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<daurnimator> andrewrk: btw, we might want to rename "cancellation point". people coming from C/POSIX will get very confused....
<scientes> daurnimator, did you figure out the arm64 ci?
<daurnimator> scientes: what do you mean by "figure out"
<scientes> oh there was a confusion that it wouldn't work
<daurnimator> scientes: I ran into an issue where at least the docker driver is completely broken on arm64
<scientes> just use shell mode
<scientes> instead of docker
<scientes> its faster anyways
<scientes> zig doesn't need docker
<daurnimator> shell mode leaves quite a lot of potential for mess left behind
<scientes> it starts with a clean checkout every time
<fengb> Reboot every night? :P
<scientes> otherwise the "mkdir" would fail
<scientes> as it lacks a -p
<daurnimator> scientes: I meant files leaking elsewhere onto the system
<scientes> yes, that is possible, but in the case of ccache that is desired
<daurnimator> usually for CI systems you explicitly call out certain directories to be kept
<daurnimator> fengb: reboot won't erase things :P
<daurnimator> I wonder if we can use shell mode but do all the operations in a container manually
<scientes> its not really necessary
<daurnimator> docker run -it debian bash -s << EOF ............ script here ...............
<daurnimator> or something like that
<scientes> for systemd, yes you need it, but zig doesn't need some complicatedness
<fengb> Toss /usr into a ramdisk. Problem solved!
<fengb> Er, /var, /home, whatever
<scientes> /usr/lib/gitlab-runner
<daurnimator> scientes: assuming no bugs in zig.... or stupidness. but recall that we're running arbitrary code from people sending PRs: we don't want a bad PR messing up the system
<scientes> > but recall that we're running arbitrary code from people sending PRs
<scientes> ahhh good point
<scientes> we could add a before script that just deletes everything in ~ (which is the only writable directory, aside from /tmp)
<scientes> or even better
<scientes> run a script that creates a new mount namespace, in which only the build directory is writable
<daurnimator> yep... you could call that script.... docker :P
<scientes> docker is overkill however
<scientes> all the COW stuff
<daurnimator> overkill is still a kill
<dimenus> did andrewrk stream tonight?
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: no
<daurnimator> oops
<daurnimator> dimenus: no
<dimenus> hah
<nairou> What is the process for building zig on Linux? My distro doesn't have a premade package, and I only see Windows/Mac instructions on the website.
<nairou> Oh thanks! I should have looked there, I was digging through the wiki for it.
<scientes> nairou, there are also pre-built binaries for linux, of master
<scientes> nairou, they are built every commit
<nairou> Nice. I'll try that if I have any issues.
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<daurnimator> nairou: yeah grabbing the linux binary from is one way too
<daurnimator> particularly if your distro has an old llvm
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<nairou> For someone just getting started and learning the language, would you recommend master or stick with 0.4.0?
<dimenus> master imo
<daurnimator> nairou: at this point, master
<dimenus> tests are part of CI, so master shouldn't have that many regressions
<daurnimator> nairou: about a month ago there were some large changes in master since 0.4.0.
<nairou> Awesome
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<ntgg> is there a way to go from @tagName to an enum variant?
<daurnimator> ntgg: I think there's something in std.meta for it
<ntgg> daurnimator: There is! thanks
<daurnimator> ntgg: std.meta.stringToEnum?
<ntgg> yeah, that is what I was looking for
<nairou> Anyone seen this when building zig? "... can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIC"
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<nairou> Looks like it's all centered around the libembedded_softfloat.a library
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<emekankurumeh[m]> dimenus: zig emits codeview, llvm supports emitting codeview and DWARF
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: in #1778 you have @handle() in your examples. what does that map to in the current design?
<andrewrk> I've got await working in the rewrite-coroutines branch. most coroutine tests passing now. it felt great to delete all those `catch unreachable`, `async`, and `<allocator>`
<andrewrk> daurnimator, @frame
<daurnimator> andrewrk: so it would be e.g. `event_loop.queueFsWrite(@frame(), &msg);`? where .queueFsWrite would call it's first argument to resume the coroutine?
<andrewrk> these semantics are slick. I think people are going to be happy with this
<daurnimator> And that @frame() could be stored in some heap-allocated location?
