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<carabinieri> Hi, has anyone of you experience with CM 11 on the Galaxy s5? Works for everything or are there problems? Should I rather wait for the 2nd snapshot?
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<frumpy> Hi -- is anyone around I could ask a quick CM question to?
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<carabinieri> Look at the topic, don´t ask to ask. Just ask.
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<frumpy> Thanks. Ok. So I used the main website to install CM to my i9100. It put on CM 10.2. About 2 months ago I used the "settings->update" function to update to CM11. I've seen that there are several more "snapshot" builds that have been put onto the downloads page since that time, but the phone hasn't been able to find any updates online.
<frumpy> Should I just flash the new snapshot? Why is it unable to do the OTA type update?
<frumpy> And one more question -- why isn't the 10.2 build available from the downloads page for my phone? It was on there before... and the version that it's updated me to -- M10 -- is really buggy with the battery life. I'd like to go back.
<frumpy> I'm a total novice as you can probably see from my questions -- so apoligies if it seems overly simplistic.
<frumpy> Trying my best to navigate the wiki and the forums, but ... if you could help out that would be great.
<carabinieri> It will also run with Snapshot.
<frumpy> The download site jumps from 10.1.3 to 11. No 10.2 there, except for a "test/experimental" one.
<carabinieri> then there´s no 10.2 stable. Sorry.
<carabinieri> Install the M11. This is the actual one.
<frumpy> will it be more stable if I do a complete wipe of the device and reinstall by way of the installer?
<carabinieri> download M11 to Micro sd, boot into recovery, full wipe and then install M11. This is the best way.
<frumpy> Got it. And to do that (just to confirm) I will also need to reinstall the Google Apps package, right?
<carabinieri> Yes, you got it!!
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<frumpy> hey -- one more question. Can the i9100 support exFAT on a 64GB external SD card?
<frumpy> Right now it's in FAT32, but I'd rather have exFAT if I can do it.
<carabinieri> puh. this is out of my knowledge. Sorry
<frumpy> No problems! Thanks!
<frumpy> Do you know if I can use Titanium Backup to restore some of the settings for the update, or if using it may mess up the file system?
<carabinieri> You can do that! No problem!!
<frumpy> Now -- in order to update in future, will I need to do a complete wipe again, or will it be okay to just use the OTA system for the updates?
<carabinieri> You can do OTA, but you can wipe cache and wipe dalvik before update. Then it is enough.
<frumpy> Thanks!
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<magic_> hey guys, I'm having a Samsung Galaxy SII (I9100) with Cyanogenmod 10.1.3 and CWM I'd like to install Cyanogenmod 11 and therefore flash CWM My question is: can I simply flash the CWM over using heimdall, or does that break something? Thanks in advance!
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<magic_> anyone got a hint for me?
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