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<Yomi> Hmm. I got another charger to replace a broken one. The charging block is different though. But the battery indicator doesn't spin...I know it works, because it charges when its off. I assume it charges while it's on too. Just when idle. However, none of my laptops seem to pick it up either.
<waratte> #UnexplainedMysteries
<Yomi> Apparently.
<Yomi> Kinda sucks. I had wanted to compile a stable version for my tablet.
<frankdrey> Dunno what device you have but it probably needs a special charger
<frankdrey> What does it have to do with compiling a stable version?
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<Yomi> frankdrey: A p3113. I've been hopping from nightly to nightly, so battery life along with a few other things probably aren't as good as they could be.
<Yomi> Though it is weird that none of the computers pick it up.
<frankdrey> Pick what up?
<frankdrey> I doubt stable is any more battery efficient
<Yomi> frankdrey: Pick up the tablet plugged in via USB.
<Yomi> Battery life was actually kinda awesome...awhile ago.
<frankdrey> Yeah, batteries age
<frankdrey> And you're probably running new versions of everything
<frankdrey> Designed for newer hardware
<frankdrey> Does it show in device manager?
<Yomi> I don't happen to be on Windows at the moment.
<frankdrey> Lsusb?
<Yomi> Linux, but usually I should see messages related to USB connects/disconnect in dmesg...
<frankdrey> Does it recognize it in download mode?
<frankdrey> If not...
<Yomi> Hmm.
<frankdrey> Your cable or your jack on the tablet
<frankdrey> The port on my p5113 is dead
<frankdrey> I bought several cables thinking that was why
<frankdrey> Then I tried my USB otg cable which I knew worked and I didn't use it much so it couldn't have worn out
<frankdrey> And I guess my USB pins are dead
<Yomi> Guess there must be a problem with the cable. I don't think the port on mine is dead. I'm surprised it still seems to charge though.
<frankdrey> Yeah mine charges fine
<frankdrey> USB stuff doesn't
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<Derron> Hi, I was wondering if anyone here can help me with my phone problem...
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<Derr0n> Hi, I've been having some problems with my phone and was wondering if anyone can help me here...
<Derr0n> I have an AT&T phone, and since the last update that AT&T forced me to do, it screwed up my phone and it's currently on an endless reset loop. Once i get to the login page to input password, my phone would reset again before I'm able to enter anything.
<frankdrey> Ask AT&T or Samsung
<Derr0n> I went to the AT&T store and they aren't of any help.
<frankdrey> We help with custom Android and rooting
<Derr0n> I never tryed Samsung...
<Derr0n> ok..
<Derr0n> Yeah... my phone isn't rooted.
<Derr0n> But i've just recently installed ClockworkMod Recovery.
<Derr0n> hopeing I can get to my files... to back it up.
<Derr0n> but so far, i'm unable to.
<frankdrey> Tried mounting USB?
<Derr0n> frankdrey, should ClockworkMod Recovery let me access my internal sdcard? from what I've read, I believe it should, but I haven't been able to do so. Initially I though it was a usb driver mismatch, so I think I did somethign really stupid, I went and deleted the exiting driver to install a new, but don't think the new installed driver is working.
<Derr0n> Yeah, that's what i tryed. doesn't work
<Derr0n> it would make the sound that I'm connected, but it doesn't show up on my computer.
<frankdrey> Uh
<Derr0n> therefore I believe the problem might be the driver.
<frankdrey> Did you go to mounts and storage and mount USB?
<Derr0n> when I check the driver, it was showing another phone...
<Derr0n> yeah
<Derr0n> that's where i was to mount the usb.
<frankdrey> Hmm
<frankdrey> Yeah find the right drivers
<Derr0n> it didn't show up on my computer.. not even in the Disk Management.
<frankdrey> Yeah you need to find the right drivers
<Derr0n> where do i go to find the driver? I downloaded this... Samsung_Usb_Driver_for mobile phone... but it doesn't seem to be the driver I'm looking for
<Derr0n> all i need is a dll file correct? and i need to put it into the correct folder. just not sure what dll file i'm looking for and googling it doesn't come up with anything but this samsung usb driver.
<Derr0n> as i said... I deleted my old driver because the properties was showing a name for another phone, But I should have at least find out where that driver was located and made a copy of it before deleting it. :(
<frankdrey> No
<Derr0n> I'm desperately trying to save some photos and chat messages in my internal sdcard... but so far, nothing's allowing me to access it. I know i can fix my phone with a factory reset and wipe everything out... but I don't want to do that until i retrieve my photos and chat messages.
