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<donpdonp> its just the amount of bytes for the struct, but not initialized (0xaaaaaa)
<andrewrk> donpdonp, consider this: var thing: Thing = undefined; const thing_ptr = &thing; thing_ptr.* = init();
<andrewrk> using an allocator is the same thing; you're just skipping to the second line, and the memory is on the heap
* donpdonp nods
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<fengb> andrewrk: is there a way to generate a lookup table at comptime? Like inline loop inside a switch...
<andrewrk> fengb, you might get some ideas from this:
<fengb> My usecase is each field has a unique int and I need to jump back into the field
<donpdonp> okay now im back to the canonical fn init() Self
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<fengb> Hmm... would it be expensive to loop through per match?
<fengb> I guess I should test it out
<andrewrk> fengb, you should be able to take advantage of comptime fn call caching
<Tetralux> donpdonp: Note that it's undefined in the sense that it's not initialized to anything in particular; it's _just_ the correct number of bytes casted to an OtherThing, and then you get a pointer to it. So you cannot, and should rely on it to be in any particular state until you set it.
* donpdonp nods
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* Tetralux raises both arms above my head
<Tetralux> YAY
<Tetralux> Making progress :p
<donpdonp> well thats enough Zig for today. thx again Tetralux, andrewrk for helping me level-up in zig.
<Tetralux> o7o7
<Tetralux> Welcome.
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<daurnimator> Are there any companies out there using zig yet?
<fengb> Does fengb tech count? >_>
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<marler8997> I could try to sneak some code into our printers at HP :)
<marler8997> Then you could say that HP uses
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<hspak> Couple questions on arrays: does '[_]' mean size is set at compile time? And second, if I want to store an array of strings of arbitrary length, what's an acceptable way of doing that? I think I want a [][]u8, but grepping the stdlib doesn't come back with much so not sure...
<daurnimator> hspak: yes it does.
<daurnimator> hspak: yes you want [][]u8 which is a slice of slices of u8
<hspak> daurnimator: thanks :)
<nero57> When I modified my zig source, and then I executed zig build, the generated target file seems not the newest version, and I must remove the zig-cache folder, and then execute zig build again, the target file is now the latest version.
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<nero57> Is there any way to update the generated object file at compile time?
<nero57> Or is there any way to update the generated target binary file at compile time?
<nero57> Btw, I am trying zig in MacOSX.
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<bgiannan> can i create type 'aliases'?
<nero57> I didn't find a type alias in the document
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<daurnimator> bgiannan: what do you mean by "aliases"? you can just pass types around at comptime. if you mean distinct types, that's an open proposal I think.
<bgiannan> you're right i can just do: `const MyNewType = std.ArrayList(i32);` ?
<nero57> Type assignment can be considered an alias
<nero57> Is there any way to turn off caching when executing zig build?
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<bgiannan> it it possible to use a type as a key of an hashmap?
<bgiannan> something like: std.AutoHashMap(type, ...)
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<daurnimator> bgiannan: types are only really available at comptime. you could probably build a monstrosity of a comptime recursive function to dispatch on type....
<bgiannan> how about using @typeName as a key? would it be reliable?
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<samtebbs> nero57: If you're using zig build-* the try adding --cache off
<samtebbs> then*
<bgiannan> I don't really get this error:
<samtebbs> You're passing a const map but it expects a non-const
<samtebbs> The type description is long but that's the only difference I can see
<bgiannan> yes but i don't know how its const
<bgiannan> and it seems to be complaining about the member `instances` of self
<samtebbs> bgiannan: Are you using a master build? It compiles for me
<bgiannan> downloaded master from the
<bgiannan> yesterday
<bgiannan> downloading again
<bgiannan> no change (0.4.0+81c441f8)
<bgiannan> i'm doing `zig test file.zig` btw
<bgiannan> maybe it compiles with just zig build
<samtebbs> Oh right I was doing build-obj, lemme try with test
<samtebbs> Oh I get it
<samtebbs> The map is declared as const, which means you can't change it
<samtebbs> `const registry = ...`
<bgiannan> where?
<bgiannan> ah
<bgiannan> tried it earlier
<bgiannan> same error
<samtebbs> The parameter to register is const by default
<samtebbs> Parameters are always const in Zig
<samtebbs> See if you can pass `self` as a pointer instead
<samtebbs> Yep that works with some added trys in the right places
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<nero57> I write my build.zig, and use zig build to build my project, is there any method to pass --cache off in build.zig?
<bgiannan> well yes but i would have to call it like that? -> Registry.register(&register, instance)
<nero57> when I run zig build --cache off, it tell me:
<nero57> Unrecognized argument: --cache
<ntgg> I'm getting error: integer value 64 cannot be implicitly casted to type 'u4' with setting enum values
<samtebbs> bgiannan: Nope you don't have to
<nero57> It seems that the `std/build.zig` not handle the `--cache` argument.