<andrewrk> daurnimator, `resume foo;` works with these types: `*@Frame(func)`, `anyframe->T`, or `anyframe`. all 3 of those are pointer types
<andrewrk> I'll push a test case with a heap allocated frame so you can see
<nrdmn> daurnimator: I uploaded a few demo apps for my PR :)
<daurnimator> nrdmn: cool :)
<andrewrk> daurnimator, ok actually I need to fix a result location issue to make that work:
<daurnimator> andrewrk: also I tried poking about on top of your branch but kept hitting assertions; obviously its not ready yet so I think I just need to keep waiting :P
<andrewrk> yes, that or stick to minor deviations from the set of passing tests (behavior tests are all passing in the branch)
<daurnimator> andrewrk: so in e.g. "calling an inferred async function", what *is* in the @frame?
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<daurnimator> and then if I apply ... then `a` is evidently in the @frame()
<andrewrk> 1. pointer to the function to call when resuming 2. pointer to the awaiter frame / cancel bit 3. pointer to the return value 4. return value 5. all the parameters 6. all the local variables
<andrewrk> oh, oops. I didn't even wire up result location semantics for the assignment operator
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<daurnimator> gives me "invalid resume of async function". expected? I was wondering if we had a call/cc style setup
<andrewrk> yes you can't resume a function which has returned
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<andrewrk> each suspend should have exactly 1 resume corresponding to it
<daurnimator> I thought all its state would be 'snapshot' into `extra_frame` so that it wouldn't know it hasn't returned
<andrewrk> @frame() returns a `anyframe->T` which is a pointer type
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<andrewrk> sorry, it returns *@Frame(other) as you have in your source, which are pointer types
<andrewrk> other_frame == extra_frame in your example. they are both the address of `p` inside doTheTest
<daurnimator> ah okay, so it's really just `p`
<daurnimator> so instead of `resume other_frame.*` I could write `resume p`?
<andrewrk> yes
<daurnimator> test failure says otherwise :P
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<andrewrk> yeah I wouldn't go about trying to fix the event loop code with this branch just yet :)
<daurnimator> andrewrk: btw, try and use `expectEqual` instead of `expect`?
<andrewrk> sure
<daurnimator> FWIW fails at `expect(x == 2)`
<daurnimator> x is 1 instead of the expected 2.
<andrewrk> damn this assignment result loc thing is nontrivial to fix
<daurnimator> andrewrk: back to the copy elison mines?
<andrewrk> a bit
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: so are you saying that a heap-allocated frame is blocked on copy elision fixes?
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<andrewrk> you can look at the BRANCH_TODO file in that branch to see my list of things to do before merging
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<firefox317> Nice progress andrewrk!
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<mq32> hey
<mq32> does zig currently has any user-defined types where the user is not able to add any methods?
<mq32> @OpaqueType would be a candidate, but it's a rather special case
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<samtebbs> mq32: Could you elaborate on what you mean by "user-defined types"?
<mq32> anything that is not a built-in type
<samtebbs> I don't quite understand how a user (i.e. programmer) would define a type but not be able to add a func/method
<mq32> struct, enum, union, ... are used-defined type
<mq32> u32 would be built-in
<mq32> but @OpaqueType is kinda user-defined (as in: the user has to give the type a name) but also not (as in: the user cannot decide anything about the types properties)
<samtebbs> That makes sense
<samtebbs> What's your use case?
<mq32> "writing issues on github"
<mq32> or better: answering to issues on github
<mq32> looks like we only have "error" and @OpaqueType and both are special…
<samtebbs> Oh I see :)
<samtebbs> Yeah it doesn't look like it's possible with standard zig
<samtebbs> It's an unusual feature
<mq32> which one do you mean?
<mq32> i don't want to add methods to each opaquetype and error :P
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<ntgg> why is auto indent spaces sometimes when I have indentation as tabs?
<daurnimator> ntgg: zig is always spaces.
<ntgg> wrong channel
<ntgg> my b
<mq32> just indent with backspaces!
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<daurnimator> pffft. everyone knows to use non-breaking spaces. it makes no sense for indentation to get line-broken
<mq32> true dat
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<euantor> Any idea why the following code would cause `error: container 'std.os' has no member called 'getrandom'`? Same goes for ``, `os.close()`, etc...