<Derr0n> AT&T told me it was impossible... but I don't believe them. I know there has to be something out there that will let me get access to my internal sdcard.
<frankdrey> Yes you just need to find the right drivers
<frankdrey> For the 10th time, geez
<Derr0n> do you have any idea where I can go to get this driver? for a Samsung Note 2, Model SGH-I317
<Derr0n> yeah.. that's the same driver i d/led and not working. :(
<Derr0n> i'm going to try and re-install it again.
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<Derr0n> yeah... still shows driver is unavailable... here's the catch.. the device keeps showing up as "GT-N7105" Which i believe is a unlocked version of my phone. While my phone isn't unlocked or rooted.
<Derr0n> they give me the option to remove this device... should I do that in hopes that it will find the right device the next time I connect?
<frankdrey> Maybe
<Derr0n> hmm... i'll try that.
<Derr0n> that doesn't do anything... just disconnects my phone. after connecting it back, it shows up again... with status: Driver is unavailable
<Derr0n> I'm all out of ideas... nothing seems to be getting me anywhere... and I've been working on this (on and off) for the past 3 days.
<Derr0n> my phone died on my on Thursday... and I don't know what to do at this point. I'm almost certain that Samsung won't be able to help me either. Everyone just tells me to reset to factory setting... :(
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<frankdrey> Maybe you should try without installing any drivers
<frankdrey> Let Windows figure it out
<frankdrey> Derr0n, I'm only 40% sure but I think the one zadig installs is open so heimdall can use it. Samsung one is closed.
<Derr0n> I assume I can't really remove cwm after flashing it correct?
<frankdrey> You can
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<frankdrey> Flash stock everything from download mode
<Derr0n> oh..
<frankdrey> And actually, your phone would usually uninstall cwm booting into stock rom
<frankdrey> Which boot logo is it sticking at?
<Derr0n> what do you mean?
<frankdrey> Oh
<frankdrey> Nvm
<frankdrey> Read agaib
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<Derr0n> it would boot up... and get to my input password... but it would reset my phone before I can input anything.
<frankdrey> Aha
<Derr0n> then it goes into an endless loop of resetting.
<Derr0n> I can't even shut my phone without pulling the battery out.
<Derr0n> I went to AT&T store right away... but they were no help at all.... all they want me to do is to reset my phone to factory settings... and wiping it clean.
<Derr0n> But I got some pictures of my new born daughter... and don't want to lose them. :(
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> One more thing we could try
<frankdrey> So the phone is at least somewhat recognized?
<Derr0n> i guess.
<Derr0n> I was able to flash the rom after doing some reasearch...
<Derr0n> I was so excited... because form what i've read... I should have been able to access my drive.
<Derr0n> but only to hit another wall after flashing this cwm.
<Derr0n> what I really want to know is... how can i get rid of the latest AT&T update that screwed up my phone? I'm not even sure what type of update it was... does AT&T update firmware?
<frankdrey> Flash the ROM?
<frankdrey> This was an unofficial update?
<Derr0n> I did noticed, that the bootup logo is totally different and where they have me to input my password key, that interface looks totally different as well. So the AT&T update made some big changes to my phone.
<frankdrey> Where did you get it? Where did you flash it?
<Derr0n> No.. it was an official update.
<Derr0n> it kept on bugging me to update... i kept on pushing it off...
<frankdrey> Ok
<frankdrey> #samsung
<Derr0n> but it got so annoying that I went and updated it.
<frankdrey> Where updates break everything
<frankdrey> Download that :p
<Derr0n> what is this? just d/led it
<frankdrey> Android debug bridge, let's you run commands and push/pull files
<Derr0n> i've extracted it as well... (assuming i need to)
<frankdrey> Extract it and open a command prompt in the folder
<Derr0n> ok..
<frankdrey> Then run adb devices and see if it finds it
<Derr0n> ok
<Derr0n> finds what? what am i looking for?
<frankdrey> A code and maybe a name
<frankdrey> If there's nothing in the list, then it didn't find it
<Derr0n> after running it... it gives me a list of commands... do i need something else beside just typing adb?
<frankdrey> adb devices
<Derr0n> Ok.. it says "List of devices attached" but doesn't show the list anywhere.
<frankdrey> :(
<frankdrey> Then it didn't find it
<Derr0n> :(
<frankdrey> Look up "universal adb driver"
<frankdrey> And install it manually (right click on device and choose driver and stuff)
<frankdrey> Know how to do that?
