andrewrk, regarding the benchmark, after looking at the other language examples, this wasn't an attack on Zig.
They are just bad benchmarks in general
Bad code too
Their C code is even *worse*
I was about to comment that I doubted the other implementations were that bad when I decided to check first. This is honestly just... really, really stupid.
I guess I'll have to wait for the benchmarks game instead
yeah, *windows* is the nightmare os. don't get me started.
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I could point to windows API that is better than POSIX API and POSIX API that is better than Windows API
neither one is strictly worse
emekankurumeh[m], thanks to midipix I found some very useful information regarding windows
this is guaranteed to succeed, and it contains a lot of information, such as: * stdin, stdout, stderr handles * cwd handle * cwd path name * the command line * the executable's own path
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^ cool project! Though he didn't even need to write his own dhcp client. Linux has one builtin with the kernel parameter "ip=dhcp"
i have to start a "kernel" project with zig... :D
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i'm a bit confused how to allocate a struct on the heap because all the allocation functions seem to take arrays
and it seems i have to init an allocator in any case instead of using some global function?
in any case, i just made the global, static struct var instead of const and i can use a cast
but now the compiler tells me i should use -fPIC even though i do, is there a wrong way to do it?
i put it right after build-lib
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I think you can allocate a struct on the heap with allocator.create
That returns a single struct
Snektron: the function is defined on Allocator and not in std.mem, is it still okay to use it?
You do have to init an allocator in any case, but you can use malloc and free by linking with libc and using std.heap.c_allocator
is std.heap.c_allocator inited?
create is a member function of the std.mem.Allocator struct, but thats an interface
Usually you init one in std.heap (for example DirectAllocator) and then its `allocator` is the actual allocator
what i meant is, to me it seemed like you are supposed to use the std.mem functions and pass them an allocator
c_allocator is initialized
and the function will use the allocator as necessary
so calling stuff on an allocator yourself might be wrong
Its just a member function of the allocator
std.mem.Allocator is an interface in effect
Theres also a global direct allocator, its std.heap.direct_allocator
i get that, i just wasn't sure if you're "allowed" to use the allocator directly instead of through the std.mem functions
but i'll try create with the c_allocator, thanks
maybe that will help with my fpic error after all
The allocator contains the std.mem functions
Say you have a direct allocator
(in the variable `direct`)
You call direct.allocator.create(i32) to allocate an int
You can use reallocFn but thats annoying
So std.mem.Allocator exists to wrap that and provide a more useful interface
So whats confusing is that both DirectAllocator and DirectAllocator.allocator are referred to as an allocator
Even though they dont have the same interface
i just thought the intended use of the api is e.g. std.mem.alloc(allocator, size) and allocator is just visible so you can implement it yourself
riba: i don't think std.mem.alloc exists
there is std.mem.Allocator.alloc(allocator, T, size)
but now i guess i get the std.mem functions are "helpers"
yeah, most of the stuff in std.mem is helpers or non-allocator functions
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what makes a function 'inlinable'?
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It can't refer to a global object, if I recall correctly
muffindrake: that would be a pure function
The C standard says "An inine definition of a function with external linkage shall not contain a definition of a modifiable object with static or thread storage ration, and shall not contain a reference to an identifier with internal linkage."
How far that applies to Zig, I'm not sure
Uh, I should reread my messages with this keyboard :(
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Has anyone written a wrapper for libcurl for zig, or is there a comparable library already?
That's not really a wrapper, and I'm familiar enough with libcurl to write that myself, but thanks anyway.
alloc(..) catch unreachable;
also, no dealloc? :D
Indeed, as it is, the function is just leaking memory
the libcurl routine for cleanup is called at the end, but other allocations are unfazed
I guess allocator.create not being followed by defer is a redflag :p
I'd have said something similar. I did write some C wrapping code in D, and there you would use the equivalent of defer. It's strange that they called it 'scope (exit)', though.
muffindrake: it was some of my first zig. i do need to clean up those leaks :O
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companion_cube: unless the dealloc happens somewhere else?
authbuf goes out of scope before any reference to it is passed anywhere it could be deallocated. It's only passed to bufPrint.
* donpdonp
nods in agreement
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donpdonp: at least a errdefer
I'm still confused when you want to use defer, and where errdefer
if you return the value, use errdefer; if it's purely local, defer
So deallocation of local buffers strictly uses defer then
I see.
if the buffer shouldn't survive after the function returns, yep
it's not called "tuples", but they look very similar
.{a, b, c} is syntax sugar for .{._0 = a, ._1 = b, ._2 = c}
that kind of looks like a tuple ;)
yeah they are very similar, but we're able to piggy-back off of structs so we don't need to invent new semantics for tuples
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the field members in a structs type info are in the order they are declared in.
tgshultz: thanks, where is that documented?
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I'm not sure it is, actually.
but but serialize/deserialize relies on it
actually it is documented: For structs, unions, enums, and error sets, the fields are guaranteed to be in the same order as declared. For declarations, the order is unspecified.
it's at the bottom of the @typeInfo section
ah perfect
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Still doesn't answer my question though.
Is the only way to make a 'templated' function by putting it in a struct which you create by calling a function with some comptime parameter(s)?
Barabas: The current way of doing that is by having a 'var' as a function parameter i think
Hmm... I see
I made a struct in the meantime, so I guess I'll go with that (at least for now)
But I think it should be possible to have something like `stream: *io.BufferedInStream(anytype)` as a function parameter. There is probably an open issue for this
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Barabas, doesn't seem to have been mentioned yet, but you can take `stream: var`: `fn readDocument(stream: var) @typeOf(stream).Error!void { ... }`.
firefox317 mentioned that. It's an option, but also not very nice imho as it doesn't tell you anything of what you should put in there.
i'm struggling to allocate memory the size of a struct and then copying a struct into there
do i need to cast the pointer to a u8 pointer? can that really be the right thing?