<euantor> Also fails on godbolt as well as locally with master
<daurnimator> euantor: works for me.
<euantor> ok, works on zig trunk on godbolt but not 0.4.0
<daurnimator> std.os was rearranged between 0.4.0 and now.
<euantor> ah, that's probably the problem then. Thanks!
<daurnimator> euantor: btw, you might prefer std.crypto.randomBytes
<daurnimator> oh wait now. there's even std.rand now.
<euantor> I'm looking to see if I can fix an old issue I made to dip my toes into the stdlib
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<samtebbs> mq32: I mean the feature of having a user-defined type that you can't define functions for. It's quite unusual so there probably isn't a clean way to do it.
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<ntgg> why does this cause a segfault?
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<ntgg> it only happens on a struct with more than one field
<fengb> Go allows it for aliases. It’s where I learned that it’s possible
<mq32> samtebbs, i think we're talking about different things, but very similar
<ntgg> My issue seems to be caused by returning an error, even if it doesn't go down that path
<samtebbs> ntgg: You could try to minimise it then run it through gdb
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<ntgg> samtebbs: the error is seemingly when compiling the tests, so I'm not quite sure how to run it through gdb
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<samtebbs> ntgg: What command are you using to compile?
<samtebbs> If you're using `zig build`, then add --verbose to see what it's running, then run `gdb --args <the command that segfaults>`
<samtebbs> Otherwise run `gdb --args <your zig command here>`
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<ntgg> samtebbs: it says the segfault is in llvm::BasicBlock::getContext()
<samtebbs> ntgg: Ok, so Zig is passing some as null that shouldn't be. Do you see what line it's failing on?
<ntgg> I don't use gdb that much, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I don't see any line numbers anywhere
<ntgg> actually it says no line number information
<samtebbs> Ah that's probably because it's LLVM and gdb isn't reading the debug symbols for it. You could probably read them in but it may not give us what we want.
<samtebbs> You could create an issue with the information that you have (if there isn't one open for the problem already).
<samtebbs> Oh yeah, that one. Nice
<samtebbs> ntgg: Your example is quite different from the example code in the issue, so it would be worth you adding yours as a comment.
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<ntgg> alright, done.
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<nrdmn> are bools C ABI compatible?
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<fengb> They should be yes
<nrdmn> what size are they?
<fengb> `std.debug.warn("{}\n", @intCast(usize, @sizeOf(bool)));` => 1
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<firefox317> The C standard says this: 6.2.5
<firefox317> So it is compiler dependent
<firefox317> Hmm diving a bit deeper C99 says that is must be one byte
<fengb> So we match :P
<nrdmn> where does it say so?
<nrdmn> C11 says it's at least CHAR_BIT bits wide
<firefox317> Hmm reading the comments there I think what nrdmn says is correct, at least one byte, but it can be bigger
<fengb> I'm actually curious now. We do store abi_size separately but I ahven't tracked down where it comes from
<mikdusan> LLVM api?
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<torque> is there even real life actual hardware that anyone uses where CHAR_BIT != 8
<nrdmn> torque: PDP 10, some PIC microcontrollers...
<nrdmn> actually I do need a bool that is exactly 1 byte large, not more, not less. I could use u8, but I like the convenience of being able to write if (condition) instead of if (condition != 0)
<fengb> A lot of pre-C99 used int/word as bool
<fengb> Processor word, not wintel “word”
<nrdmn> I'm not sure if intel is to blame for C ints on recent x86 being larger than what they call a "word"
<nrdmn> and by 'recent' I mean >= i386
<fengb> It’s in their documentation that word = 16 bits. It’s also hard coded in Windows
<fengb> Defined in 8086 apparently
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<nrdmn> I'd like to propose the types boolN, where N is any natural number. their size is N bits. bool can be an alias for bool1. boolN types can be used in conditions without additional comparison operators being necessary. They can be implicitly cast into into other boolN types because their only valid values are 0 and 1.