<Derr0n> :(
<Derr0n> i'll try
<Derr0n> wait.. when u said look up.. do u mean google?
<frankdrey> Yup
<Derr0n> ok
<frankdrey> Should be on XDA
<frankdrey> And it'll probably just be a zip file with the driver
<Derr0n> it's an msi file... hmm... did i d/l the correct file?
<frankdrey> Maybe they've made an installer
<frankdrey> Cool
<Derr0n> i guess i'll run it?
<Derr0n> ok
<Derr0n> what do i do after installing it?
<Derr0n> I can't figure where it was installed to.. :( looking for the folder now.
<frankdrey> Try unplug and plug in
<Derr0n> ok
<frankdrey> See if it updates it
<frankdrey> If not you'll need to manually specify the driver file
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<Derr0n> that placed the driver I deleted back into place... but I'm back to where I started... :(
<Derr0n> it's showing that this driver is for Google Galaxy Nexus Interface... but i have a note 2.
<Derr0n> I still can't access my phone for some odd reason...
<frankdrey> Try adb devices
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<Derr0n> ok
<Derr0n> it found something...
<Derr0n> but not sure what it means...
<frankdrey> That's perfect :D
<frankdrey> Now do:
<frankdrey> adb shell ls /sdcard/
<frankdrey> Do you see your internal storage folders?
<Derr0n> nope. :(
<Derr0n> it didn't seem to do anything.
<frankdrey> Ok
<Derr0n> let me see if i can see /sdcard1/ ?
<frankdrey> Mount /sdcard in CWM
<Derr0n> which should be the external
<frankdrey> and try again
<Derr0n> ok
<frankdrey> You don't need to be in mount USB mode btw
<frankdrey> In fact don't do it :p
<Derr0n> oh
<Derr0n> let me pull it and try again.
<Derr0n> not working. :(
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<frankdrey> Empty or what?
<Derr0n> tried mounting and unmounting...
<Derr0n> empty..
<frankdrey> OK do just
<frankdrey> adb shell
<Derr0n> the command didn't do anything.
<frankdrey> And type ls
<Derr0n> ok
<frankdrey> Do you know how to use cd?
<Derr0n> ok.. i see sdcard
<Derr0n> so... ls sdcard?
<frankdrey> cd sdcard
<Derr0n> ok
<frankdrey> ls
<frankdrey> Anything?
<Derr0n> yes... i'm in /data/media
<Derr0n> but, is this my phone or computer?
<frankdrey> Phone
<Derr0n> I wish I studied unix command when i had the chance. :(
<frankdrey> OK so you see your stuff?
<Derr0n> i do.. but i don't know how to navagate through it.
<frankdrey> OK good
<frankdrey> Now do
<frankdrey> exit
<frankdrey> Let's just copy everything?:p
<frankdrey> Have enough space?
<Derr0n> copy to where?
<Derr0n> i should have enough space.
<Derr0n> you talkign about my computer?
<frankdrey> To computer
<Derr0n> yeah
<frankdrey> OK back at windows command prompt? (Not adb shell )
<frankdrey> Now do:
<frankdrey> Wait, make a new folder and call it backup in the adb folder
<frankdrey> Then do:
<Derr0n> ok
<frankdrey> adb pull /sdcard/ backup/
<Derr0n> where should the new folder be created at?
<frankdrey> And wait :p
<frankdrey> Same folder as adb
<frankdrey> adb.exe
<frankdrey> Where your command prompt is open
<Derr0n> ok.. hold on.. looking for dir.
<frankdrey> It should show at the top of the command prompt window
<frankdrey> In the title
<Derr0n> hmm... 0 files pulled. 0 files skipped.
<frankdrey> Hmm
<Derr0n> should there be another backslash in front of backup?
<frankdrey> Try /data/media/ instead
<frankdrey> No
<frankdrey> Wait exactly what are you typing?
<frankdrey> Use forward slash for the android path
<Derr0n> i typed: adb pull /sdcard/ backup/
<Derr0n> i'm sorry.. i meant forward... lol...
<Derr0n> I'm running on like no sleep. :(
<Derr0n> so you are saying i should try adb pull /data/media/ ?
<frankdrey> Yeah
<Derr0n> with backup/ after that correct?
<frankdrey> You could try it without the last backup part but then it might copy everything to the current Dir might be a little messy :p
<Derr0n> same... :( 0 files pulled. 0 files skipped.
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> you saw stuff in /data/media tho?
<frankdrey> Try adb shell ls /data/media
<Derr0n> ok... i think i know the problem... I never was able to see my files. I misunderstood you.
