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does zig default to --march=native?
(I noticed this: ) the popcnt instruction is SSE4 which is not all x86_64 machines
hmm actually it might not be an llvm bug. it might have been an alignment issue which is now fixed. I should try enabling that again.
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welcome back, kristate
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Might be silly but am I wrong to want to be able to use `comptime var` outside of the function scope?
The general use case would be to update something that exists at comptime later.
(later = still comptime though)
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very-mediocre, you could pass a pointer to a some comptime only variable
fn a(comptime something: *u8) void
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the comptime only variable has to be declared as const though, can't pass a mutable pointer that points to a const, no?
comptime var i: u8 = 0; a(&i);
Pretty sure this
let me try :]
well you can't declare "comptime var" in the global scope
it has to be const
which implicitly becomes comptime
Aaah, you want a global comptime var
Well, nope. Not possible
And I'm sure that would get really messy
I agree but it does feel a bit limiting now
What are you trying to do?
comptime stuff isn't always set in stone
sometimes you want to provide a library that lets the consumer of the library also do things at comptime
Sure, but as with normal global state, it is rare that you actually need it
Well one experiment I was doing which made me notice this, was some comptime interface shenanigans
I found I was doing increasingly complicated things, when it would be much simpler to have a registry at the global scope
Might be true
Might also be that there's some obvious better solution that currently eludes me
hm, you're right that it'd get messy to import such a module though
I'm unclear on how zig import works, I'm used to TS/JS right now where the entire module gets imported as a closure
like if I wrote to some hypothetical comptime var, state would probably be lost upon import :/
If file_a does @import("std") and file_b does @import("std"), then they'll both share everything from "std". Globals and all
I see
I'm still toying with half baked ideas here.
I have in mind a comptime linked list
to serve as a Set structure
O(n) is not bad for the use cases I am experimenting with. Alas, it can't be done this way.
Hopefully we can solve #1291 in the near future and make that sort of thing straight-forward.
That'd go a long way
I thought I was being clever using a linked list to bypass that altogether
I also had a workaround in mind for the lack of programmable types...
Resulting in sort of a binary tree union
So you could conceivably generate a catch-all type for all implementors of an interface, that you could unbox
"programmable types"? You mean generating types with comptime?
What @reify is supposed to be, but I was told that might be too powerful
You could conceivably do like, a union with 2 fields
I have an implementation in mind that could do alot of what reify does
1 field = known type
2nd field = a nested version of the same union
I'd love to see if you can get that to work
This is all hypothetical, I've yet to try it, but the point was to have a union representing all implementors of an interface so you could pass "Shape" to a function
but then you'd still have to unbox in the function body
What do you have in mind that can do what reify does?
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andrewrk: do you have a list of data structures / types that you'd like to see in the standard library?
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halosghost, no. until we get closer to 1.0.0 std lib is inclusionist (as long as the code comes with tests) because it helps test the language
closer to 1.0.0 there will be a big std lib audit, and a lot of stuff will be removed (and can be maintained in third party packages)
bunch of things I'd like to try my hand at implementing
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hello, aur/zig-static :D
* halosghost
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Ey up, just asking a quick question - what exactly counts as 'freestanding'? What can I use / not use from the stdlib?
Can I use the fixedbuffer thread safe allocator if I allocate the actual memory via malloc()?
tom1998, zig has lazy top level declaration evaluation - so you can use everything that does not depend on an operating system, down to a fine grained variable / function level
if you try to use something that depends on an operating system in freestanding mode, you'll get a compile error. so you can't get bugs by trying to use something from the std lib
Is there a way to force the compiler to build freestanding even if it normally builds not freestanding?
so the sort of questions you are interested in are: "does the fixed buffer thread safe allocator depend on any OS API?"
and the answer is no
i see
you want to set some global state so that zig thinks the native environment is freestanding?
are you trying to save keystrokes by avoiding typing `--target-os freestanding --target-arch xyz` ?
you could use zig build
and then just set the target to freestanding in the build script
nope, i just didn't know the target-os accepted that, thanks
Not sure if anyone's still here, go another question about building freestanding;)
So I'm building for a linux target on ARM, but zig doesn't support arm linux, HOWEVER i was under the impression that I could build freestanding & link to libc to interact with the OS
I'm unsure if i've just misunderstood, I am no compiler guru & I never build anything freestanding
I'm trying to link to libc with --library c, but I'm getting an error as it's saying it can't find libc
I'm currently building with --target-arch x86_64 (as I'm not on my ARM machine yet), and --target-os freestanding
No, i'm not cross-compiling currently, i'm testing a freestanding build on x86_64 first to make sure my program isn't using any OS stuff that it shouldn't be
then I'm going to either cross compile or compileon the machine later
wait, freestanding isn't compatible with libc
libc depends on an operating system
where did I see that said I could compile for arm as long as I called through the c lib and didn't try to use any zig-specific os calls
in the readme: "Note that if you use libc or other libraries to interact with the OS, that counts as "freestanding" for the purposes of this table."
i don't actually want to compile a freestanding program in the sense that i can run it bare metal, i just want to run on arm64, scientes's thing looks like it's failing the builds (?)
tom1998, its just timing out
scientes, I'm going to tackle your ARM PR tomorrow
andrewrk how do I link in libc for arm then, or am i misunderstanding the readma
tom1998, you want `--target-os linux --target-arch (one of the arm architectures)`
it sounds like the readme is saying 'we don't officially support arm/linux, UNLESS you use other libraries to interact with the OS, in which case you're golden'
and --library c
ohhhhhhhh, so I don't actually want --target-os freestanding even though it says freestanding in the table
right, your target isn't freestanding, your target is arm. I'll clarify the wording
tom1998, and then you need an arm libc to link against. you're on x86_64 so that would be a cross compiled libc