<bgiannan> samtebbs, can you show me your working modified version?
<samtebbs> bgiannan:
<bgiannan> thx
<bgiannan> ah didn't know about `_ = ...`
<samtebbs> bgiannan: Yeah it's useful. I used to use `var ignored = ...`
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<bgiannan> what's the difference between native and foreign endian?
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<samtebbs> Do you know the differences between big endian and little endian?
<bgiannan> yes
<bgiannan> hum native == endianness of the current machine?
<samtebbs> So native endian is whatever the native endianness is for your platform
<bgiannan> alright
<samtebbs> And foreign is the opposite
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<bgiannan> u8 can't be compared with '==' ?
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<PMunch> Hi everyone. We have an interesting (hopefully) proposal for you! Since last years FOSDEM conference the people over in #nim have been talking about creating a developer room for small/new/unknown languages. The room will feature presentations about parts of the language, or specific cool projects done in a language. If anyone from the Zig community wants to join in on the effort, come join us over in #fosdem19newerlangs.
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<alexander92> hey guys since last years FOSDEM conference the people over in #nim have been talking about creating a developer room for smaller/newer languages. The room will feature presentations about parts of the language, or specific cool projects done in a language. If anyone from the Zig community wants to join in on the effort, come join us over in #fosdem19newerlangs
<Tetralux> bgiannan: It can.
<bgiannan> Tetralux, i had another issue, figured it out since :)
<Tetralux> Good, good.
<Tetralux> Also, I'm amused that the pair of you, alexander92, PMunch, said word-for-word the exact same thing.
<bgiannan> most errors are helpful, but a few i encountered are a little misleading
<alexander92> yes, i am very lazy and very copy-pastey :P
<Tetralux> bgiannan: Yeah - many of them IME could give you much more context and suggestions.
<PMunch> You cheat alexander92
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<bgiannan> Is it normal that @alignOf(fn (args: ...) void) is 0 ?
<bgiannan> I'm trying to make a ArrayList of functions
<fengb> That doesn't look right
<fengb> I don't think you can use varargs dynamically
<bgiannan> why not?
<fengb> Because it's a compile time only construct
<fengb> When working with memory directly, the compiler needs to know how to put variables on the stack
<fengb> Varargs basically say "anything goes" so the compiler needs to do it at the callsite
<fengb> Which doesn't exist at compile time in function pointers
<bgiannan> i get the error even without varargs
<fengb> std.debug.warn("{} {}\n", usize(@alignOf(fn (args: ...) void)), usize(@alignOf(fn (args: u8) void)));
<fengb> This outputs align=8 on the second function for me
<mq32> random mq32 question appears: is there yet a way to create compile time lists or similar (for type registries)
<bgiannan> fengb,
<fengb> You can make a comptime array. Things that use memory/allocators directly are kinda locked though
<fengb> This is varargs: fn (args: ...) void
<fengb> The error message could be better... but varargs are being removed at some point in the future
<samtebbs> PMunch, alexander92: That would something andrewrk could discuss when he comes online
<bgiannan> ah right when i tested without i removed them at one place only
<bgiannan> thx fengb
<fengb> np
<fengb> So... I wouldn't recommend it but you can fake varargs with an OpaquePointer. It'd be like passing in void* in C
<PMunch> samtebbs, great, be sure to let him know if we're not around
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<kristoff_it> Hi, I'm trying to write a function that needs to handle HashMap types. I need to get key and value types but doing T.KV.key doesn't work, presumably because .key is a struct field and not a declaration inside KV. Is there an easy way to do that without resorting to @typeInfo?
<kristoff_it> THis is the error that I get `error: container 'std.hash_map.KV' has no member called 'key'`
<samtebbs> kristoff_it: KV is a type, so you need to use an instance of the type instead
<samtebbs> The `Entry` struct has an instance of KV
<samtebbs> What are you trying to do with the map?
<fengb> You could do std.HashMap(YourKey, YourValue).KV
<fengb> But you should probably assign std.HashMap(YourKey, YourValue) to a const for easier use
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<kristoff_it> samtebbs: thanks, I'll try that. I'm writing a redis client and I'm toying with the idea of having the parser understand basic types + the ones in the stdlib, so if you try to get a hashmap key from redis, the parser should be able to deserialize it both as a struct (assuming the field names match) or in a HashMap of the right kind
<kristoff_it> depending on what the user asks for
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<fengb> Oh did you want the declaration? That'd be std.meta.fieldInfo(type, "fieldName")
<kristoff_it> yes that's what I want
<kristoff_it> but I see that the std.meta code also goes through @typeInfo
<fengb> Yeah, it iterates through the fields
<kristoff_it> anyway, thanks, this definitely faster than iterating over the fields myself
<fengb> np
<kristoff_it> is there a big reason why doing .KV.key cannot work?