Barabas no disgreement here. There are several open issues in regards to this.
alternatively, what is the reason the compiler might tell me to use -fPIC if i already use it
when trying to use a global var instead of trying to make something on the heap and copying the const struct in there
...\lib\zig\std\io.zig:188:52: error: function with inferred error set must return at least one possible error...\lib\zig\std\io.zig:184:45: error: expected type 'fn(*std.io.in_stream.InStream(std.io.Error), []u8) std.io.Error!usize', found 'fn(*std.io.in_stream.InStream(std.io.Error), []u8)
mikdusan: i used create, now i have empty memory the size of T, correct?
now i already have a struct i wanna memcpy in there, or i can also make a new one i don't care
how do i do it
@memcpy expects [*]u8 and not my struct pointer
so `p.* = what_i_want_copied;`
seems like the doc could put `stuff` in a `<pre>`β¦
mikdusan: it seems i need to unlearn some of my patterns
okay, that didn't help unfortunately
Barabas: ugh, yeah sorry, that's and error set inference problem, another big issue with status quo io streams. If you don't care about the errorset, you could use `anyerror!void` as your return type and that should shut it up
lld: error: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 cannot be used against symbol xoob_info; recompile with -fPIC
but i do compile it with -fPIC
am i putting it in the wrong place?
tgschultz, thanks. It actually already goes wrong when I do this
var stream = io.SliceInStream.init("test"); var bufferedStream = io.BufferedInStream(io.SliceInStream.Error).init(&stream.stream);
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i actually get the same thing 6 times for some reason
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Oh I see, because SliceInStream doesn't actually have any errors?
possibly. inferring empty errorset is yet another open issue
cool =D
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hello :)
riba: which platform?
Been playing with zig a bit at the suggestion of daurnimator
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the idea is that the empty errorset should be distinct from no errorset, but it isn't currently handled correctly.
I see.
mikdusan: i didn't specify one so i think it's using mine? x86_64 sounds correct
which OS are you building things on
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mikdusan: fedora
is there a way to get the type of a struct member, having only the struct type?
riba: if you have a reduction or repo i can try to duplication
guess I could crrate a variable and return @typeOf from a comptime block, but that seems cumbersome
(create an instance in a variable i mean)
s-ol: `const FieldType = std.meta.fieldInfo("field_name").field_type;` I think
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so the "accept" function in the standard library is assuming that a pointer to sockaddr is the same size as sockaddr
but that's not how the accept function works
the size of sockaddr will depend on the protocol you are using, which is determined at runtime
the only requirement is that it fits at least 16 bits to store the address family value
Snektron: isnt @field for fiel access on an instance?
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s-ol, yes, did you want access to a static struct?
static field
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Snektron: i wanted to access a nested type from an imported C struct, without actually having a value of that struct type
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i think tgschultz got it. should that maybe be itd own @-intrinsic?
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its* (sorry, that was all phone-typing until here)
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the trend has been to move @ functions for type inspection into userland code. there are a few notable exceptions: @hasField, @hasDecl, @typeName, possibly a few others.
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huh, just looked through the IRC logs for something entirely unrelated and here I go discovering hoppetosse and keith52 talking about Dear ImGui (and cimgui)
that is exactly what I was just meaning to post: as my example thingy I've been porting the glfw-opengl3 example implementation, just got it working today
mikdusan: thanks for finding this out. i put it there because i originally wanted to pass it directly to the C code, which now i'm not
at least it compiles now, let's see if it works as intended
marler8997: if sockaddr is the same size as sockaddr_storage, it should be sufficient for all supported AFs
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awesome, it works
thanks a lot :D
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now let's see if i can make it do anything usefil except getting loaded too
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argh, my std.fs improvement branch is stalled because I have code that works on windows and wine 32 bit but not wine 64 bit
andrewrk finding bugs in wine now? not only llvm and QEMU... :D
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does it work on win64
yes it works on native windows 64 bit
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Is there some way to deal with utf8 input streams?
What do you mean by deal with?
The long answer is, we'll need a library to do UTF correctly, but the short answer is you might not need it
I just want a PeekInStream for utf8 really, c++ wchar32_t-style
but if theres nothing yet, i'll just adapt what i have now and make a custom one
i'm not even sure if wchar-style is the right approach here
i guess i might as well, that probably helps avoiding problems related to dealing with unicode input
To do things right, you should be peeking by code point (?)
I always get confused at the terminology >_>
Seems like I meant grapheme
yes, thats what i do
but i realized i need more lookahead
So it would be nice if i could have used std.io.PeekInStream but with another type
but i guess i need something thats more like an iterator here anyway
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I created https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47979 but now I have to figure out how to work around it, or give up the ability to test cross compiled windows std lib tests
andrewrk: is it intended for tests to not output anything with the std.progress integration?
lunamn, yes; they will output something if it takes a long time or something is unsuccessful
the bigger test suite itself needs some improvement /integration with this since it can output nothing for a long time
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andrewrk: is a bad try included in "something is unsuccessful"
plumm, what are you observing? this progress thing is very new. if it turns out to be nice, it stays. if it's problematic, it gets modified or removed
also, aren't `namespaces` not really a thing anymore? it's just a struct? :)
yes this is just a helpful organization thing the generated docs are doing. a struct with no fields is put in the "namespaces" section
likewise a function which is only called at comptime and always returns a type is put in the Types section even though it's a function
there's still lots to do but even still the docs are more sophisticated than you might realize :)