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<robin_> hello i need help with my device
<robin_> samsung galaxy note 2
<robin_> someone who have the time to help me?
<frankdrey> We can't help if we don't know the question
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<robin_> i was reboot my phone and now, it just stand still and spinning and in the middle of the cirkel it say CynanogenMod
<robin_> its has spinning now 12 h
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<robin_> there is my problem
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<frankdrey> Do you know how to use logcat?
<frankdrey> There's no need to PM me
<robin_> nopp
<frankdrey> Google it and figure it out :P
<frankdrey> And upload logs for us somewhere
<frankdrey> Then we can try to figure out what's wrong
<robin_> i cant get inside my phone
<robin_> how i can fix logs on it
<robin_> u have hotmail or gmail i can send u screen shot
<robin_> or u must have log
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<frankdrey> i know what it looks like
<frankdrey> you don't need to get inside your phone to get logs if you had usb debugging enabled
<frankdrey> if not, you're out of luck
<frankdrey> best wipe and reflash
<robin_> u know how teamviwer works
<waratte> I do
<waratte> It's like VoIP.
<waratte> Video over IP
<robin_> yes but do u work for cyanogenMod?
<frankdrey> i don't work for cyanogenmod either
<frankdrey> i doubt anyone who works at cyanogenmod would have the time to give you personal support over teamviewer for something they already know is futile
<robin_> never mind i will throw it in the trash and buy new
<frankdrey> ...
<frankdrey> i'm sorry, but that's a really really dumb thing to do
<robin_> well i dont know how logcat works and my doughter is on me 24/7 so i cant learn it i work 12h a day only way to fix is with teamviver but i think u have no time
<frankdrey> the only to fix isn't with teamviewer
<robin_> well becouse i dont know how to fix it i have no opption
<frankdrey> <frankdrey> best wipe and reflash
<frankdrey> if you installed CM to begin with, you should know how to do that
<robin_> i bought it then i reboot it and now its like this
<robin_> i havent installed anything
<frankdrey> I see
<frankdrey> alright, can you check the specific model of it?
<frankdrey> n7100?
<frankdrey> or is it LTE?
<robin_> GT-N7100
<frankdrey> turn it off
<frankdrey> and turn it on holding volume up, home, and power
<robin_> its of
<robin_> now i can reboot system
<robin_> install zip
<robin_> wipe data
<frankdrey> do you see what version of clockworkmod it has?
<robin_> yes
<robin_> recovery v6.0.4.3
<frankdrey> do you want to install the latest, cm11, or one of the older stables?
<frankdrey> actually
<frankdrey> before you reflash
<frankdrey> try doing wipe data and wipe cache
<frankdrey> it'll erase everything
<frankdrey> and it might fix it
<robin_> ok i will try
<frankdrey> remember, it will erase everything :p
<frankdrey> don't want you to get mad later haha
<robin_> its ok i just want it to work i dont care of pic i have back up :)
<robin_> i have wipe all now
<robin_> still same problewm
<robin_> problem
<frankdrey> wait at least 10 minutes
<frankdrey> boot after wipe could take up to 10 minutes
<robin_> ok
<frankdrey> if it still doesn't work, then we'll try reinstall like original plan
<robin_> but when i turn it of it starts with this problem
<frankdrey> ?
<robin_> when i dont even turn it on
<frankdrey> not sure what you mean
<robin_> when i turn phone of
<robin_> it start atomatlicy by it self
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<frankdrey> that's not entirely unusual
<robin_> how toreinstall
<frankdrey> still on the spinner?
<robin_> yes
<frankdrey> have you noticed the screen dim?
<frankdrey> or do you notice it jumping?
<frankdrey> like, skipping
<robin_> w8 now its upgrading
<frankdrey> that's good
<frankdrey> :D
<robin_> now it works again, but there is no google play shop
<robin_> u know how to get it again
<frankdrey> yeah
<frankdrey> can you check what versioin of cm you have?
<frankdrey> in settings > about
<robin_> cm_n7100-userdebug 4.2.2 JDQ39E eng.jenkins.20130828. 190307 test-keys
<robin_> cm-10.1.3-RC1
<frankdrey> and copy it to the phone somehow
<robin_> it say on the screen, u have no data press to uppdate but when i press nothing happends
<frankdrey> huh?
<frankdrey> screenshot?
<robin_> where to send ss
<frankdrey> i dunno upload it to imgur or something
<robin_> ok i know how xD
<frankdrey> oh
<frankdrey> that's weather :p
<robin_> the download is finnished
<frankdrey> if you want weather under the clock you'll have to set your location or something :p but it's not a problem
<robin_> and it say to me can´t open file
<frankdrey> copy it to the phone somehow
<robin_> i did
<frankdrey> ok
<frankdrey> now reboot into that thing again
<frankdrey> with the same buttons
<robin_> i dl on the phone but could not open
<robin_> ok
<robin_> and now
<frankdrey> no go to install zip
<frankdrey> and find the file you copied
<frankdrey> and instal lit
<robin_> i have on install zip
<robin_> choose zip from / sdcard
<robin_> install zip from sideload
<robin_> what from them i will pick
<robin_> ?
<frankdrey> sdcard
<robin_> now i have
<robin_> - 0/
<robin_> - legacy/
<robin_> -obb/
<frankdrey> 0
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<robin_> now i have many
<robin_> alarms
<robin_> android
<robin_> dcim
<robin_> download
<robin_> movies
<robin_> music
<robin_> notifications
<robin_> pictures
<robin_> podcasts
<robin_> ringtons
<robin_> clockworkmod
<robin_> cmupdater
<robin_> obb
<robin_> is it android?
<frankdrey> where did you copy it?
<robin_> i typed it on internet
<frankdrey> what?
<frankdrey> the file you downloaded
<frankdrey> you said you copied it to your phone
<frankdrey> find where you copied it and select it
<robin_> i typed it on internet
<robin_> thern it started dl
<frankdrey> on the phone?
<frankdrey> then it should be in download
<robin_> jupp and im installing it now xD
<frankdrey> cool :P
<frankdrey> sorry i'm replying slow
<robin_> im going to restart phone now
* frankdrey is trying to figure out dumb sappy love songs on guitar
<robin_> its ok by me but my wife will kill me becouse we was suposed to look movie haha
<frankdrey> haha whoops :p
<robin_> xD
<robin_> u want me to install cm-10.1.3
<robin_> its in the uppdate list
<frankdrey> no
<frankdrey> what update list?
<robin_> when i start phone it say to me
<robin_> there is 1 more uppdate avalible
<frankdrey> ah
<frankdrey> i wouldn't
<frankdrey> might screw things up again
<robin_> aha then i will fuck it xD
<robin_> i will go now my swedish head is fucked up with all this english talking xD
<robin_> thnx for all help
<frankdrey> hahah :P
<frankdrey> no prob
<robin_> ha det bra
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