<fengb> KV.key is a struct field
<fengb> For "pub const key = 1;" in the middle of structs
<fengb> Like static members in Java
<fengb> field isn't the right word. Declaration?
<kristoff_it> yes I'm aware of the difference between a struct field and a "namespaced" declaration inside a type. I think declaration fits and it's what the language calls those (e.g. @hasDecl)
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<kristoff_it> I was just wondering if there is any ambiguity (or other problem) in letting references to a struct field return the field's type
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<nero57> Is the const declaration in a function is stored in the function stack frame?
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<samtebbs> kristoff_it: Oh so you wanted the type of KV.key
<samtebbs> There is `@typeOf` but I'm not sure if it would help here
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<bgiannan> somehow i had to add `--library c` to run a test that uses the c_allocator on linux but not on macOS
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<andrewrk> bgiannan, libc is always linked on macOS because it is the syscall ABI
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<bgiannan> ah makes sense thanks!
<Tetralux> Q: How do you get a list of keys in a HashMap?
<Tetralux> Just iterate it?
<dimenus> yep
<Tetralux> If you want to write a fn that works on any map, say encoding to MsgPack for instance, you want to have a reasonable interface convesion.
<Tetralux> Is it reasonable to say "It must have an iterator that returns *KV where a KV is essentially a tuple of a key and its value?
<Tetralux> "If it doesn't have that, it's not a map."
<dimenus> .next() returns a *KV
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<donpdonp> I was surprised there was no hashmap function that returned []KV to use with for(slice) |value| { }
<Tetralux> It's because that would have to copy every element and allocate it.
<Tetralux> That's not fast.
<Tetralux> Personally, I'd like to be able to for(iterable) but.... .v.
<donpdonp> for(iterable) would be better, that would be a new language feature yes?
<gonz_> It wouldn't necessarily be better at all
<gonz_> Suddenly when you see `for` you can't guarantee anything about what's happening.
<Tetralux> .. because the iterator can do anything.
<Tetralux> .. whereas for on a slice _just_ does a basic while loop over the length.
<fengb> foriter keyword :P
<Tetralux> .. and calling .iterator manually is meant to communicate to you that it could do whatever.
<Tetralux> I'd argue that doesn't really matter much though.
<torque> I don't understand how `for (iterable)` is appreciably different than `while (`
<Tetralux> Like - you still don't know what it's doing without looking.
<Tetralux> torque: That's basically my point.
<Tetralux> I don't know about anyone else here, but I never write a for loop.
<Tetralux> They're all whiles.
<Tetralux> Because of this.
<torque> is that a problem?
<torque> are you some kind of loopist
<Tetralux> XD
<Tetralux> for (map) |entry| { ... }
<Tetralux> vs
<Tetralux> var it = map.iterator(); while ( |entry| { ... }
<Tetralux> There's no point writing a for loop
<Tetralux> Even for a slice
<Tetralux> If you change it to literally anything else
<Tetralux> You have to change the entire structure of the loop.
<Tetralux> That's friction I can do without.
<Tetralux> If you start with it being a slice and then realise it needs to be an ArrayList, for example.
<Tetralux> May as well just write a while loop to begin with.
<fengb> It's 2 lines
<donpdonp> yeah thats funny id say the 'var it = ' shows why a for loop is preferable
<bgiannan> i can't seem to be able to define a function inside a test?
<donpdonp> as a programmer i would like for(anything_array-ish) |item| { } to "just work" on slices or maps or any thing array-ish.
<fengb> bgiannan: functions can only be inside of structs or top level files atm
<donpdonp> because its concise. i dont want to create an iterator variable and manage (I have to remember its 'next')
<Tetralux> bgiannan: You cannot declare a fn in any local scope, no. You will though when/if we get anonymous fns.
<torque> conciseness is not part of the zig philosophy though
<bgiannan> Tetralux, noted
<Tetralux> .. which isn't an _ideal_ solution IMO but... it'll work.
<Tetralux> torque: Is it _not_ part of common sense though?
<Tetralux> Like, what I just said might sound a little harsh, but.
<fengb> bgiannan: a common pattern is doing "const Foo = struct { fn bar() };"
<torque> that's extremely minor syntactic sugar that in theory could hide a lot of complexity. if you're advocating iterators, imo operator overloading is in the same vein and makes much more sense
<fengb> It's kludgy but lets you define functions in any scope
<Tetralux> torque: With respect, I think I might value your time more than you do :)
<Tetralux> And also general mental health xD
<Tetralux> Friction is a terrible thing in something you use ever day.
