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<mach20x> Is terminal IDE's usefulness rendered negligible with the newest cm11 nightly for captivate?
<frankdrey> Terminal IDE?
<mach20x> I read something about vim in the changelog and thought it accessible via the terminal emulator that comes with the ROM
<mach20x> Yeah, search terminal IDE in the play store to get an idea what it is all about.
<frankdrey> Ah
<frankdrey> Still sounds like terminal ide is a lot more than just vim
<mach20x> It is
<frankdrey> So... :p
<frankdrey> I think this answers your question
<mach20x> But I have been struggling to try and keep it on the phone as it takes up 80 mb's in the datadata partition
<mach20x> Making it hard to use the browser, and other things without quickly running out of space.
* frankdrey had that low space problem
<frankdrey> This morning
<frankdrey> But as of 15 minutes ago, I now have a Moto G :P
<mach20x> I was hoping there might have been development that I hadn't heard of on the stock ROM that provides many of features so that I could forgo it and save the space
<mach20x> I've been having similar troubles with that space when running cm10.2
<frankdrey> Doubt it
<frankdrey> Average user doesn't even use terminal
<mach20x> I wonder why this issue hasn't been worked out yet.
<frankdrey> Issue?
<mach20x> I'm sure that it's affecting everyone at some point with the captivate and cm ROMs
<frankdrey> What issue?
<mach20x> App data space
<frankdrey> Not an issue
<frankdrey> It's your phone
<mach20x> Data and cache confined in such a small space that is hard to analyze
<frankdrey> If it's anything like crespo, repartitioning is a huge hack
<mach20x> So there is a problem the SGH-I897, or just mine
<frankdrey> A lot of phones that came with 2.3 have shitty partition schemes
<mach20x> Maybe an SD card problem, bad data sectors and the like?
<frankdrey> No
<mach20x> The one I am on right now started on 2.1
<frankdrey> It's just a legacy phone with a dated partition scheme
<mach20x> Nothing I can do to change that?
<frankdrey> I dunno, I wonder if they have LVM for your device
<frankdrey> Probably not
<mach20x> The internal SD soldered like that or something?
<frankdrey> Eh
<frankdrey> I don't know exactly how it is for captivate
<frankdrey> I know crespo it's defined in the kernel and dangerous to mess with
<mach20x> LVM? Not familiar with it.
<frankdrey> Hmm
<frankdrey> Bbiab
<frankdrey> Updating my phone and I'll go on PC in a bit
<mach20x> Always has been dangerous down to the x86's
<frankdrey> I'll see if there is some for you
<mach20x> Ok
<frankdrey> No, this could wipe out bootloader
<frankdrey> (Not lvm. The other way)
<frankdrey> Lvm is safe
<mach20x> Got it, like frying the BIOS chip or deleting the master boot record (perhaps more like the latter)
<frankdrey> nope, former
<frankdrey> it's a hard brick
<mach20x> Ok
<frankdrey> oh!
<frankdrey> huh
<frankdrey> apparently official cm for captivate uses lvm
<frankdrey> in that case, i have no idea what's up
<mach20x> The kernel does or the ROM
<mach20x> I know when I tried to swap cm10.2 for cm10.3 it repartitioned the system space and I have been having troubles ever since
<mach20x> That was right now the nightly for 4.3 came out.
<mach20x> I flashed he ROM, and when it loaded up I was having these memory issues. So I restored to an earlier Nandroid that I had made just before the flash, but the partition never reverted back to what it was prior
<mach20x> Before I had 2gb's of app space and now it's around 1.25 and the allotment for database and cache space well before that.
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<mach20x> Runs out well before that
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<mach20x> I.e. I have used 855mb's for apps (a large part system apps) and I have datadata space issues.
<mach20x> About 400mb's free, and no space to run, making for almost OCD management of cache.
<frankdrey> :\
<mach20x> I checked into an app called datafix that presented a work around to the problem for earlier versions of Cyanogenmod, but I read it doesn't work anymore for newer versions.