<nrdmn> (don't take this too seriously)
<dimenus> i can't get zig on mingw to build again
<dimenus> and i can't figure out what's different from what I did the other day
<dimenus> getting linker errors to z3_*
<dimenus> z3 is installed
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<andrewrk> nrdmn, @sizeOf(bool) == 1 on all targets
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<scientes> nrdmn, there is a proposal to have bit slices
<scientes> so you can address individual bits
<scientes> fengb, its also hard coded into the intel processor manuals, while everybody else word == 32
<fengb> Am I weird if I mean native processor size?
<andrewrk> I try to avoid the word "word" in the context of integer sizes
<andrewrk> it's pretty ambiguous
<scientes> as is all the C language
<scientes> int, char, short
<scientes> esp. long
<scientes> fengb, but processors don't have native sizes anymore, unless you mean the size of a pointer
<scientes> and even then, sometimes its 48-bits, sometimes its 52 or 56 bits, and sometimes it is 64-bits
<scientes> and they almost all also support 32-bit pointers
<scientes> (and even 16-bit mode)
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<halosghost> I love the idea of 1-bit addressing
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<halosghost> I've always wanted a 1-bit-byte machine
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<Tetralux> halosghost: I am legally obligated to know why.
<halosghost> lol
<halosghost> for which part? loving the idea in Zig or wanting to have a 1-bit-byte machine
<Tetralux> Both, really.
<mq32> halosghost: do you know serial computers?
<mq32> they are literally one-bit-machines
<halosghost> mq32: I don't and they sound like fun
<mq32> i've made my bachelor thesis about a bit-serial machine
<mq32> crazy thing, 55 bit word size
<emekankurumeh[m]> dimenus: try this CMake file:
<halosghost> Tetralux: partly because I enjoy bit-packing and you could implement arbitrarily-sized, fixed-width integers on top of 1-bit bytes
<halosghost> doesn't matter as much in zig because I already have those
<halosghost> but, I could implement 2's complement arithmetic on top of a bit array and then, whatever size of array you have is the size of the integer :D
<dimenus> emekankurumeh[m]: what did you change?
<dimenus> i got it to link statically, but only with lld
<emekankurumeh[m]> that adds a search for z3
<mq32> i have a quick question:
<mq32> if i want to interface with a C library (dll), don't require a libc, right?
<andrewrk> alright daurnimator, here's your (test now passing) heap-allocated async function frame example:
<andrewrk> mq32, that's correct, but usually C libraries do depend on libc
<andrewrk> zig does not assume it though, so you have the choice of linking c or not even when linking a c library
<mq32> okay, good :)
<mq32> hm
<mq32> c strings will be a "problem" with zig, right?
<mq32> (in terms of: i have to make sure a slice gets zero-terminated)
<andrewrk> mq32, the type system will be able to help with null terminated strings after is done
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<mq32> okay :)
<mq32> i'm going to try some zig game dev tomorrow :)
<mq32> have an old game engine i love and want to create games again
<emekankurumeh[m]> nice
<mq32> Does anyone know Gamestudio A8?
<mq32> andrewrk: is defer going to work with coroutines?
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<andrewrk> mq32, yes, defer and errdefer will work identically whether a function is async or not. the only difference is that async functions have the possibility of running the errdefers when a function returns if the caller "cancels"
<andrewrk> this is already idiomatic zig, however, which is that when a function returns, the errdefers in scope should be correct, so that e.g. a `try` could be used directly before the `return`
<mq32> hm
<mq32> so if i cancel a function that uses defer, i got a potential memory leak?
<andrewrk> that's not quite right. I can see that I'm going to need to use more intuitive names for these semantics
<andrewrk> a function call is the same whether or not it is async. just like the operating system can suspend and resume your normal blocking functions, in zig, async functions can be suspended and resumed, but without the kernel intervening
<fengb> Would a cancel have its own error code?
<fengb> I should save my questions until I have a chance to play with it :P
<andrewrk> no - cancel is the same as await, except: (1) it sets a cancel flag that the caller may choose to read at any time, and (2) if the async function gets to a `return` and the cancel flag is set, then it runs not just the defers but also the errdefers
<andrewrk> if you want to make there be a cancelling error code, you would do something like this: if (@isCancelled()) { return error.PardonMeButThereHasBeenAnInterruption; }
<andrewrk> without anything like that, functions proceed from start to end just like normal. no hidden control flow. again the only difference is that `return` might end up running the errdefers even if there wasn't an error
<andrewrk> `cancel` from the caller's perspective, in english, means, "I am choosing to not await this. If it was going to do any side effects or resources, I don't want them and I shan't be keeping track of them."