<Tetralux> every*
<gonz_> We already have tons of languages that care lots about removing friction from the act of writing code
<torque> friction is very important. it prevents people from sliding around uncontrollably
<gonz_> And almost none that care about people who read code
<Tetralux> torque: There are other ways to have control authority without friction xD
<Tetralux> The very idea that friction is desirable is a terrible idea.
<Tetralux> It makes doors squeak.
<Tetralux> You don't want that.
<fengb> This metaphor is breaking down
* Tetralux grins
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<gonz_> "Friction" is not a desirable value. You may have more friction in a language when your top priority values are *not removing friction*, however.
<Tetralux> Iterating over a structure's data is something you do all the time in any imperative language.
<Tetralux> Surely it's not too much for a programmer to understand that iterating over a slice is a lot simpler than iterating over an arbitrary struct?
<Tetralux> Not to mention that fact that making something you do literally all the time not completely trivial is deliberately making the programmer's life harder.
<gonz_> I'm pointing out that it's possible to prioritize things other than the writing of code, is all.
<gonz_> It's very under-valued
<Tetralux> And I'm saying that for loops should be as trivial as struct field dereferencing xD
<torque> I disagree with a lot of the terminology you've used anyway
<Tetralux> Except also not handicapped.
<Tetralux> torque: That's okay. The terminology isn't the important part.
<torque> well it is, because it's the main thrust of your argument
<torque> I don't think looping over a data structure is nontrivial as it stands
<Tetralux> Depends on the structure.
<torque> depends on the interface provided by the structure
<Tetralux> I'll note that I'd accept this syntax instead:
<Tetralux> while (map.iterator()) |entry| {}
<gonz_> There's a lot of emotion in the argument, first of all. Something is handicapped, making the life of a programmer harder, "[it's] a terrible thing...", etc.
<Tetralux> Still not what I want, but better.
<Tetralux> gonz_: I think we're talking at cross purposes; saying that forcing anyone to do busy work for something that you do all the time is not controversial
<Tetralux> .. which is what I mean when I say it causes friction.
<gonz_> I think you see friction only when writing a first draft
<gonz_> Whereas friction can also be about making changes
<Tetralux> I mean both things.
<gonz_> And I don't see a whole lot of that perspective from the majority of your arguments
<Tetralux> The abilty to make changes is part of the second one.
<Tetralux> I'm not sure I quite understand your point.
<gonz_> Fair enough. What exactly are you arguing for with regards to `for`/`while`. Let's just establish that first.
<Tetralux> It's a couple of related things: 1) I never use for, even for slices, because it's more resistant to changing the code to using a type with a custom iterator than is worth it.
<Tetralux> But for is simpler to type, and communicates the intent just as clearly.
<Tetralux> I'm kinda blanking on what the part is right now.
<Tetralux> the second part*
<donpdonp> for *implies* iteration, thats why for(slice) is readable. also zig already alllows a 'smart' for with for(error-union) |value| {} else |err| {}. It seems a small and useful addition to determine if for(expr) supports .next() (or some other test for what is iterable) then for(array_list) |item| {} just works. while seems well established that it te
<donpdonp> sts for a boolean and id like that to stay non-smart.
<Tetralux> Right.
<gonz_> I don't think the minimal friction of having to change to a `while` is meaningful. I think the friction of reading code and not knowing what goes in a `for` matters more.
<torque> >for(expr) supports .next() (or some other test for what is iterable)
<torque> this has the problem that it requires the language to be aware of a userspace interface
<torque> of course you already have functioning iterators with `while` so the benefit seems to be very minor anyway
<gonz_> I don't feel too strongly about this issue in particular, but I think it displays the same pattern as everything else; an over-emphasis on the programmer right now.
<Tetralux> torque: If that's the problem, I'd suggest removing for altogether.
<Akuli> i don't think having a programming language be aware of userspace stuff is bad, i quite dislike how java's int and long are "primitives" and you can't use them like you can use objects
<Tetralux> In practice, no-one would need to use `for` in real code unless they ONLY EVER wanted to have a slice.
<Tetralux> Which they can't ever know
<Tetralux> Because things change over time.
<Tetralux> It's also worth noting that there is a more powerful way to implement an iterator than repeatedly calling next.
<donpdonp> torque: i see, maybe its not a small change at all :)
<Akuli> so this `var iter = something.getIterator(); while ( |val| { ... }` would change to this `for (something.getIterator()) { ... }` ?
<Tetralux> Either that, or just `for (something) {}` depending on how you did it.