<mach20x> Something in that program is able to analyze in a way that tells you how much space is left, but unfortunately isn't robust enough to tell what the starting amount was.
<mach20x> If I were somehow able to redefine that space and allocate even 200mb's there I would likely be perfectly fine right now
<mach20x> And I probably wouldn't even need that to solve my problem provided the code is there to mitigate excessive buildup of app data and cache, though I think the burden of that is typical the app developers.
<mach20x> Windows server 2012 uses a feature for space allocation called "dynamic expanding volumes" I don't know how easy it would be to port similar coding and logic into the Cyanogenmod schema, but if one could take a look at it and figure a way to make it work, that would be stupendous.
<frankdrey> don't think anyone would
<frankdrey> since it's only old devices that have this problem
<mach20x> This kind of space allocation makes it easier for virtual machines to share space
<frankdrey> new devices have combined storage
<mach20x> Yeah, I would imagine that you are correct about that.
<mach20x> I'm just not sure what to do about it myself, looking from the outside in
<mach20x> I'm a bit boggled by how this has gone for so long without some sort of enduring workaround built in.
<mach20x> Better logic on data allocation has to have good returns on data read and write speeds even in combined storage environments
<mach20x> of course it could be there already, only without the lines that would address additional parameters like the partitioning in these older phones.
<mach20x> If only I knew what it was that is this space limitation...
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<mach20x> Thank you Frankdrey for looking into it at least.
<frankdrey> Sorry I can't help anymore
<mach20x> Do you think that there is something to this and crespo as you mentioned before?
<frankdrey> What do you mean?
<mach20x> You mentioned it, but I think that my device has nothing to do with crespo
<frankdrey> Its the Nexus S
<frankdrey> My old phone
<frankdrey> Similar to Galaxy S
<mach20x> yes
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<mach20x> I'm trying to hold onto this phone until certain things are available and low cost. Like the sapphire cover glass, 802.11ac, and at least some versatile IR and light sensors.
<frankdrey> Hmm?
<mach20x> Google took up the phone blocks project concept, so I would love to have something like that in my hand
<mach20x> Only problem I have with the sapphire glass right now is not the sapphires fault, it's because the indium tin-oxide digitizer glass behind it is too brittle
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<mach20x> Not that great when the top glass can survive a stabbing but the digitizer glass could break falling the wrong way off of your lap.
<frankdrey> :/
<mach20x> Of course that depends on the engineering around the glass as well. The beveling around the my captivate took the weight of a car running over it to break the digitizer
<mach20x> like the OLED's, there will be an organic/flexible alternative in the not so distant future
<mach20x> Look up Google project Ara to see what I am talking about with the phone blocks.
<frankdrey> Alright
<frankdrey> Oh wow
<frankdrey> That's cool
<mach20x> Indeed
<mach20x> Modular and customizable, and when some component gets dated, you can replace it rather than the whole phone.
<frankdrey> Nice
<mach20x> Check this as well
<mach20x> Perovskite materials have been found to emit light as well, and that's why taking to lead out of them is exciting for electronics.
<mach20x> I could share another article that describes the feature in detail
<mach20x> This would mean that your mobiles screen could double as a solar panel when not in use.
<mach20x> Battery life would be less of an issue then
<frankdrey> Nice :D
<mach20x> These are what I am looking forward to, so I'm not trying to give in and get raked by the industry for something less.
<mach20x> I suppose for right now I will have to rotate databases using titanium backup to have the space I need when I need it, and hope it doesn't get out of control too much
<mach20x> Which reminds me, ever since I switched to kit kat with Cyanogenmod I haven't been able to make protected backups in that app. Any ideas what is going on there?
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<mach20x> OK, so after so digging through my tools, managing my data, and a bit of math I found that there is roughly 300 mb's allotted for user data and cache on my device.
<mach20x> Still doesn't directly tell me how I can change that, but I submit that information here in hopes that there is someone who might have the experience and perspective to make more sense of it than I can.
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