<andrewrk> maybe cancel can be renamed to `noawait`
<dimenus> andrewrk: do we still call with mingw64 builds
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<emekankurumeh[m]> yes but with the -lldmingw flag first
<andrewrk> dimenus, yes, with -lldmingw
<mq32> andrewrk: i was asking as the engine i want to work with utilized endless coroutines in the original version to implement entity behaviour
<mq32> and i am tempted to recreate that behaviour with zig, but with the option to have safe memory allocation in those coroutines (by deferring the memory release)
<dimenus> andrewrk: hmm, clang calls ld.lld - thinking through using dwarf on mingw
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<fengb> In single threaded, does that mean cancel would still await?
<emekankurumeh[m]> would it be undefined behavior for a coroutine to free it's own memory in it's defer
<dimenus> it generates debug info now (with the fix you specified in #2951 but no table
<dimenus> yeah i already did that, before I didn't have debug info
<dimenus> now i do but no symbol table
<andrewrk> fengb, yes, cancel represents a suspend point, and the function completes before control flow continues
<emekankurumeh[m]> #2958?
<andrewrk> fengb, if an operation should be cancellable faster, then it must be made so explicitly by doing the example above
<dimenus> no, 2951
<dimenus> i made the change you linked in the comment
<dimenus> and now i have debug info (meaning the source file is correctly opened/referenced)
<dimenus> but gdb complains that there's no symbol table
<fengb> Ah I see
<dimenus> and i can confirm with objdump
<emekankurumeh[m]> removing the -lldmimgw flag?
<emekankurumeh[m]> or changing the order of sections searched?
<fengb> I’ve wanted cancellable promises forever in JS so this sounds really great
<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m], that's a great question. I think that use case will work if the defer is the first thing in the function
<dimenus> emekankurumeh[m], no i just emit DWARF if it's COFF & !GNU
<dimenus> it looks like even msvc link doesn't emit symbols in an image (exe)
<dimenus> they're stripped during pdb generation
<emekankurumeh[m]> so you emit dwarf for msvc "abi"?
<dimenus> no
<dimenus> oops
<dimenus> COFF & GNU = dwarf, COFF & MSVC = codeview
<emekankurumeh[m]> that makes more sense
<emekankurumeh[m]> you'll need to edit debug to use dwarf instead of coff now, to get backtraces
<dimenus> yeah, i'm just not sure this is a road worth going down
<emekankurumeh[m]> how so?
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<aeqwa> Hi, maybe somebody can help. How can i link a static *.lib file to my zig program in my build.zig file?
<scientes> --library
<scientes> oh, I don't use build.zig
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<andrewrk> aeqwa, how is your .lib file obtained? you have a hard coded path to it?
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<aeqwa> i have it in deps/raylib/lib relativ from my project root
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<andrewrk> aeqwa, your_thing.addObjectFile("deps/raylib/foo.lib");
<aeqwa> ahh ty <3
<andrewrk> yeah bit of a weird name. currently object files and static libraries are indistinguishable from each other as far as zig is concered
<emekankurumeh[m]> why does the ci take so long on windows?
<andrewrk> I'm not sure
<andrewrk> I think it's something to do with azure because even the compilation part takes longer, not just the zig stuff
<andrewrk> I mean even the stage1 c++ code compilation
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<Sahnvour> do you know the specs of the machine it runs on ?
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<andrewrk> no idea. maybe it's in the azure docs
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<emekankurumeh[m]> that's really cool
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<andrewrk> nrdmn, may I share this on twitter?
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<nrdmn> andrewrk: sure! :)
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<hryx> nrdmn: so coooool
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<AlexMax> Got a question. The DEFLATE ticket noted that the implementation of zig-deflate library wasn't built for speed. What does that mean? There's lots of deflate implementations out there of varying complexity, and it seems wise to have implementation preferences up front if they exist.
<AlexMax> I note that the source implementation for zig-deflate appears to be puff.c, which seems to be aimed at correctness and not speed. So I suppose pretty much any other implementation other than that would be preferred? (zlib proper?, zlib-ng?, possibly Go's implementation?)
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