<Akuli> (forgot |val| from my for loop)
<donpdonp> Akuli: or a step further, if there were a standard for getting the iterator then for(something) |item| {}
<Tetralux> Personally, I don't really like having to have a whole extra struct and making that work to do something that so simple as iterating over it.
<Akuli> donpdonp, i think that would be a bit too much magic for zig
<Akuli> i'm used to it in python, but it's not a thing i would want in zig
<donpdonp> Akuli: i can understand that, but whats the test for the expr in for(expr) to see if its an error-union or an iterator-type?
<Tetralux> You could always make iterating a slice be `for (slice.iterator()) |item| {}` too... ;)
<Akuli> what does the error-union thing do anyway :D
<Tetralux> It breaks when it returns an error.
<Tetralux> Otherwise it keeps looping.
<Akuli> calling it in the beginning of each loop?
<Tetralux> I believe so.
<andrewrk> while and if are the same; only difference is with while, control flow continues
<donpdonp> var valueOrError = doit_maybe(); if (valueOrError.error) { err; } else { var winner = valueOrError.value}; that simplifies into if(doit_maybe()) |value| {} else |err|
<Tetralux> ^
<donpdonp> folding the temporary variable into for looks like avoiding the temporary iterator varaible into for o^O
<donpdonp> which is why for(iterator) is so attractive looking :)
<Tetralux> Also, you actually don't _need_ it to know that it has to call next or whatever.
<Tetralux> If you could mark a fn as an iterator.
<Tetralux> generator fn iterate(self: *Self) ElementType {}
<Tetralux> Well - maybe that's a bad example.
<Tetralux> Maybe more like - though maybe this isn't the best way exactly - but
<Tetralux> Well---okay--- my first thought was something like
<Tetralux> fn next() @iterator {}
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<Tetralux> And then Zig's for loop goes "Does this thing have a fn marked as the iterator?"
<Tetralux> But that's a little funky.
<Tetralux> Because then you'd have to do the same thing with 'next'.
<Tetralux> But I don't really like having the extra iterator struct anyway.
<gonz_> And then the programmer goes "Does this thing have a fn marked as the iterator?"
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<Tetralux> That's true, but you could just assume it did and get a compile error xD
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* Tetralux is being partly unserious.
<Tetralux> The compromise position is `for (map.iterator()) |entry| {}`
<Tetralux> But I'd like to force slices to need that too.
<Tetralux> You know
<Tetralux> Because you don't want for to need to understand userspace code.
<mikdusan> i haven't sussed it out enough but i'd like to see compiler recognize loop trait for a struct. it might be 2 funcs, one for const and one for non-const and trait would identify func name
<Tetralux> To be clear - I don't want to do that.
<Tetralux> mikdusan: I think that's kinda the same as iterator struct.
<Tetralux> Honestly, I'd prefer a slightly novel way.
<Tetralux> Essentially, the for loop identifies a member fn for the type, say it looks for `.iterate`
<donpdonp> the zig docs refer to Allocator as an interface, so it seems an Iterator interface is doable in zig as it is today. I'm not sure if its efficient to have for(expr) test for it.
<Tetralux> And it passes a comptime-known function pointer to it.
<Tetralux> .iterate is then implemented to iterate over the structure, and @inlineCall that function pointer, passing the current element in, at the appropriate point.
<Tetralux> The idea being that there is no function call at runtime.
<Tetralux> To either .iterate, or the function ptr.
<Tetralux> Both are just gaurenteed to be inlined.
<Tetralux> The benefit of this is that the iterate's code is literally just documenting how you iterate the structure.
<Tetralux> .. but in the form that you'd write it, if you just knew how the structure worked.
<Tetralux> .. and then the programmers that use the code can just use the for loop.
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<Tetralux> Not only that, but it's one function for the entire iteration procedure.
<Tetralux> And it's much shorter.
<Tetralux> And is exactly the code you wanted to write, and almost no-more.
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<Tetralux> Something like this, say:
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<Akuli> what would it do if you use 'a' or 'list' or some variable in { } of the loop? magic?
<Tetralux> It would work as expected, because the call to iterate never happens. That's @inlineCall as well.
<Tetralux> It basically just pastes the content of .iterate into the caller, replacing the for loop you wrote, behavior-wise.
<Tetralux> It's no more magic that for loops currently are.
<Tetralux> Except that you can fill out the body of what it does in user code.
<Tetralux> no more magic than*
<Tetralux> .. and write the iteration code in the way you would to iterate the structure, and no more.
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<Tetralux> [Updated paste.]
<Akuli> i like how you don't need to create a separate ArrayListIterator struct or similar
<Tetralux> That is exactly what I love so much about this approach.