<frankdrey> Oh :p
<Derr0n> It's showing blank in those directory.
<frankdrey> What are your mount options in CWM
<Derr0n> now... that scares me even more. :(
<frankdrey> Any storage ones?
<Derr0n> let me check.
<Derr0n> mount /system, efs, cashe, tombstones, firmware, data, and /storage/sdcard1
<frankdrey> try last one
<Derr0n> oh.. .and at the very bottom... USB storage.
<frankdrey> I mean
<frankdrey> wait no sdcard0?
<Derr0n> no... :(
<frankdrey> OK mount everything lol
<Derr0n> hmm.. it doesn't seem to be doing anything right now. :(
<Derr0n> let me disconnect and try again.
<frankdrey> What do you mean?
<Derr0n> when i unmount or mount something, it would show it at the bottom that i've doen something...
<Derr0n> but it wasn't showing anything.
<frankdrey> Does it change to "unmount"?
<frankdrey> If yes it did it
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<Derr0n> ok... it's still not showing down at the bottom... but it's all showing as "unmount" now.
<Derr0n> should the mount USB storage also be "unmount"
<frankdrey> No
<Derr0n> ok...
<frankdrey> Don't do that one
<Derr0n> then... back to my cmd correct?
<frankdrey> OK now do adb shell
<frankdrey> And try all of these:
<frankdrey> ls /sdcard
<frankdrey> ls /data/media
<frankdrey> ls /storage/sdcard0
<frankdrey> ls /storage/sdcard1
<frankdrey> ls /storage/sdcard0/0
<frankdrey> ls /storage/sdcard1/0
<Derr0n> everything with sdcard0 returns with "No such file or directory"
<Derr0n> and the same with the sdcard1/0
<Derr0n> with the /sdcard and /data/media both came back with "clockworkmod legacy obb""
<Derr0n> with /storage/sdcard1 came back with everything in my external sdcard. which doesn't help. :(
<frankdrey> Aha
<Derr0n> so... it's not seeing my internal sdcard. :(
<frankdrey> ls /sdcard/legacy
<Derr0n> nothing.
<frankdrey> ls /sdcard/obb
<Derr0n> looks like my games...
<frankdrey> :o
<frankdrey> I have bad news for you....
<Derr0n> oh no...
<Derr0n> my internal card is dead?
<frankdrey> It looks like internal storage was wiped and only the app files were left
<Derr0n> would an update do that?
<frankdrey> It should have warned you
<Derr0n> but... actually, when i try to backup my files, and chose to backup into my internal, it shows that it's still pretty filled up.
<Derr0n> therefore the files should still be there correct?
<Derr0n> I chose to backup it in my external the first time because I actually though sdcard was my external card at first. the backup failed because of not enough space.
<frankdrey> Hmmm
<frankdrey> When you do choose zip from sdcard
<Derr0n> i meant.. i chose to backup into my internal by mistake.
<frankdrey> Do you see your files?
<Derr0n> what do you mean by choose zip?
<frankdrey> There should be a menu in CWM
<frankdrey> install zip
<frankdrey> Choose zip
<Derr0n> from cwm, i chose backup and restore.
<Derr0n> no.. i didn't
<Derr0n> I wasn't sure what that does... i only wanted to backup my internal drive before resetting it to factory settings.
<frankdrey> Go into it
<frankdrey> It should list your files
<Derr0n> but I don't think I was backing up my internal.....
<Derr0n> ok
<Derr0n> wait... where?
<Derr0n> the install zip?
<frankdrey> Yeah
<frankdrey> Then choose zip from internal
<Derr0n> ok... first option? choose zip from /sdcard
<Derr0n> ahh!!
<Derr0n> i see my files!
<Derr0n> wait.. let me check for the photos.
<frankdrey> Hmm.
<Derr0n> don't see any files in my DCIM/camera folder. :(
<Derr0n> but.. is this my internal or external?
<Derr0n> it's under /sdcard/0/
<frankdrey> Aha...
<frankdrey> OK now don't touch cwm
<frankdrey> And do
<frankdrey> adb pull /sdcard/0
<Derr0n> oko
<Derr0n> it's going. :)
<frankdrey> Sweet
<Derr0n> this is my internal allright. :)
<Derr0n> hey... one other question, have you ever heard of weChat?
<Derr0n> an app.
<frankdrey> Don't think so
<Derr0n> ok... nm then.
<frankdrey> Why?
<Derr0n> this is a good start.. i got all my photos back. :)