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I live in EST time, its just 5pm is when I leave work and am stuck in traffic
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Does anyone know, are arrays handled the same way as structs re: #733?
Also, what's the appropriate way of submitting PRs that are dependant on other PRs?
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#733 is the same for arrays
Hejsil, re: generic meta.eql, should it follow pointers? Is an [N]*u8 `eql` to another [N]*u8 if the values are the same, or only if the pointers are?
I'd say no. We want the "safe" subset. If the user wants to follow pointers, they should have another solution that takes into account cycles
So just == on ptrs, and .len == .len and .ptr == .ptr on slices
Also, meta.lessThan would also be useful :)
Also, for the PR depend on PRs. Idk how to do this, but If the first PR is done, and I know enough to review it, I could merge it
ok, so is `*T == *const T` if they point to the same place?
I would think so, but they are technically different types.
Would that ever happen?
Don't we pass fn eql(a: var, b: @typeOf(a)) bool ?
So we should always compare types, that are the same
It came up in a test with slices, which is why I asked. eql could be eql(a: var, b: var) with additional asserts, or even eql(a: var, b: var<EqlType(a)>) some day.
Why is eql(a: var, b: @typeOf(a)) bool not good enough?
It could be, it depends on your definition of `eql`. Since we're going with pointers not being eql even if their values are, then it probably is good enough.
I think, 99% of the time, the user wants to compare two types, that are the same :)
And if they don't, they should probably make their own, and have a comment explain why, two different types can be compared for equallity
edge cases matter
Exactly, and that is why they should roll their own
anyway, I agree that eql shouldn't be deep equlaity.
Actually, I'd say 100%, a generic eql, should only compare types that are the same
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Hejsil, I didn't worry about following formatting standards as I figured a run through std.fmt would fix that.
Right. Then just do that, and we're done!
zig fmt is part of the compiler now? Or do I have to compile stage2 still?
You still need stage2. I can run fmt after merge, if that is better
It'd be easier for me. the dev environment I use when working with git will probably OOM trying to compile stage2
Hmm.... I think a lot of my utility code will become a lot simpler if I just assume copy elision will work soon.
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MajorLag, did you see my latest comments on the meta.zig PR
I hadn't before I wrote that comment. I don't think returning a `*align(1) T` would make the function very useful. Then again, having this alignment limitation at all make it seem kinda pointless. For ints, mem.readInt() would probably be better, and for other types I have, and plan to make a PR for, arbitrary type reading/writing from streams that would work. Alignment would not be relevant.
MajorLag, in my randomizer, I use aliasing ptrs into byte arrays, so that reading/writing roms is trivial. Just read bytes, alias into bytes, modify alias', write bytes back
No need for serialization on write
So, i'd find it useful
No need for serialization unless the endianess is different than native
I have lu16 wrappers
lux wrappers*
doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose?
It's still more trival to alias a byte buffer, than deserialize
and serialize
The stdlib is gonna get cleaned up at some point. Having it in allows us to think about something like this when we do the cleanup
deserializtion is pretty trivial. It just isn't as efficient if the endianess matches.
Anyways, you can decided. I have my own implementation I use, so I wont miss them in std if you don't think it's worth it
but stream.write(mem.toBytes(packed_boy)) is the best serialization :)
`file_stream_writer.write(&value);` is my way. struct doesn't even need to be packed.
I like to have them packed, to document layout
In a way, it's declarative deserialization. I just declare my layout, and now it just works
layout is documented by order & size of fields as far as I'm concerned. compiler added padding is invisible in the code and ignored by the arbitrary type writer.
What about a:u4, b: u4?
if it is an actual bitfield it has to be packed for now, but I have plans to fix that because endianess is an issue there too.
for now I'd probably just take it as a u8
True. I think I have a few packed sturcts, where I don't take care of endianess proporly for sub 8 bit types
structs* properly*
bitfield endianess is pretty hairy, which is why I've left it largely unsolved. It also hasn't come up that often.
I probably still have too much java developer in my because my inclanation is to turn that into a struct.{u16} with fns to do the masking and shifting to retrieve the values.