for a technological asimovian kind of big brother
<DuperMan> but that's just being greedy, and (hopefully) shooting themselves in the foot.
<DuperMan> hmmm... wait, my screed needs more vapid demagoguery. THE PARTNERS ARE THE NSA AND HITLER
<DuperMan> ^^
<nebkat> DuperMan: hey
<DuperMan> "The laws of California, U.S.A., excluding California’s conflict of laws rules, will apply to any disputes arising out of or relating to these terms" that ought to be sloppy. the fuckers actually double dipped in legal firms from conflicting juristictions
<DuperMan> and - sup neb? I'm gleefully foaming at the mouth here. late to the party, I know :) - explicitely exempt themselves of a specific cherry picked law by implicitly having all matters other than it be brought to court in the one territory - mind. blown.
<DuperMan> ugh.
<DuperMan> sup?
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<DuperMan> ffs nebkat, the bloody revamped eula compels you to accept that you've gotta fly to freaking santa clara, california, to have any dispute debated. you express aproval by using gmail come nov 11th. I'm out :)
<nebkat> DuperMan: what eula is this? lol
<nebkat> gmail?
<DuperMan> everything
<DuperMan> :P
<nebkat> hahaha
<nebkat> DuperMan: I am well. And yourself?
<DuperMan> fine, and as mentioned very happy to have such meaty yet (hopefully) utilmately inconsequential crap to tirade about:D
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<DuperMan> still took me all of 15 minutes to remove all my shit from google drive+gdrivetrash, and photos off of g+ and it's respective 'trash'
<DuperMan> where trash means 'you may not see it but we still own your crap. for your comfort, chum!'
<frankdrey-pc> Google paranoia?:D
<DuperMan> aye:D
<DuperMan> gonna become less anonymous and more susceptible to malfunction keeping my shit on virtual-estate (hardware) I own and/or lease
<DuperMan> fuck them in the eye
<frankdrey-pc> :p
<DuperMan> I hope I'm cool enough to be entering a corporational mccarthy-ist watchlist by even staying long enough on the eula and privacy policy pages to read em :D
<DuperMan> wait, does this mean I'm against awsome lab-meat-burgers?:(
<DuperMan> rofl. the privacy policy argues the chrome browser's cache is google's property
<DuperMan> presumably in part but not explicitely limited to parts thereof
<nebkat> DuperMan: you should be a lawyer
<DuperMan> nebkat: regretfully I will be.
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> couldv'e been worst. couldv'e ended a web designer
<nebkat> DuperMan: lol
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<DuperMan> l8rs
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<jcamacho19> Any one here'
<jcamacho19> I need some help with CM 10.1.3 stable for samsung galaxy s3 int ver (i9300)
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<jcamacho19> I need some help with CM 10.1.3 stable for samsung galaxy s3 int ver (i9300)
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<Goku> hello
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<Guest32629> is GPS still not working on 10.2 on i9100 ??
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<Guest32629> anyone to help me?
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<Ravenhearty> mine works
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