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<justchen1369> hello
<Degi> hi
<justchen1369> could you send me a link to the latest manual?
<Degi> Oh, the official URL at seems to be broken, a version from last year is here otherwise you can probably just compile this
<justchen1369> thanks!
<justchen1369> another question
<justchen1369> why is the latest release a year old?
<Degi> Hm, there seems to be about a release every year, though occasionally two years without one... If you want the newest features usually downloading the git repo and building it yourself is the best way
<justchen1369> thanks
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<justchen1369> how might I convert a verilog file into a json logical gate representation, using only AND, OR, and NOT?
<gatecat> justchen1369: something like synth; abc -g AND,OR; write_json out.json
<gatecat> (note that NOT is implicit in the list of gates passed to abc)
<justchen1369> alright I'll try that, thanks!
<justchen1369> seems to be spitting a bunch of debug info into the file
<gatecat> you could try setattr -unset src * before write_json
<gatecat> but otherwise, for the most part whatever is parsing the json should just ignore the attributes section, then it shouldn't matter anywau
<gatecat> *anyway
<justchen1369> in netnames, does "bits" correspond with each logic gate's "name"?
<justchen1369> by which I mean id
<justchen1369> it looks like
<justchen1369> "$abc$113$add$counter.v:6$2_Y[0]": {
<justchen1369>           "hide_name": 1,
<justchen1369>           "bits": [ 9 ],
<justchen1369>           "attributes": {
<justchen1369>           }
<justchen1369>         },
<gatecat> yeah, it means bit 9 used elsewhere corresponds to that net (not logic gate) name
<justchen1369> ah
<justchen1369> so bit-by-bit input/output
<justchen1369> it seems to be provided in the ports property; can I ignore the netnames?
<justchen1369> I'm honestly quite confuse
<justchen1369> d
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