<Tetralux> I've always hated having to do that in every language that does it.
<mikdusan> what would it look like if iterate can return an error?
<Tetralux> As well as how the way you write such an iterator is very different from how you'd iterate over it otherwise.
<Akuli> python's yield does a somewhat similar thing
<Akuli> class ArrayList: def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.len): yield
<Tetralux> Akuli: .. accept of course that Python's way is slower.
<Tetralux> ;)
<Akuli> yeah it is
<Tetralux> mikdusan: I'm not sure you'd need it to?
<Tetralux> Can you give an example?
<Akuli> a failing iterate() would be a bit weird imo
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<Tetralux> You could always allow for on an error union to work like while does currently on an error union. /shrug.
<mikdusan> Tetralux: std.process.ArgIterator
<Akuli> hmm now that doesn't seem weird at all
<Akuli> / prints 8 (1+2+4)
<Akuli> // prints 8 (1+2+4)
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<Akuli> lol i had a similar thing in a comment today, i had written: -1 + 2 = 0
<Tetralux> Akuli: it even said 7 to begin with an I changed it cause I thought it was wrong LUL
<Tetralux> Yeah - I'm not sure iterating should fail.
<Tetralux> We don't support while(errUnion) else {} right?
<Akuli> ArgIterator is a real-life example where a failing iterator makes sense
<Tetralux> Well remember, you have control what it'd do.
<Tetralux> Well
<Tetralux> "You" = "the person who wrote the iterator"
<donpdonp> for(iterable) might be moot with async enabling array_list.for(process_each_item_function)
<Tetralux> Ugh.
<gonz_> Tetralux: Error unions work with `while (...) { ... } else |err| { ... }`
<gonz_> Or what did you mean?
<Tetralux> gonz_: Yeah - okay - in that case, mikdusan, you could just give for an else branch for if iterate returned an error.
<Tetralux> That's a possiblity.
<Tetralux> You could also `for(try list) |item| {}` but maybe that's a little too weird?
<Tetralux> I dunno - I'd prob be okay with it.
<Tetralux> `try for (list)` is another option.
<Tetralux> But `for (list) {} else |err| {}` is the simplest compromise.
<Tetralux> gonz_: What happens to an error if you use while(errUnion) and don't have an else?
<Tetralux> Does the error get lost, or does it compile error?
<Tetralux> Presumably the latter?
<Akuli> hmm, since if and while are mostly same thing, does this work: if (foo) : bar=123 { ... }
<gonz_> Tetralux: If the thing you're using can return an error whatever you're doing in the loop has to be able to use that error union.
<gonz_> So compile-time error
<gonz_> So you're checking for it somewhere, either where you're passing it to in the loop or immediately in the loop itself.
<Tetralux> gonz_: Okay good. That's what I hoped.
<Tetralux> In that case, it can work the same here.
<Tetralux> for (list) |item| { ... } else |err| { ... } // must have an else.
<Tetralux> ( .. if it can fail.)
<gonz_> I misspoke slightly; the actual `while` is what is checked. But yes, compile-time.
<gonz_> Has anyone used the stb libs with Zig?
<gonz_> Do they generally translate cleanly? I know I saw someone's project use `stb_` something at some point but can't remember if it was `image` or something else.
<gonz_> (In case people are wondering what I'm referring to:
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<andrewrk> translate-c isn't feature-complete enough to translate the header files directly into zig but it should be possible eventually
<gonz_> Coolio
<Mr_Slurpy> Hello, I'm trying to compile the "vulkan-triangle" example but I keep getting a `error: no member named 'install' in struct ''` among other errors. Does anyone know how to fix this?
<andrewrk> Mr_Slurpy, you'll need to use a master branch build of zig
<andrewrk> there are master branch builds available on
<Mr_Slurpy> Ah ok. Would the package from the AUR work? Or I have to download it manually?
<andrewrk> I'm not sure what version the AUR package is
<gonz_> andrewrk: The array is passed to what is basically `zig cc`? I.e. you could put `"-D STBI_NO_PSD"` in that array to define that?
<andrewrk> Mr_Slurpy, you can use `zig version` to find out
<andrewrk> gonz_, yes
<Mr_Slurpy> It seems to be 0.4.0
<Mr_Slurpy> I guess ill dl it manually
<andrewrk> at this point there have been 1136 commits to master since 0.4.0
<gonz_> What did the last release cycle end up at in total?
<gonz_> That's a truck-load of commits
<andrewrk> you have to do some subtraction to get that number for older releases
<mikdusan> git rev-list 0.3.0..0.4.0|wc -> 876
<andrewrk> I also put it in the release notes:
<andrewrk> oh, oops, I linked the wrong one
<andrewrk> heh, looks like I need to adjust the update_download_page code now that std.fmt changed
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<Tetralux> Hmmm.
