why is the latest release a year old?
Hm, there seems to be about a release every year, though occasionally two years without one... If you want the newest features usually downloading the git repo and building it yourself is the best way
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how might I convert a verilog file into a json logical gate representation, using only AND, OR, and NOT?
justchen1369: something like synth; abc -g AND,OR; write_json out.json
(note that NOT is implicit in the list of gates passed to abc)
alright I'll try that, thanks!
seems to be spitting a bunch of debug info into the file
you could try setattr -unset src * before write_json
but otherwise, for the most part whatever is parsing the json should just ignore the attributes section, then it shouldn't matter anywau
in netnames, does "bits" correspond with each logic gate's "name"?