<Tetralux> Suppose you want to remove an element from std.ArrayList while iterating over it.
<Tetralux> A well-defined thing that you might want to do.
<Tetralux> Currently, you could iterate by index and manually do the removal.
<Akuli> be careful with off-by-one issues though
<Tetralux> Akuli: .. which is why you don't wanna do it yourself.
<Tetralux> You want the struct author to do it.
<Akuli> python is kinda shitty at this, e.g. what does this pring?
<Akuli> it prints [2, 4]
<Tetralux> I'm not sure how you'd be able to do this without the iterator.
<Tetralux> Jai does it by having a 'remove' keyword.
<Tetralux> Akuli: Yeah - that's how you don't bother implementing it xD
<Akuli> tbh i would be happy with an assert that the list length doesn't change while looping
<Tetralux> Problem with that is you actually might want to remove an element while looping.
<Tetralux> And you probably will.
<Tetralux> Because it's efficient to do so.
<Akuli> then loop with indexes :D
<Tetralux> Indeed, but it's a fairly basic operation.
<Akuli> removing an element from middle of an array is O(n) anyway
<Tetralux> It is not.
<Akuli> and not a thing i need very often
<Akuli> it is
<Tetralux> See swapRemove.
<Akuli> you need to shift the remaining items left
<Tetralux> You do not.
<Akuli> but this screws up the order
<Tetralux> It's only slow if want to preserve order.
<Tetralux> You don't necesarily care about order.
<Akuli> if you don't care about the order, then why would you use an array in the first place?
<Tetralux> ....
<Tetralux> Because you want to keep track of multiple things? xD
<Akuli> why not a set?
<Akuli> (i started as a python programmer)
<Tetralux> It's not about uniqueness.
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<Tetralux> It's about order.
<Tetralux> You don't care about either thing.
<Tetralux> You just have a list of items, and you want to process them.
<Akuli> hmm, so you would use an array for an unordered collection of possibly non-unique items?
<Tetralux> All the time.
<Tetralux> That's my main use of arrays
<Akuli> how do you count the occurences of an item in it? O(n)?
<Akuli> or check whether it contains an item?
<Tetralux> You keep track as you add stuff to it.
<Akuli> i would use a hash table with count integers as values to have both of those be O(1)
<Tetralux> If I care about order, I normally use a linked list.
<Tetralux> That way prepending and appending are O(1).
<Tetralux> OR
<Tetralux> I keep them ordered as I insert them.
<Tetralux> But that's pretty rare that I care.
<Tetralux> Normally, unordered is fine, and if I need ordered, I either keep them ordered when inserting, or call sort at the appropriate moment.
<Tetralux> The latter is usually enough.
<Tetralux> Depends on item count of course.
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<Akuli> thanks, i hadn't thought of arrays as a thing usable for order-doesnt-matter cases before
<Tetralux> I'm kind of surprised xD
<Akuli> unless the data is small and O(n)-ness doesn't matter ofc
<Tetralux> Though I guess I shouldn't be.
<Tetralux> There's many things like that that aren't necessarily obvious.
<Akuli> i'm still a bit worried about finding something from the array
<Tetralux> Short answer is: Avoid needing to.
<Akuli> ik but still
<Tetralux> I don't often need to linearly search an array.
<Tetralux> And times I do, I don't expect to have to search through all of it.
<Tetralux> The item I want should be near one end.
<Tetralux> So just start at that end.
<Tetralux> Basically, try to architect the program so that you don't need to care about it.
<Tetralux> And if you think you need to use a slow algorithm, like sort, or keeping order, or "does it contain this", then think about it for a bit and see if you could do rework how the list is used to not require t hat.
<Tetralux> The bone-headed example being: If I really need to know if this thing is in the list, use a map.
<Tetralux> OR
<Tetralux> Use the index into the array as the key.
<Tetralux> Then an array is fine.
<Tetralux> .. and faster.
<Tetralux> Much faster.
<kristoff_it> Damn I'm millimeters away from a working PoC redis client. I'm trying to use `connectUnixSocket` since it seems to be the only available networking facility available in the standard library but on macOS it causes compile errors. Does anybody know if it's completely broken or it's something minor? Does anybody know if it works on linux?
<Tetralux> We don't have networking yet - so I'd expect nothing to work xD
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<Akuli> you can create some socket code in c and compile it with zig code afaik
<Akuli> connectUnixSocket sounds like an AF_UNIX thing, you want AF_INET
<Akuli> (i think)
<fengb> connectUnixSocket looks like old async code that probably wasn't updated yet
<kristoff_it> ok so it's not just the darwin codepath that wasn't updated
<kristoff_it> Akuli: I don't know about that honestly, sorry, I'm a dirty python programmer by nature so I just know that I started Redis with the --unixsocket option to make it accept connections using a unix socket and I was trying to use that
<Akuli> oh then you really do want a unix socket
<kristoff_it> related question: I can't just open the unix socket as a file and write / read to it, can I?
<Akuli> have you ever programmed with python's sockets? they are easier to get started with than sockets in c
<Akuli> i think you need to open it with socket() and connect() instead of open()
<Akuli> kristoff_it, nice video, if you have never programmed with sockets:
<Akuli> unix sockets are similar to AF_INET, they just look like files on the file system and their addresses are paths
<kristoff_it> thanks for the pointers
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<fengb> andrewrk: is there a way to override the generated generic debug symbols?
<fengb> 'types.FromVarintCast(i64,coder.Sint64Coder,(struct types.FieldInfo constant))' this would be much more helpful as 'types.Sin64(1)'
<gonz_> Did we have a way to deal with not being to zero-initialize C-structs?
<gonz_> I seem to remember seeing a solution in an issue at some point
<gonz_> And yes, I know they're just normal structs, but I'm trying to zero-init them and just change the parts I need.
<kristoff_it> oh my god this is why I never wanted to deal with certain apis... why the hell does sockaddr_in have a len field while the connect api also asks for a len parameter
<kristoff_it> what's going on
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<FireFox317> kristoff_it: The network api of the zig std is not final yet and I think there are some big changes coming in the next release cycle
<fengb> I think he's dropping into the raw posix layer
<kristoff_it> anybody that's used to this stuff see any obvious error?
<FireFox317> Ah my bad, i see
<gonz_> Is there a cleaner way to do this currently?
<gonz_> This seems to work fine
<gonz_> And then you just set the fields you need to set after, emulating typical C behavior
<kristoff_it> written this way I think you would not respect alignment for certain types. If you do it the other way around (first create a var x: T = undefined) and then you zero it by casting x to bytes, then you should be fine.
<kristoff_it> uhmm I'm trying it myself and I seem to be wrong, I don't get any error even when trying with weird types
<gonz_> Considering that, though, you mean something like this?
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<fengb> I think it memcopies the 0s into the resulting location, so alignment will eventually be respected
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<kristoff_it> gonz_: something similar yes, I think mem.toBytes creates another copy, while I meant to write directly to `value` (using your variable names), so you would need to `@memSet(@ptrCast([*]u8, &value), 0, @sizeOf(T))`
<kristoff_it> and then you return `value`
<kristoff_it> anyway, your original code seems to work
<kristoff_it> btw I was able in the meantime to connect
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<mikdusan> Tetralux: does it makes sense to consider const vs. non-const in the loop construct? i'd love to be assured that there is a universal way to say "iterate and intend to modify elements"
<mikdusan> `for (list) |*e| {...}` ?
<Tetralux> You could require a non-const pointer to the struct, or struct value to remove stuff.
<Tetralux> But yeah
<Tetralux> Doing *e to mean "I am able to remove this" is nice for the purposes of easily changing it.
<mikdusan> along those lines... would that require 2 iterate functions? eg. `iterate()` and `iterateConst()`
<Tetralux> There's no difference in implementation of the iteration.
<Tetralux> So I'd hope not.
<Tetralux> It's literally just "am I allowed to remove or not?"
<Tetralux> The _way_ you remove an item remains the same.
<Tetralux> Personally, if you're faffing around with the data in the fields of a struct, you should know what you are doing.
<Tetralux> So you should probably be one of that struct's methods, or you should know what you're doing.
<Tetralux> Being able to remove an element can be prevented by using *const T, but I'm not sure how useful that is really.
<Tetralux> Certainly, being able to iterate by pointer could be a comptime parameter to iterate.
<Tetralux> And that's how it'd give you a pointer to the item.
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<Tetralux> Also, you can infer whether you want to be able to remove or not - you're using `remove x` :p
<mikdusan> currently in the realm of fn arguments the compiler decides value/reference when const... for perf reasons
<mikdusan> and when non-const you signal intent with `*`
<mikdusan> i *think* if similar optimization is desired, then 1 iterate() fn would not suffice
<Tetralux> Zig would know statically if you wanted to possibly remove, whether you wanted to do it keeping order or not, etc.
<Tetralux> The express point of the mechanism is that it is _no_ slower than just writing the code in iterate to begin with.
<Tetralux> It would know btw, because you'd be using the remove keywords.
<Tetralux> If you never did - it would know it could do the equivalent of using .iteratorConst in my PR.